
Office temperature

What do you do when the office manger keeps blasting the heat even though it’s hot in the office. I’ve been vocal because idgaf attitude. We have fans everywhere, extensions cords, and it’s always hot. I throw up and gag.


I’m being paid less than stated

So I recently started a new job in October. This week I got my first pay check and noticed that my pay rate was $12. When I was hired the email from HR stated that I would be starting at $15. I emailed HR and stated this and they said that it was an error on that email and it should have been discussed during my interview. Am I entitled to that $15 or is that email not valid?


My superior has requested that I do clinical work in Spanish.

I do not speak Spanish. This is in Washington State. I have never been trained on these materials and there are neurological status inferences that will be made through this work. What legal issues are there with employers requesting that you do work in languages you don’t speak? What about for those that are clinical?


Milk and Honey Cafe is the worst place to work

Bitches and Hoes and the boss who is really old flirts with one of the young subordinate baristas. He plays favorites with certain girls. Only bitches who gossip work here


What would you do if the job you got hired for had nothing to do with the description?

I can do my new job according to the description but the actual job has nothing to do with the description and they left out extremely important information during the interview process (travel…. And I get bad travel anxiety) What would you do?


Where’s the door?

I currently work in cellular retail sales for a management company under a large corporate brand. There have been a large number of red flags of late. We started as a new crew under a manager brought in after the last whole set of workers got bounced for fraud/theft. We are in an isolated location from the rest of our district and in the last month the District Manager has quit and been replaced; then they forcibly moved our store manager across the state. I should note that I started the first of September and the other two people after that. We have at this point barely been trained on store/company specifics and have still been digging out issues from the last crew. We lost one of the other workers due to the assistant district manager advising we could only ever have two days off a week even if we…


New Job has this in their fridge

Just started a new job a couple weeks ago and discovered this in the break room fridge. Everyone I’ve asked thinks it’s a joke but idk, it rubs me the wrong way


Ex-boss went through my friends office after he quit

My best friend quit his job last week because of his toxic boss. Before he did he made a pros and cons list about the job, ripped it up, and hid it in the trash bin. He went out to lunch and never returned. An old co-worker called him yesterday to say the boss got everyone together and read the taped-together list that he wrote to the rest of the staff. She's apparently in shambles about him leaving. What causes people to act like this?


Trump’s authoritarian plan, should he win


Tenp service holding me back?

I am working at a factor under a temp service. I did a application to see if they would take me sooner but, it would break contract with the temp service for them to take me on sooner than the 90 days. Would it be worth it to leave the temp service and call the factory back, or would it backfire by making them look bad? I'm sick of this leech temp service but, I need to keep making money! Ug…