
do you play office politics? why?

same as above


Finally quitting shit job. How bad would it be to call in sick on the last day?

Long story, but the main reason I want to skip it is because of a potentially dangerous stalker situation. Creepy 50yo man with anger issues who has called me from multiple numbers sounds like he’s planning something (?) and I don’t want to find out what it is. My boss is his friend, so I’m afraid to report him. And he’s never explicitly threatened me, so I worry that reporting would accomplish nothing other than pissing him off. I rarely call in. I gave 2 week’s notice. Would this still leave them with a really bad impression of me? (I still feel guilty leaving everyone with more work, but they’re gonna be swamped with or without me. Our company is too cheap to hire new workers, or to give full time to my coworker who’s wanted it for a year now.)


Didn’t get the job

I thought I would, even was referred by a co worker. I did well in the second interview. Gave myself a 95, third interview recently where I was not the right candidate. This one stings a bit I don't know why it feels different. It would have been a doubling off my current pay. We needed that as well …. Idk what to think. Was walking to get a pint and seen the life helicopter landing at the hospital. I know at least my day is going better than who ever was in that helicopter. Trying to find a positive, don't give up attitude…. Pfft who knows


My multi billion dollar employer doesn’t really have HR

I work for a nationwide retailer. So far, it has not been bad. I actually enjoy the work. Some issues with my insurance came up. Basically, I don't have any and I want it. I fulfilled my end to qualify for it, yet I still don't have it. I inquired about it several times before the qualification period and afterwards. No one gave me an answer. I kept pushing. I enrolled for next year's insurance no problem, but that doesn't help me this year. Then I finally bugged people enough to get an answer. One person said I couldn't qualify, since I did 2024's enrollment. That didn't make much sense, so I called the company's HR number. I spent 40 minutes explaining to a non native speaker I wanted insurance this year. They kept going on about insurance next year. It was obvious they were reading a script and had…


Position eliminated and offered commission only role – what should I do?

For context, my employer eliminated my role which pays a base salary plus commission. They are now offering a position solely in sales and pays solely commission, which won’t pay nearly what I was making before. They’re asking me to accept the new position, which I don’t want for obvious reasons. If I decline, I’m afraid they will challenge my unemployment claim despite eliminating my role and stable income. What should I do? California employer and employee.


do you get involved into politics?

same as above


pros and cons of telling ur manager if you think you are not fairly compensated?



the use of a career coach – did you ever pay for such service and would u justify the cost?


No yearly bonus during unpaid suspension?

15 days ago I was suspended by my job. But the yearly bonus is coming up in a few days. Tho I've been told by someone I should have it already. Is it legal for them to denie my bonus while I'm under unpaid suspension?


im so fucking tired of cleaning peoples shit up.

I clean at a car dealership they given me credit for my work. but they are complete fucking arrogant douchebags, they've commented on me getting shocked in a sly manner. makes constant hidden remarks about me whenever I am in the building. I fucking hate these people its every car dealership I've been at. they miss the trash can so I have to bend down and pick it up they make a mess everywhere they go to then complain about the cleaning. I started complaining back and they stopped. im fucking fed up with people making 3X what I am making and at the same time disrespects me. they even wrote notes on applications from sales assistants and their looks. “BABY FACE” “SAME AS THIS PERSON” they have shitty reviews but still keep their job. I on the other is threaten to get fired if I miss a spot I…