
To switch jobs and take a pay cut? In this economy??

Looking to vent I guess but also advice/learning about others experiences would be great. I have a very mentally and physically demanding job making 66.7k/year (that’s before taxes/etc.). In my field, I never thought I’d even make this much. Pre-Covid, this was a dream salary. Anyway, I’ve been working this job for 7 years or so and it has some perks, but things are changing. They want me to relocate to a higher COL area, but because it’s a federal job and they’re on a different pay scale, I would actually make less after the move. This area ranks high on most expensive rent in the country. They would not adjust my base pay to compensate bc government. I currently own (or the bank owns) my home that I bought pre-Covid with a 3% interest rate. I couldn’t afford to rent or buy at the new location, and it seems…


Didn’t get a job interview because of a technicality.

I'm feeling shitty right now, and just need to vent. The announcement said that it was a museum assistant position. I was so excited and relieved to find this job, because the hours were great, the work was right up my alley, and I'd hoped to transition to my career that I went to school for, so I can finally get out of my shit kitchen job and be a professional. I have a bachelor's in art history, and a masters in library science, so I was confident I'd at least get an interview. But nope, I was almost immediately rejected because I didn't have specifically an art or history or museum master's degree. That was literally the only reason I wasn't considered. In addition to kitchen jobs, I have been working part-time and volunteering at museums for the last six years. But I guess experience means zilch, and I'm…


I just got written up for the first time in my life

Long story short, I work in a lab where we have designated times that stuff comes in. I process it and then it goes to the next person the next day. I was told when I started that if I was finished with the last set for the day, I could go home early. A new super started the same week that I did.(in Feb) Now it's all of a sudden a problem that I'm leaving early and not getting 70 hours every two weeks. Malicious compliance is about to start and I will be there for every hour I'm scheduled. Even if I'm just on my phone doing nothing. Have fun paying me to be on the clock doing nothing.


My boss told me I reek of pot….i don’t smoke weed…

The other day my boss told me for the past couple of days I reek of weed. I told her I don’t smoke and she kept pressuring me that she has no problem with me smoking but I just can’t come into work smelling of it..I kept assuring her I don’t smoke and she didn’t believe me. I don’t know what to do? My sister smokes but she doesn’t live with me….I was so embarrassed I washed all my clothes as soon as I got home. I found out a coworker last week told her I smell of weed so now I don’t know if she confronted me because of the coworker or if she really did smell it on me…. But tbh I don’t smell anything on me…. I’m just so annoyed and now I’m overly conscious because I don’t know what my own body smells like. I’m also…


Offered job (advice sought):

Just got offered a job: Hey all, so I’m Jewish; I am currently offered a role to be an assistant manager for a few stores relating to storage. The hours are Monday – Saturday. Had the interview, didn’t tell them I would need Saturday off and to leave an hour early on Friday, they just said, “We need you available for any 5-days out of the week”, and I affirmed it wouldn’t be an issue. I plan to write them in an email once I receive a job offer in my email with drug testing info + background check. When should I tell them I need Shabbat off (& that I can work Monday-Friday)? I will make sure to get it all in writing so they do not get to do something slick to rescind it. When should I tell them and how should I go about it?


Offered job (advice sought):

Just got offered a job: Hey all, so I’m Jewish; I am currently offered a role to be an assistant manager for a few stores relating to storage. The hours are Monday – Saturday. Had the interview, didn’t tell them I would need Saturday off and to leave an hour early on Friday, they just said, “We need you available for any 5-days out of the week”, and I affirmed it wouldn’t be an issue. I plan to write them in an email once I receive a job offer in my email with drug testing info + background check. When should I tell them I need Shabbat off (& that I can work Monday-Friday)? I will make sure to get it all in writing so they do not get to do something slick to rescind it. When should I tell them and how should I go about it?


Long term health impacts of work

Have been working for 30 years and most roles the last ten years seem to have been very stressful. My current role, I have trouble sleeping and feel sick before I go to work almost every day. My feeling is this can’t be good for my longer term health especially since middle aged spread is setting in and seems hard to shift … wondering what others thoughts are


Long term health impacts of work

Have been working for 30 years and most roles the last ten years seem to have been very stressful. My current role, I have trouble sleeping and feel sick before I go to work almost every day. My feeling is this can’t be good for my longer term health especially since middle aged spread is setting in and seems hard to shift … wondering what others thoughts are



We got our thank you for your hard work this year pizza party!! Yay!! I feel so appreciated.



We got our thank you for your hard work this year pizza party!! Yay!! I feel so appreciated.