
“Can’t afford to promote you, but we’ll just hire someone new”

Hahaha gotta love corporate America logic. Awhile back, I reached out to talk about my growth path and a promotion. I’m performing the job of 3 people. One of those functions is actually a position that’s higher ranked and higher paid, across the board. So essentially, it wasn’t even a promotion I was asking for, if you really wanna get technical. I was just asking to be compensated fairly at this point. Of course, I get the whole “sorry, but we can’t afford to promote you.” Fine. That’s all I needed to hear to give myself the confirmation that I should start looking elsewhere and going out on interviews. Today, I get pulled aside and get a little “talking to”. Apparently me being disgruntled is starting to show. And then, the boss proceeds to tell me “if you don’t want to perform this job function, then I’ll just go hire…


“Can’t afford to promote you, but we’ll just hire someone new”

Hahaha gotta love corporate America logic. Awhile back, I reached out to talk about my growth path and a promotion. I’m performing the job of 3 people. One of those functions is actually a position that’s higher ranked and higher paid, across the board. So essentially, it wasn’t even a promotion I was asking for, if you really wanna get technical. I was just asking to be compensated fairly at this point. Of course, I get the whole “sorry, but we can’t afford to promote you.” Fine. That’s all I needed to hear to give myself the confirmation that I should start looking elsewhere and going out on interviews. Today, I get pulled aside and get a little “talking to”. Apparently me being disgruntled is starting to show. And then, the boss proceeds to tell me “if you don’t want to perform this job function, then I’ll just go hire…


I believe you all have one major blind spot

I like this sub, generally. Fighting for higher wages and human rights in late stage capitalism is a good cause. However, I see a major blind spot in the majority of the comments on how salaries for the ceo/founder should be equal to the amount of work done, which can only be 1.5x the average employee at best. I'm a founder of a SAAS business myself, I have spent the last 3 years slowly building this business myself in my free time outside of work. I launched a year ago, tested the market, sent countless emails and realized that I had to pivot my product for it to sell. I just finished building the second version, and I'm finally getting some traction. There was no guarantee this would work, and it was very difficult to build while working a full time job. Eventually, I'll hire some engineers who will have…


I believe you all have one major blind spot

I like this sub, generally. Fighting for higher wages and human rights in late stage capitalism is a good cause. However, I see a major blind spot in the majority of the comments on how salaries for the ceo/founder should be equal to the amount of work done, which can only be 1.5x the average employee at best. I'm a founder of a SAAS business myself, I have spent the last 3 years slowly building this business myself in my free time outside of work. I launched a year ago, tested the market, sent countless emails and realized that I had to pivot my product for it to sell. I just finished building the second version, and I'm finally getting some traction. There was no guarantee this would work, and it was very difficult to build while working a full time job. Eventually, I'll hire some engineers who will have…


Business lobby attacks as New York nears a noncompete ban, rare in the US


Business lobby attacks as New York nears a noncompete ban, rare in the US


Business lobby attacks as New York nears a noncompete ban, rare in the US


Hello! I am working on a project about this community for a college class and need someone to interview.

Preferably it would be someone that has been an active member of this community for a long time and uses it or has used it to speak out about their experiences with workplace abuse. If you are interested, please leave a comment below or shoot me a DM. Thanks.


Is everyone else having trouble finding employment?

for some background, i quit my last job on January 1st of this year and I've been trying to find remote work or work i can do sitting down cause my chronic pain is really bad, but I haven't been able to find employment this entire year and rn I'm pretty destitute and I'm wondering if anyone else is in the same boat?


What’s the process of firing a store manager?

I think my store manager is getting fired.. Two assistant managers and one long-term associate quit within three months of each other. They all had exit interviews reporting a bunch of stuff that our store manager was/is doing. Things like time theft, wage theft, breaking policies, bullying associates, being high while at work… etc. When she got reported the first time, nothing happened. When she got reported the second time, nothing really happened other than our district manager and HR giving her a talking to. The third time when a beloved long term associate quit, a few days after the report she went on an emergency weeklong leave. That weeklong leave was supposed to end last week, but right as her leave was up she supposedly got Covid and took another leave. That leave was planned to end tomorrow. But I just got notice today that her leave has been…