
Manager critiqued me infront of everyone

During training we all had to one-by-one collect our slips from the manager before we could leave, when he called my name I was walking up to him but someone was walking across me, so I waited for them to pass before walking up to the manager, I wasn’t walking fast or slow but just at my normal walking pace, There were about 10/11 people waiting there as well, He absolutely embarrassed me infront of everyone – critiquing me so everyone could hear and telling me I have to walk faster, that I’m walking like I’m at a library, and if I wanted to work for them I had to keep up the pace, and that it’s important for me to smile (which i’m not sure why this was brought up considering he was just talking about my pace), he mentioned how as a waitress I have to keep the…


Lost all trust in the company I work for

So, I've been going at this for the last month with my company. My manager asked me to help my coworker out by taking one of his shifts in exchange for an alternative day off the week prior. I decided to help my coworker out and agreed to the one-time shift change. So, on week one, I had worked 30 hours, and the next week I was going to work 50 hours and it would even out to 80 hours. Anyways, on the 2nd week (50 hours week), I had put in some PTO time for one of the days (which my manager approved) and this is where I'm getting fucked over. About a month later, when all the time-sheets were submitted, Payroll denied my PTO and is refusing to pay me. They're saying because I had already worked 40-hours in week 2, then I'm not entitled to more hours…


[USA] Why is my (Connecticut-based) company, with no offices or operations in Texas, offering healthcare plans only through BCBS of Texas?

Question says it all. We are a Connecticut-based company with ~200 employees locally and another few hundred in offices around the world, but no other locations in the USA, and certainly none in Texas. So… why?


Every company is now ‘one of the best companies to work for’

I’ve now worked at two consecutive firms that sign up for the ‘best place to work’ surveys run by companies set up just to give out these awards. These firms would broadcast to all employees that the survey was coming out, and would ‘encourage’ us to tell the world what a great place it is to work. Also there’d be a free lunch. The survey company would invariably award us a ‘best place to work’ or ‘one of the best…’. It’s an interesting strategy, because many people want to feel validated that they work for a great firm, in spite of any problems and whether it is true or not. One firm, it was definitely not.


Swedish union striking against Tesla: ”Our strike fund can support our members for 500 years” – increases compensation for striking union members to 130%


Fired due to nepotism.

TLDR: At the top because I suck at writing. Was swapped teams so Zim could get her husband hired as a manager. Was then laid off for being “new” on the new team. ​ I was part of team A. A month ago, while on team A I was told someone with experience and internal knowledge was needed on team B and I was chosen. I was not thrilled and had a lot of concerns. Here is the list of concerns in my notes. New manager May push returning to office Lack of experienced team members New workflows, tech, etc. Does not feel as secure as team A I was assured team B was important and safe due to having many new customers. After all this my last day on team A was scheduled a week out. Only on the first day on team B do I realize what all…


Differential Treatment

So I have been working with a larger corporation for about 1 year. Initially the position was hybrid, but about 3 months ago we were all told by upper management we have to been in the office everyday. Over the last few months I had noticed that some of my coworkers were not coming in everyday so I asked them what the deal was. They responded saying “the manager took us (him and another co-worker who are also black) into his office and with no explanation said we can continue our hybrid schedule”. Why are co workers of a different race given differential treatment? I feel like I'm not being treated fairly because I'm not black. Is there anything I can do to remedy the situation?


What’s the strat? Holiday Pay & Quitting

I've just accepted a job offer and will begin my new employment Dec 4th. Before I start, I desperately need some down time to recover and resituate myself. My current place of employment has worked my team and I to the bone for nearly a year, and the future doesn't look much better, hence why I'm leaving. We get paid holiday leave for Thanksgiving next Thursday and Friday. I have not notified anyone at work because I do not want to get axed without getting the holiday pay. I'm under the assumption that if I do not work the day before and after, I forfeit my holiday pay. My boss has asked us to be available to work OT the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Would that even count as having fulfilled the obligation or would I still need to work my full, regularly scheduled Monday?


How did we get here? – My Thoughts – American job application/interview/reference/hiring system

Dear fellow Anti-Work Redditors, Welcome. I appreciate your interest in reading my post. I'm a 28 year old single male in S.E. USA and have applied to over 1000+ jobs in my lifetime, interviewed (virtual + in-person) with over 75 companies in my lifetime, and have had the pleasure and *misfortune* of dealing with the HR lady, HR managers, 3rd party recruiters, and all the inefficiencies, and I argue, inherently corrupt/manipulative designs on American work hiring practices. ​ As if inflation, cost of living, rampant division, and domestic affairs aren't tough enough these days, but as young professionals, we were LIED TO. Somewhere between freshmen and sophomore year of college, I showed up angry to the gym ready to blow off steam from the misery (back when I was like 20) of realizing college sucks. Despite my disdain for taking out debt to attend college, my cognitive dissonance at that…


Does anyone have experience with a workshare program?

Hey! Here’s my last post explaining the work situation my boyfriend is currently in – Surprise surprise, the shop shutdowns have kept happening. The owner has picked up on the fact that people are upset about not having a steady paycheck(duh), so he signed them up for an optional Oregon work share program: The majority of the employees signed up for this, and submitted their info for direct deposit etc. However, it’s been about a month, with several additional missed days, and nobody has been paid for them. One person claims he had a small amount deposited, but nobody else has seen a dime. As far as I can tell, the employer has full control over the use of this program and employees can’t even apply directly. They have asked him what the process/timeline is multiple times. Unfortunately the owner is putting responsibility on the staff, claiming he’s…