
Can work tell you to come in on the same day?

Hey there, so I tried getting into contact with my boss since Sunday about what my schedule is constantly. She finally got back to me today about coming in today, is that illegal? Will I get written up (and will it stand if I go to HR) since I'm not able to come in today and told them since I set up appointments and shit due to not expecting to come in today since it wasn't 24 hours notice?


AITA: PTO debacle

Long story short: My company works from 9am-2pm every Friday. We get off early cause idk but I like it. I am flying out Thursday night to see family and requested to WFH. That was denied so I was prompted to take pto. Whatever that’s fine. So I put in 5 hours for Friday, because that’s our work hours! My boss just told me to put in a whole 8 hours, says “that’s what everyone does when they take off on a Friday” mind you I have taken off on a Friday and I did not take 8 hours. AITA for saying I won’t be changing my PTO request?


Looking for a way out within the next 2 to 5 years, or if not, at least a way to transfer from full-time to part-time in order to work on my passions in life.

Hi, I'm looking for a way out of working full-time within the next 2 to 5 years. Before we begin, I probably need therapy, but in terms of trying to save up as much of a rainy day fund as possible so that I can spend less of my life working, I'm not 100% sure that therapy is the answer. Right now I am blessed to be living with my Dad, prior to that, I spent about 6 years apartment living, saving maybe $300ish per month. Now I'm generally saving about $3,000 per month. If I saved that much money for about 2 to 3 years, what should I do with it to put myself in a position to be able to work part-time? My thoughts right now are to buy a decent RV and do seasonal work, or find an area where I could by a tiny home and…


What if you just say you are sick and ghost your toxic employer?

Why quit or give them notice when they mocked you for entertainment and lied about you?


Investigated at work for editing my own forwarded email

I’m stuck in corporate hell. I’m being formally investigated at work for editing a forwarded email of mine. The edits were done to add clarity and context and remove some awkward wording and some private information. It was not clear the edits had been made. The email was an explanation to a friend about a problem going on at work with my boss, that I sent on to her boss. I didn’t change anything to hide anything. I didn’t realize this would be considered unethical. The investigator worked with IT to get the original and highlighted all the differences in the two emails. I guess it’s implied when you’re forwarding that it’s verbatim and not changed? In addition I’m being investigated for stuff my boss made up. Hilariously she said I refused to do edits when I have in writing me saying “I’ll redo the reports however you want as…


Email today about pitching in for CEO and president Christmas present

Hi all, My work is incredibly toxic but I've kept my mouth shut for the most part even when our “reward” for hitting our goals was a party at the CEO's million dollar home… Today we got an email today asking us to all pitch in for a gift for both the president and CEO. It was sent to everyone and mentioned that if you don't want to participate to message the sender separately but entire team participation is preferred but if necessary, team leads please talk to your teams about participation. Every year, our bonus is an Amazon gift card and the first 5 years you get $30 gift card. Then after that you get $50…. I don't feel like in this economy that it is appropriate to ask for participation to do this especially when they just got a huge payout for being acquired and none of us…


Just found out my office was ranked #1 in the world in customer service for our company and guess what we got…

Absolutely fucking nothing


My boss wants me to have my work phone on me at all times – I don’t know how to address this.

The message reads: Hey team, it’s important that your work cell phones go back-and-forth with you to work in home when you leave for lunch, etc. It’s important to be able to be reached if the need arises this will be especially true once we implement work from home days. Any questions let me know . —————————— I don’t. I don’t carry it at work and it won’t leave my desk. I’m help desk in a school. I don’t travel. I’m not on call. My hours are what they are. And while my employee file says where I live, you’re not going to have the potential to pull up my location or anything. Nothing. And you certainly won’t reach me at lunch. My boss and coworkers have my personal number and all their notifications are purposely muted. How do I address this? How do I make sure I’m paid for…


Shout out to Dylan.

This happened awhile back but I finally decided to share. I used to be a low-level manager in a warehouse. We had an employee (Dylan) give notice on a Wednesday that this was his last week and he would be leaving as of Friday. As a manager I wasn't thrilled with the lack of heads up but hey… what can you do? The manager above me was furious and didn't understand how I *couldn't* convince Dylan to stay and give a full two weeks notice. He called Dylan in and gave him the spill. You know the one… The company needs you, we offer great opportunities to advance, you'll never get anywhere just trying to jump from one place to another… blah blah blah. After 20ish minutes Dylan finally caved and said he would continue to work out his full two weeks. My boss smugly rubbed in my face that…


Figured this would get a laugh