
4 years and counting

Its been nearly 4 years since I’ve been sent home to WFH for covid. No one ever followed up with me to assign new work. I’ve been WFH with zero responsibility since then. I clock in every mroning and then go about my day. I’ve made them aware of this several times but I keep falling through the cracks 🤷‍️ Wonder how long it will go on for.


Forced to grin and bear it

This past July I was fed up my former supervisor. The main issues were micro-managing, passive aggressiveness, etc. (The best way to describe him would be someone with OCPD). I had never been written up, disciplined, and I had been previously praised for my hard work. I challenged him in a meeting and eventually it led to him bringing issues up about me that he never addressed previously. (Things that happened over two years prior that were never documented and were never issues at the time) He attempted to drag me through the mud to get me fired. Our board of directors saw through this and I was reassigned to a new supervisor. Fast forward to today, things are going okay. However, my old supervisor jumps at every opportunity to get me in trouble. Most recently, I had told him I didn’t have a moment to talk and was in…


Just found out I’m being paid the same as a HS grad with zero experience

I have an M.Ed, 14 years experience in higher education and student services, and 8 years experience working in the proprietary software system our workplace works in. She is 20 years younger, no bachelor's degree, and no higher ed experience. She came from 3-4 years of working at a doctor's office. I have no idea what to do without losing my income and health insurance, but this is insulting and infuriating.



Accelerationism is the idea that we shouldn't try to fix coordination problems, like workers being unwilling to take on the risk of bootstrapping unions as individuals. Instead, we should allow them to fester and actually exacerbate them when a low risk opportunity to do so arises. This accelerates us to a place where the incentive landscape is so lopsided that taking on that risk as an individual is tolerable. Any victories short of mass compliance to a solution to a coordination problem only serve to slow progress to such a state. We are clearly unwilling to coordinate on labor reform, and things will only slowly degenerate to the point that we are all forced into action. Why aren't we cheering on and enabling toxic managers who are actually the ones moving us towards labor reform? At least they're doing something.


HR told me in secret we aren’t going to be getting paid our commission

HR and I are kind of close. Today she told me in secret she got in big trouble for doing payroll and paying employees our comissions yesterday for the 15th. I guess the owner had to take funds out of the trust bank account to cover payroll. She said next month she isn’t allowed to payout our commission, only our hourly but told me I can’t tell anyone. I told her that if I don’t receive my paycheck in full I will not come in until I receive my full amount. She looked at me shocked, said boss will probably fire me & told me not to do that. They can suck it


It ain’t all that bad sometimes.


I wanna get fired sooo baaaad rn

You can look at my posts from here on my page I’ve been in this stupid job for a month next week. Told me it was an office assistant and now I’m doing full on property management. The saga continues. The backhanded comments I get from the popcorn fart lady that works 4 ft away from me sucks peen. I asked her about something today when I’m putting in quickbooks info and she’s like “what do YOU think it is” idfk maybe that’s why I’m asking you. And I would understand why she’d say that if the question I was asking was something I work on every day but it’s not. Also she makes comments about EVERY SINGLE TENANT. Their appearance, we see their bank info so she’ll comment on their financial status and make fun of them, calls people idiots on a regular basis, makes fun of their cleanliness/living…


Boss wants me to drive 2 hours for a meeting.

I kind of need a different perspective on this situation. So I’m the assistant manager in a store, and today my boss called and told me to make a note in my schedule for a meeting. That’s no big deal we have zoom meetings all the time. This time she wants me to drive to a different store where this all day meeting is being held. The problem is the store is 2 hours away from my house with traffic and I’ve never had to commute for this job and it was never in the job description . Here’s the issue, I don’t want to do that drive when I’m not getting paid mileage or I can’t be on the clock. I don’t know if I’m being unreasonable, everyone else that is attending the meeting are higher ups that get paid more or are employees that do get mileage pay.…


At my old job, nobody took their rest breaks.

I (18M) was an electrician apprentice (or trainee) from March-September of this year at a non-union company. Everyone seemed nice enough, and my coworkers were easily to get along with. But they always stared at me like I was an alien whenever I took my rest breaks (which in the state I was working in, Washington, and the state I live in, Oregon- rest breaks are legal and cannot be waived or combined with lunch, but we’ll get to that in the next paragraph) When I was first hired and asked about how many breaks I would have during my shift, they told me this: “Oh, we don’t take rest breaks. We just combine breaks and lunch to make a longer lunch to make it more convenient for everyone,” I was the only person that takes rest breaks (except for a journeyman- let’s call him Patrick), but he clocked out…


I am surrounded by a team of insomniacs and caffeine addicts. Am I weak for wanting at least 8 hrs of sleep? My work requires 12 hrs of night shift and then be back in less than 8 hrs on one particular day.

Just as the title says, I am working in pharmaceutical production with long hours and rotating shifts. I don't understand how we're expected to save other people's lives by compromising our health. Everyone in my team has baggy eyes and drinks 3 cups of coffee a day including my manager. Tired workers are a risk as it is a safety sensitive position. That's how mistakes are made. I can easily commit to these conditions but I choose to be caffeine free, so I can sleep easier. I don't understand this generation. Bragging about little sleep is nothing to be proud of. On a bad day, I get about 6 hrs of sleep. Am I weak for wanting enough rest, so I can work well?