
Just got fired from my job after being lied to about the duration of the position

So I got hired by a remote call center company that deals with health benefits such as medical, dental, etc – and they hired me and a group of others for annual enrollment. The whole time during training and whatnot a few of us voiced our concerns of “Hey, this isn't going to end with all of us getting laid off after annual enrollment, is it?” to which we were constantly told “Oh no, this is a permanent position, you're not going to be laid off after annual enrollment.” And yet, now that annual enrollment is over, I got pulled into a meeting and told almost verbatim, “Now that annual enrollment is concluded, we need to let a handful of people go” and was told to fuck off basically. I don't know if there's really a point to posting this other than to vent, because I've never felt so conflicted…


Orientation pay working for for a sovereign tribe in the US


Question: Are there actually any good places to work, or are they all the same?

I'm 32f, been in the corporate world for 10 years in marketing and HR. I've worked 3 professional jobs since college, ranging from thousands of employees down to 30 employees. One thing remains the same – they all sucked. Whether it's being undervalued and disrespected by bosses/peers, overworked to the point of burn out, or just general poor leadership, I can't seem to find a job that's not…shitty in some big way. Here's my question – does it matter where I go, or is every single place the same? If I leave my current job, will I just find more bad behavior at the next? Trying to decide if I should find something new, or if I should just stay in the hell I'm acclimated to. Feeling doomed over here. Anywho, thanks for reading my existential crisis!


I think we can all agree that there needs to be livable wage but it won’t matter unless we do something about the greedflation and blatant wage suppression, theft; and price gauging too.

Having a livable wage is more key than ever before but unless there is something major and impactful done about greedflation and blatant wage suppression, theft; and price gauging then it won't matter because those things will effectively cancel out any progress a living wage would make.


How Companies Address Mental Health in the Workplace


can you quit your job while on short term disability in NJ?

long story short, had a baby 5 months ago in June so i got time off 6 weeks after the baby as well as an additional 12 weeks through family bonding in the state of NJ. my boss has ignored me. i work for a small company for 7 years now so i only have one other co worker who’s part time and works from home so i don’t see her or really even talk to her. I gave my boss a 30 day notice while i was 39 weeks pregnant that my dr will be putting me out on disability 4 weeks prior to my delivery to give him time to figure out what he was doing regarding my work and also let him know when i was 13 weeks that i was pregnant and my estimated due date. i sent my 30 day notice of my disability date…


Seeking advice: company with an honesty problem is pulling healthcare and gaslighting people about the new ICHRA plans…

To no one's surprise in my company (large landscaping company), leadership came out a few days ago and let folks know that they were dropping the awesome Premera health plan because the premiums were going up and they didn't want to cover them. Of course, they gaslight the employees, saying that they could get better coverage with this bullshit ICHRA (“Individual Coverage HRA”) and that it would cost them less. After a bit of research, it looks like both of those are well-documented lies designed to cover their ass for being cheap bastards. On top of that, last year the company raised prices/rates by a fair amount due to “inflation.” During the same time, they have also stopped giving out any COL raises, either (and of course, they certainly haven't lowered their prices as inflation got under control…). Many people are confused and HR is doing their best to obfuscate…


Thanks to low class bottom of the barrel evil jobs I have now realized that they are not worth it, not even the higher paying ones, and now I’m working towards freedom.


What have i done wrong? Please advise me!

For context been in the job three weeks coming up to 4. I have just had a progress meeting where I have been told i do not ask enough questions & i don't write enough notes down & that it is not good enough. Ok thanks for the help but i have had absolutely no work to do for the past 3 weeks. Even to practice on. I'm new so of course i will make mistakes but blaming me for not asking questions when i have no work to do / emails isn't right. I am being shown how to do things and being told information / shadowing but i am not able to put this into practice (obviously because i am new) But what do i do? I want to ask more questions but it won't benefit me right now as it is too complex. Its in insurance btw.ALSO…


Trial shift at a bakery smh

First & Last time I ever do a trial shift.. The owner was 4.5 hours late contacting me yesterday regarding if I got the job or not as I was supposed to get a call at 11am and instead i got a text at 3:30pm saying “Thanks a lot for your demonstration, although we decided to go ahead with another candidate”. Only reason I even did it was out of desperation because i’m down to my last 3 grand.. (i’ve put out 105 applications and this was pretty much the first company who contacted me and didn’t ghost me) Never again, what a fucking asshole.