
I feel like I shouldn’t complain considering the circumstances but…

I basically work a sedentary, dead-end office job that doesn’t offer any promotions/incentives and it eats at me everyday i’m forced to be here. I’m 21F and have been supporting myself since I was 19 and honestly this job drains me. Not to mention i’m in school full time and this job takes up the other half of my time since I work M-F. The pay and benefits is better than any other job i’ve had but damn it is so bleak and depressing thinking about how much longer I have to be here. My major is in healthcare and I feel like i’m wasting my time at this job doing nothing but looking at a computer screen all day. Not to mention the environment is very cliquey, the CEOs/presidents rarely acknowledge the people who are basically carrying this company on their back. Overall it’s a depressing environment and I…


Hello Reddit, I see almost daily on here advice to get labor lawyers involved for a wide variety of reasons (wrongful termination the most common). For those of you that have done this, how did it go? Did you get justice? What can others learn from your experience?


Poorer every year

U.S. citizen here. I got a promotion last year to a good mid-level job. No kids. I get decent raises every year. But, because of the consistent yearly rise in health insurance costs, inflation and cost of living, I get poorer every year. The longer I work, the less purchasing power I have year after year. What is even the point. The large companies take in more and more profit every year by squeezing every last drop out of the middle class. It’s becoming harder and harder to hold what you have, let alone get ahead at all. Part of me wonders if this is the beginning of the fall of the U.S. I feel like we are headed for darker times in this country thanks to the politicians and the company’s that own, yes, own them. I have not one ounce of trust or faith in any of our…


It would cost less than $30bil per year to take care of the 500k homeless people in the US, and the DOD budget is $1.8tril. What the fuck? Why are we so obsessed with punishing people who don’t or can’t work when it’s a drop in the bucket comparatively?


My partner has been job hunting for a year and I’m worried for his mental health.

TD;LR- I work blue collar and had no idea how horrible the market is, and my white collar partner is at his wits end and I’m so worried for his mental health. My partner (28M) has hated his job for a while and started casually looking for a new one last December, and seriously looking for new ones the last 8 months. Every single evening he spends time applying. He’s a Social media marketer for a non-profit, and has had the same low paying shitty assistant job since graduating from college at 25. (These are his words, not mine). For the past 6 of the months came up so dry with jobs in marketing. He doesn’t want to do non-profit anymore. He decided to switch gears and look into sales job, which he has a little bit of experience doing. I work blue collar (dog groomer) and landed my dream…


Quit $200,000 Job and Become a Barista – Thoughts?

A person close to me is seriously considering quitting their $200,000+/yr job and becoming a barista. Their current job requires them to make morally ambiguous decisions, and they're overwhelmed by the sheer volume of BS work (not real work) that is required. Is this, however, jumping from the frying pan into the fire? What is a barista's job like? They're around 40 years old and own their house. Any advice from those who know what being a barista entails would be greatly appreciated! This person is self-consciously aware that they might have a somewhat overly idealistic impression of what a barista does. I'm not entirely convinced that a barista's job would be an improvement in terms of stress. I worked as a store manager for a retail chain for 1.5 years, and it was horrible. But that was 20 years ago. We're currently in Toronto, Canada.


How do you get through the week?

This is a genuine question and I am looking for advice. I'm an English teacher working abroad, I've been doing this for over 2 years and I hate my job so much. I'm not in a position where I can change anything at the moment but truly every single day I am more and more disappointed by the company I work for. The only thing going for me is that it's the highest pay in the industry and again I can't just up and leave (for reasons I don't feel comfortable sharing). My question is how do you guys get through the day, week, month even? How do you keep working while completely miserable and being unable to change your situation?


I just can’t find it in me to care anymore…

I work as a property & casualty service rep and I’m burned completely out with everyone being bullies on the phone about their premiums increasing, among other things, but mostly premiums. I get it. Mine are going up too. It sucks. But it’s reality. I don’t know where people got the idea that insurance is exempt when it comes to rising costs. But it’s not. Insurance companies have to be able to pay for the increasing costs of material and labor. I don’t write the rules nor set the prices. I’m not responsible for the state of the economy. And I’m not your personal punching bag… It’s gotten to the point our agency is losing a lot of auto insurance because of the rate increases. My coworkers freak out every time someone threatens to leave and they’ll fight to keep them, even if they’re being nasty and hateful. Me? I’m…


Not sure if I may be getting asked to resign and looking for advice

Hey. So I took on this part time gig that had a really high hourly rate and was incredibly flexible/almost entirely remote (1x/week in person). Then they gave me a client really far away and after a few weeks of trying to do the commute I told them it wasn’t as flexible as they made it out to be and if I couldn’t make it work I’d have to get something else on the side. So they dropped my far away client and we decided that I’d cut back my hours and let them know if I end up getting something else and still want to get some hours on the side here. Anyways, since then they’ve been kinda distant and he texted me yesterday asking if we could talk about the plan. And I said we could talk on my way to or from my clients. He said let’s…


HR did not deduct insurance from paychecks. Now I have to pay over $3000

Hey everyone! I am making this post for one of my coworkers so I apologize if I do not have all the details or answers to your questions right away. I also apologize if this is not appropriate for this sub, please let me know if it is not and I will remove/ repost in the appropriate place. My coworker, Harry, is based in Texas and works remotely for our company in NYC as, essentially, a customer service rep. He recently confided in me that HR contacted him to let him know that for 3 months (August – October), HR did not deduct his medical and dental premiums from his check as they were supposed to. Harry was told that he had to pay the premiums for the months they missed in addition to the upcoming month's premium. This totals to a little over $3000 and HR would like to…