
Amazon Strike

Why doesn’t Amazon workers start a strike? If they did their paychecks would increase immensely if successful…why does no on try organizing one?


Quitting everything and starting over

I've always been the type of person to overachieve and push myself to the limit. I've recently been diagnosed with some health issues that all relate back to the stress I have in my life. The short of it is that I've found myself in a situation where I'll likely lose my job and my side hustle. My mental health in the last week has taken a massive nosedive. I'm barely eating, I can't peel myself off the couch. I've been numb, I've cried and I'm getting physically ill from the stress my situation has bestowed upon me. I'm at a point where something needs to change and it took seeing my test results for me to realize how detrimental this has all been. I want to quit my job, let my side hustle burn and take a couple months off to regroup. Has anyone done something similar after almost…


New Year Goals | Wednesday Motivation

The year's ending—how far with those ideas in your head? Starting a biz or pivoting industry? Now's the prep time.Begin now, don't let fear stop you.‍️ #Motivation #NewYearGoals #StartSmall #JustDoIt #crypto #ai #nft #Cardan


Cross post from /r/advice : quitting my job with very little notice…

I’ve been at my job for 5 years now. I work 90% remote, supporting a lab on the other side of the country. The lab I support has just 4 employees after 3 quit at the same time a few months ago, and ever since the small team has been really struggling. Management refuses to hire more people, insisting on seeing more money come in first. I’ve told them that we need more people to make more money, so we are stuck in a chicken-and-egg situation (manegment wants more money to hire more people, we need more people to make more money). This slow down means daily conversations with upset customers who are having their projects delayed, daily sob stories from customers begging to “squeeze their project in”, which means daily conversations between me and the team begging them to stay late / do more. Two of the four people…


Call centers are the worst

I have worked a couple of helpdesk L1 ie call center jobs. Along with food service and hospitality, by far, they are one of the worst sweatshop kinda jobs one could ever have. One thing I never understood is how am I supposed to take an incoming call if I am literally working on an end-user's workstation? Fuckers expect me to multitask like I am some freaking bot. Tf…


This took time to research, but seriously WTF


So I have a second interview with a job that offers a slightly higher salary, but after receiving the name of the company by the recruiter I immediately searched for reviews and I got horrible feedback, what can I do?? Should I stay with my lower income M-F job which is also kinda unstable?


No two weeks notice

You don't get two weeks notice when you get fired or terminated or laid off. They didnt give my pregnant coworker notice when they fired her. They told her she was on probation for 10 days then ignored her calls. HR had to tell her she was terminated, what a coward manager. The job I accepted I start Monday and it is a nearlly 20%wage increase with the commute only a mile from home. Won't get one day holiday pay but the money will make up for that day anyways. I'm just going to dick around, on the clock, and near the end if my say I quit, if you need it in writing let me know now but im gone. No drama. No F U. The real F U is getting more money and getting out. I'm resisting the urge to be dramatic and I am just loading up…


Yes, let’s ask the 5’3 woman who is the only one present in her department today to deadlift a 100+ pound crate stacked up to be a foot taller than her


These eggs better calm down!!!