
Is there a way to report incompetent payroll admins in the United States?

Im currently working for a very popular art museum thats partially funded through the local government and large donators such as Wal-mart, Wells Fargo, Edward Jones, ect. Anyways, they seem to constantly fuck up within the payroll department. They keep overpaying me and taking it back the following paycheck. Its getting very annoying to deal with. Is there a way to report them to hopefully end this behavior. HR and Payroll here are outsourced and are both awful and uncarring constantly making mistake after mistake. One or twice isnt really a problem, but its constantly happening making it hard to estimate my budget and calculate overtime pay and other forms of pay to make sure its correct and im not being shorted. Ive been shorted once before here…


I have some juicy tea about a company that I recently quit. What should I be aware of when writing a review?

Is there anything I can get in trouble for if it’s not provable? I’m also planning to call osha as well for a litany of unsafe environment issues.


Big shout out to STAPLES for trying to waste my time by not posting pay information for a position they were hiring for. Was called for an interview and when asked what the hourly wage was, told it was $10. In 2023!

This is absolutely just another clear example of: if the company does not post pay information, it is because they know they are not paying a living wage and catering only to the most desperate and vulnerable of us in the workforce. This was for their Retail Sales Technology Associate position that I applied for because I need some extra money coming in. But holy crap at the idea of making just a couple bucks above what I was making in 2006 in high school. Just…WHAT?? I'm sitting here with my mouth agape still shaking my head. I can't believe how cheap these companies are. And to go out of their way to be as shady as possible by not listing the compensation is so…immoral. Ugh, I'm so frustrated right now. Sorry ya'll


Do I have a case for unemployment? Or did I just corporately boned?

I have a really, really bad back (like 6 stress fractures in one spot in less than a year bad) and I missed 4 shifts because of it; today would have been a fifth tho I wasn’t scheduled for v many hours so I thought I could do it. I can’t afford a doctor, and I’m terrified they’ll say I need surgery which I really can’t afford, but I asked if I got a note in the next few days if that would make a difference and they said no. They said if I couldn’t stand through my shift today they would have to take it as my resignation.


What job search websites have you been the most successful with when applying for jobs?

For both Part Time and Full Time.


Viable way to get out of staying at work?

Okay I'm might be crazy for this but I've honestly because sick of my job. Forcefully denied promotions, minimal mandatory raises, and a coworker that nitpicks and hyper inflates anything you did wrong or didn't do right. I'm looking for a good way of leaving work early with an excuse that isn't “I don't feel great”. I had an idea enter my mind last night and I'm wondering if it's an absolute horrible idea. So what if I took a melatonin about an hour into my shift with no breakfast and fingers crossed hope I pass out midshift in front of someone? Bad idea?


Rant – RTO sucks

So, I work for this big-name company, and over the summer, they decided we all had to start coming back to the office. Honestly, it feels like nobody really wanted this except the folks at the top. We were doing just fine working from home, and all that talk about needing to be in the office for 'community' is bullshit. We never have face-to-face team meetings and solely communicate online. It’s been a few months now, and this daily commute is killing me—over an hour each way. It’s messed up my work-life balance and adds a lot of stress. I’ve thought about looking for another job, especially since I got a certification a couple of years back that I haven't really used. But the job market is tough right now, and I guess having this company on my resume might help me down the line. The kicker? This whole RTO…


Was told to my face that I won’t be promoted because I’m too good at what I’m doing now.

An opening has come up at work for a role that my manger told me I could easily step in to as they’ve been really impressed with how I’m working. She had to put it to a board meeting first because they’re the ones who make the final decisions. Now she’s come back to me to tell me that they’ve decided that, because I’m too good at what I’m doing now, they won’t give me the promotion. She then had the cheek to say I should take it as a compliment. How does that make any sense!? Looks like I’m slowing right down now, I’ve had enough of going above and beyond.


Got fired for not attending a meeting i wasnt invited to

Written on phone, so I apologise for formatting. I worked as a chatmoderator for live tournaments, meaning i chat and inform and hyped up events, essentially. I was new at the job, and had only worked 6 shifts before we had a big episode. It was a big deal for the Company and I was going to be the main host. I was told to be in a call with a couple other people. I knew the name of the call since it's a reoccuring thing, but I told them i hadnt been invited to that yet. She told me i would get an invite and the meeting would begin 5 min before the live show started. Well, I never got the invite. I had everything up and ready long before the liveshow, and was seen as online the whole time. I just assumed I would get the invite while…


What are companies actually thinking?

I have worked as a contractor for the past 15 years and often coworkers and I see solutions to problems, but have so many Roblox to actually solve the issue. It almost seems so common that upper management and companies could care less of how to resolve issues and focus on things that do not matter yet somehow businesses are still making money. For example, we have a event coming up next week and in my company there are about 30 people involved. Now I am being told I am supporting this event, but nobody can tell us what we are doing what we need to set up and what is needed yet so much money is being invested into this, but the very basics of why we’re even going is not been discussed and it won’t be until about a day or two prior to the event. This is…