
One of the reasons I’m looking for a new job

I’m taking a day off today and I go to message my boss on Microsoft Teams. Our building hours are 8 am to 5 pm I message her at 7 am and when I do so it says for her “last online 2:28 am” I guess what I’m getting at is I guess that’s fine if someone wants to live their life that way, but I’m not going to. she’s said we have a “flexible work schedule” and she’s strongly implied that me and my coworkers be available to message outside of 8 am to 5 pm. I could go on about reasons I’m looking for a new job, but that’s a big one


Buying your uniform at work

This really irritates me. A company makes you buy your uniform at a marked up price. It costs the company what maybe a dollar or two to have a shirt made then they sell it to the employee for $20?? Then they tell you which shirts you can and can’t wear. If I have to buy the damn shirt I should at least pick one I want to wear. What’s the point of having different options if you can’t pick them? They aren’t free, I still have to pay for it either way.


Is this legit in Texas?

I’ve never heard this before, for context I discussed with an underpaid coworker that’s been with the company for a little over a year that I was given a $2.50 raise and that he should reach out to management above the store manager we’re in constant communication with & communicate that he hasn’t been spoken to about a raise since the time of his start. Fast forward about an hour after I get home I get a text from said manager saying this. Just trying to get an understanding on where I stand. Genuinely was trying to help my coworker who I actually consider a friend.


Company wants to implement physical sign in/sign out sheet in case of “emergencies”. What are your thoughts on this?


Resignation Reassurance

I just turned in my two weeks an hour ago. This was my first job and I've worked it for two years. Shit pay on the graveyard shift. But I know the schedule, and I know my supervisor and coworkers are going to have to work a full shift seven days a week until the company finds someone to fill my place. I'll work through Thanksgiving, but the company is known as the worst in the industry and not many people are eager to apply. It's the best move for me, but I know my coworkers won't have weekends for the unforeseeable future, maybe into Christmas. I feel pretty bad.


Advice: Should I quit my job, for being asked to do too much outside my role?

I could use some help on this one: I have been with a company for almost ten years now, working my way up the ranks basically as far as I am allowed to climb. In those ten years I have been through 11 different bosses. My current boss, as well as the company president are udderly clueless and have zero knowledge in my industry. They cannot do their jobs without me. This will not change in the foreseeable future. President bought into the company, expectations fully on finding the right people to fix all the problems. We are far from that, and the company has been suffering dearly from the lack of knowledge and quality employees. I am frequently tasked with doing other roles that are absolutely not my hired job, and doing my management's direct rolebtoo. I am a Quality Manager who gets stuck doing prototype design work, maintenance…


Fired without warning, now I’m 2 weeks short of qualifying for unemployment

I was let go by a shitty company last fall. The work was alright and the pay was good, but I kind of crashed and burned due to poor training and management which was really, really depressing. (I have terrible ADHD and being poorly managed leaves me at my worst) I was then hired this spring on a reference from a colleague at what turned out to be an even more toxic workplace. However, the salary was even better, I actually did really well until they took me off one project with my great manager and wanted me to split my time between two roles like they'd initially hired me to do. They didn't really train or manage me on the second role and fired me without warning because it didn't “seem like a good fit” after a month. No warning, no talking with my other manager who loved me,…


Quitting my job today as they need me more than I need them

I am quitting a job today as they need me more than I need them. The manager has been insufferable and miserable to work with for past 10 years. We had a few good people that quit in the past few months. I have my letter typed up and I am waiting to click “send” today. 🫣 Anyway, it turns out they did not want to replace the good people that left for profits. They also bullied me a lot. I remembered when I got sick or got covid they never asked how I was. I have been planning to save up for this perfect day to quit. I will find something else. It just shows you your boss does not care about you. I haven’t been feeling well and have been vomiting are signs i needed that shows me this boss and job isn’t for me.


Kidding or what ?


Garment workers for H&M, Gap, Zara launch huge strike, close hundreds of factories