
How to prove to my internship manager I am in everyday and always have been?

Long time member of this sub. I know you guys are geniuses in here and will have some good advice for me right now. As an fyi i am in the UK. Sorry this is long theres a lot of context. I’ve been at this unpaid internship since August. Doing a 44 week internship is a requirement for me to graduate for my bachelors degree, and the report I get at the end of this is 33% of the final result of my degree. I didn’t do amazing in my first year so I kind of need a good grade from this women. I work in a conservation lab with 3 other PhD students, ran by a uni lecturer who is meant to be 50/50 here and at another nearby university. She also has two charities. Safe to say she is incredible busy and does not have enough time for…


A Tale Old As Time

My dads work bought out another company. Basically double the company. To help merge everything smoothly, the owner hired a consultant… “Just to let everyone know, I have the permission to write up and fire anyone to ensure a successful merge.” -consultant Several people are making plans to jump ship, some in critical roles. Several people are strictly doing their job and nothing more, even if they are more than capable of doing extra. From the other side, the other company that got bought out, predictions that some will quit due to pay cut. CDL drivers, working for standard delivery drivers wages. My dad respects the place, but there was an agreement for him to make 6 figures by years end… last year. They asked him back after declining production. He succeeded in boosting and making production efficient without sacrifice. I just find the whole comical. I do wish the…


Takeing unpaid PTO

I am working in a cell therapy facility. Doing 12 hr night shifts, partly because night shift provide a slight pay bonus. after a year of saving up some money I finally got the chance to take a trip. So I went through the steps, submitted a email to my manager and put my name on the PTO schedule for the 5 days I would be missing. I did this all a two months before my trip so that I could be positive that I would get the time off. I was told that was all I was going to need to do and the rest my manager will handle. Cut to the week before my trip, my manager gets extremely sick and is now going to be out of the office till further notice. So I made sure my pto was still good with my lead and he said…


Pay for your own teambuilding

My wife works as a caretaker for the mentally disabled, she's been with the same facility for the past 10 years. I have deep respect for her work. She is currently on leave because of the birth of our baby daughter. They invited her for a teambuilding activity while she is on leave. They're going bowling and having a drink after. Their patients are also involved and they look forward to it. They let her know only a couple of days in advance with the following: yeah you're invited but you have to pay for everything yourself since you're not currently 'working'. So far for taking care of your own right? Makes me sad.


Solera laysoff people over zoom and does not mute their mics


SA’d by a patient and I’m not coping

Throwaway account just in case. A few weeks ago, I was sexually assaulted by a patient at work. I feel like life is just falling apart. I am so sad, and I don’t know what to do. I feel so violated. My partner doesn’t deserve to have a shell of a person slugging along at home. I went to the police, and they still haven’t questioned him. I was told it was serious, but there hasn’t been much done. We are currently stuck on trying to get CCTV footage from outside (there is none inside) but apparently body corporate don’t know how to access it. They have my uniform for DNA testing, but I don’t know if they’ll do anything. It feels like it’s been so long. At work, I don’t have duress alarms or anything, and told I can’t have one. I work alone sometimes. I am out of…


Suspended from Union Job because new manager “saw” me was sleeping…..

Good morning I was suspended from work November 1st because my manager apparently reported that I was “sleeping” on the job……. I was sitting up on a platform where the palletizer operators sit to watch the cameras which are pretty much above our heads. There’s multiple computer chairs up top which lean back and the only way to see the screen comfortably is to lean back in the chair with your head facing up. I was watching the cameras and a manager with little to no experience who started a month and a half ago walked up on me. I heard her coming up the stairs and immediately looked at her when she got to the top of the steps. All she asked me was are you good and I responded yes I’m good and she walked away. Everything was running perfectly. I have also helped this girl on multiple…


Company asking managers (me) to pay for holiday gifts out of pocket

Just started a new job. I haven’t even finished onboarding yet or received my first paycheck. Was unemployed for a while before this, so the check is really needed. Today during my first managers meeting a topic was staff gifts. They said that the company doesn’t pay for holiday gifts for employees and instead all the managers pool their personal money to buy people something. And I’m expected to contribute something along the lines of $2000 USD. Excuse me?! I don’t even know all the staff yet and haven’t worked with any of them. Shouldn’t managers be advocating our company to pay for gifts out of company dollars instead of using our own funds? Wtf


Quit job on the spot due to horrible conditions but struggling to find anything and panicking

I worked as a copywriter at a company I knew had some issues. A lot of people higher up were openly racist, sexist, homophobic people but as a lot of the staff stuck together and were lovely and just managed to do our jobs despite this I stayed on for a year. I’m in the UK and made 30k with no previous copywriting experience, they just accepted due to general writing aptitude and my master’s degree. Recently work got a lot worse, I think 11 people have quit in the last month due to it just being an unbearable toxic environment. My marketing manager quit and they chose not to replace him so not only are we a team member down and struggling, they incorporated us into sales. The sales manager is unqualified to manage us and unpleasant to be around (jokingly repeatedly telling my coworker he should kill himself…


Can’t decide if I should move on or not.

My wife and I live in southern Ohio and have 1 child(3 month old baby girl), I make $22/hr at a job I hate and it’s night shift which I also hate because I never get to see my family(plus it is 1 hour and 15 minute drive each way). My wife is making $18/hr as an LPN at a local clinic (yes I know she could be making more elsewhere but the clinic schedule is ideal for our situation). I am struggling to find a job that is dayshift, closer to home, and similar pay. Should I leave my job now for less money and better work/life balance or just stick it out where I am at now and not take a paycut. We don’t live paycheck to paycheck per say but we aren’t far from it.