
Two job quit one snap benefits illinois

Currently work two jobs averaging 60 hours a week. I would like to quit the full-time one I have been with them for 12 years. I would then only be making approximately $1,000 per month. Will I be able to receive SNAP benefits if so for how long? No dependents, able bodied I saw some states have stipulations. Will I have to liquidate my savings accounts / assets before qualifying? What other issues do you see? I have lived in my car to save so I have very little expenses. Working part time I can still cover my lifestyle. Snap would help but not needed.


Not even had confirmation of job and my commitment is questioned.

This was raised to me yesterday after requesting a shift pattern to allow one earlier finish of one day per week. I've been waiting 5 weeks since accepting offer for a contract and final confirmation of job. So right now, I have no known buisness hours etc. I thought we were in the open dialogue phase of a job acceptance where shift pattern, working days are discussed, because my employment checks and offer are still pending on there side. -It was rejected due to buisness need, and suggested that me being offered job part-time was them already being flexible. My new employer called my recruiter to raise issues about my commitment to job. -i was put forward by my recruiter as a part-time candidate as I never suggested I could work full-time from day one. Ive agreed to meet with a new colleague to suit their travel plans before my…


Calling in sick for 1 week before quitting

Just want to mess with them more. Can they fire me for calling in sick 1 week in a row/5days?


Can I sue my employer(s) for improper PPE and education on risks resulting in constant exposure to silica dust?

Hey yall, my current employer has recently started having safety meetings with us to tell us OSHA is now paying attention to our industry and cracking down. I work as a Granite/solid surfaces installer and previously was a Fabricator. Silica dust is in most stones from my understanding but the man made quartz is especially bad. I was at my previous company for about 2 years. As far as I remember I never signed any form making me aware of silica dust. I had heard a little about it but no one ever showed any cause for worry. I started as an installer there. Installing often requires cutting and polishing stone in the field. When possible we would do it out side which didn't really protect us but kept the homeowners house clean. Frequently we still had to cut indoors though. After about a year there I moved to the…


Thank you for all your hard work! It doesn’t go unnoticed!


Do I get petty?

こんにちは、皆さん. I have a slight conundrum, maybe you fine folk can help. I'll keep this short. I work for a grocery store, whose name is related to the phrase “Furry Boobs”, their logo is filled with food. The only reason I do is because I lost my previous job due to diabetic retinopathy, basically, painter can't paint if he can't see well. I needed the insurance. I've been at my wits end on getting a normal schedule. I surpass the manager in ability and skill when it comes to this line of work because I did it for YEARS as a younger man. This moron has just assumed I have quit due to all the doctor appointments I've been scheduled and she's all-in-all not the sharpest knife in the block, a “sink” knife of you will. I've lost hours, and I'm not entirely too certain if I even qualify for…


Do any of you work overtime? If so do you find it stressful or go crazy? If you don’t then what do you do to keep yourself sane? (Don’t want any dumb answers like drugs or alcohol!)

All answers are appreciated!


Position was terminated after 3 months. Can I apply for UI?

As the title says. Yesterday I got a message from my manager that he needs to see me in the morning. I was shitting bricks all day thinking I was going to be let go because they’ve been changing a lot the past couple months and letting people go(I worked as a solar installer for a little more context). So I went into the office today and there was actually about 9 people they called in as well for the meeting. Long story short our positions as installers were “no longer needed” so they were terminating our positions. Not too long ago they were struggling to hire installers because a lot of people were leaving so how is it that they don’t need the positions anymore. They were giving some bullshit corporate excuses as to why the positions weren’t needed but I was too focused on thinking what I’m going…


Workplace announced they are banning smoke breaks, write ups for being on your phone… Offered counseling for quitting smoking

Backstory. I work at a really nice private golf course. Members openly smoke a lot. Place is very private. Gated. Huge place. There is a smokers section away from the members and is enclosed in a back loading dock area. They announced that smoking was banned. I’d say a majority of people vape. (300-350 staff) I had a discussion and said they should consider limiting breaks, because people are abusing the breaks and smoking more than working. For example taking 10 breaks a day etc.. They declined and said it was easier to ban it all together. They are offering counseling and therapists to help quit smoking? First off, I’m not a chain smoker. I vape and smoke cigars (not at work). I don’t have a problem. A vape will last me 2 1/2 weeks sometimes longer. Typically it stays in my car. They are really pushing this whole “you…


I Sent My Supervisor An Email And…

Sorry to disappoint all the corpo bootlickers, but I still have a job. I'll get into that later, though. First, I just wanna say that I did not expect to get as much engagement for that post as I did, and it was absolutely wild getting frontpaged for something I typed up in anger. Thank you to everyone who kindly messaged me about how inspiring I was. I also appreciate the people who provided genuine and meaningful advice for my situation. I'll even give a shoutout for the people who thought I was being rash but kept it cool. You guys all rock. And to the hundreds of DMs and comments that were cucking themselves sideways for a corporation they don't even know the name of, suck my toes. I will say, however, that you've given me and my buddies in our discord server something to laugh about for the…