
Update: Decided to quit Pet Sitting job in Texas with one day notice due to animal negligence

Hello, just thought I would provide an update to my post if anyone is interested. I posted a couple of days ago on here regarding my pet sitting job. I needed clarification on whether or not the company could charge me/withhold wages due to me quitting without giving proper notice, which the handbook states as two weeks, even though Texas is an At-Will state. I'll just make it short and sweet.: As title suggests, I am quitting with one day notice even though common consensus was to provide two weeks. My main reason for wanting to quit was because the owner of the company schedules me to care for her dogs, which currently live in an abandoned home. The problem is that the dogs live in crates for 22-23hrs day, and that since I've been employed (hired Sep 2023) she has run out of food three times and had water…


Tough hands

Pictures of rough, dirty, calloused hands that have provided for their families. (No weird sexual shit and no political bullshit). Hands that made you proud.


Getting fed up. Who on earth do we go to? Brace yourself, this will be long.

So we have this manager at work who does absolutely nothing all day. He's been in his position for four years. I've been around a couple of years now, so this is a battle I've seen over and over again with my coworkers. My frustration came, went, and it's back again. Here's the rundown: He's an expert at looking like he's working. He'll pace the shop floor, look at some product, go to the bathroom, go to a different department and chat it up with other employees, stand around and check his phone, and then repeat. When something comes up that he actually can do, he delegates it to someone else who already has stuff on their plate. We are frequently getting in trouble for the crap this guy leaves around for us to do and the managers don't care he's not helping out, just that we aren't picking up…


Quitting a student position

So, I’m in X-ray school. I have been working as a student tech in a CT position. This position is pretty much the shitty shifts nobody wants, every Friday night and every holiday. There’s two other students that work CT with me. I have worked both July 4th and Labor Day both 16 hours days (we started working in June). There was one other student that has worked ONE holiday and only a 10 hour shift at that. Well, I got a better opportunity to work in the area I want to work in after I graduate. So, I put in my notice for CT and told them I’d work the rest of the schedule that’s out which was a month in advance at the time. Before I put my notice in I asked off for thanksgiving because I knew I’d have to work it if I didn’t ask off…


Inflation just harms workers and benefits asset holders, and no, it does not “incentivize investment” or whatever garbage tribal knowledge people believe without proof.

All that happens when inflation hits is, people know the demand of non-monetary goods and services will go up, sellers will know this and raise prices accordingly, and the market will equalize to the same exact velocity of money, just with an added get-rekt to people incapable of buying in or people trying to live off of their investments into actual things with real returns. Inflation does nothing but hurt people, deflation does nothing but hurt people, and 0% is the true goal. Inflation is just a tax with absolutely no benefit to society as a whole. People just switch from sitting on cash to sitting on assets instead (or, more accurately, they sit on assets until a higher price point comes along to make up for inflation), and transaction volumes don't change. “LoAnS gEt ChEaPer” – hah like every bank doesn't have the absolute perfect price point adjustment for…


Manager is trying to squeeze his employees

For info my work can be completely done from home and I am the only one in my location, my team is in another location entirely. Things were good before and during covid. But now this yes, after hiring a lot of new managers(for god knows why) a lot of steps are being taken by my company to evolve backwards. Such as: Complete termination of work from homes(we were having hybrid now) Forcing all the employess to turn on cameras in the meeting all the time Stricter reimbursement policy. As a result of it only half of my expenditure was reimbursed Stricter time to be in office for 9 hours. But there can be meetings are night or early morning which won't be counted as office hours Forcing employees to take up company given courses and considering them for performance reviews(courses should be take up outside of work hours) Trying…


A manufacturer tried the 4-day workweek for 5 days’ pay and won’t go back : NPR

Even better than I'm used to, this company is doing a 32 hour work week with 40 hour pay.


Sonoma county teens fought back against Subway wage theft — franchise owners ordered to shut down 14 stores and pay nearly $1m


Boss told workers in a group text I was in the hospital but I didn’t tell him to say it. Is that legal?

As stated above, I was going in for a procedure to remove an ailing injury. I told my boss, of course, so I was covered for those days. To my surprise, he sent a group message out randomly telling all the employees I was in the hospital and going to be out a few days. I didn’t ask for that nor did I want everyone knowing what was going on. Now I have 10 different people messaging me what is going on and I’m sure even more when I get back face to face. This just doesn’t seem right. Wanted some advice before I went to HR. The manager is already on the hot seat for multiple HR issues but I don’t want this one to be pinpointed on me.


Fuck Fulgent Labs! They raised my GF’s health insurance premium by over 1000%!

She was paying ~$20 per paycheck for insurance for the last year, and now they’ve raised it to over $200. We’re so lucky I’m not on her insurance and we don’t have kids! What fucking heartless bastard at FULGENT labs thought it was a good idea to cut costs like this right before the holiday?! It’s either they did this for fatter paychecks for c-suite, or they want everyone to quit. I can’t wrap my mind around it. Someone make this make sense, please.