
Exit interview or nah?

I'm a nurse practitioner who works in the hospital 7 nights on and 7 nights off. I get no PTO. Any life event or time off has to occur in my 7 days off. I've been gaslit into believing the company I'm leaving was the best and highest paying (their words). Also that their policies are standard for the industry. They recently started making some shitty changes so I started looking for something else. I found a new job with the same schedule (which I don't mind) for a 30% raise and PTO. I feel like I've been duped. I gave these mf years of dedication only to find out I'm quite underpaid. Now they want an exit interview. This would be a futile, waste of time right?


Gave My Two Notice and Received a Dressing Down

Basically the title. I currently work as a lab technician but was given an amazing opportunity to be a Quality Assurance Manager at another lab. Obviously I’m going to take it. Well my current boss was not happy. In a department meeting, in front of everyone he kept making passive aggressive comments towards me. And even insinuated I was smart enough to be a manager. And today he and I had a one on one meeting where he straight up said “how are you going to handle being a a manager when you don’t have any supervisory experience?” Every supervisor ever started out with no experience at one point. How am I any different? The meeting went on and it was just him basically scolding me for resigning and not dedicating my life to the company like he had. He asked why I didn’t want to stick around and work…


Have any billionaires made their money without exploiting the working class?

Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit but I’m genuinely curious – is it possible to make a billionaire dollars while paying fair first world wages or not using cheap inhumane labor overseas? Are there any examples of this?


I’m entitled

Im a newborn care specialist and I just can’t with these parents anymore .. they’re upset over 38 minutes when they told me to go home… wtf.


Anybody ever get the last laugh after a company laid you off? IE you reported their misdeeds.

Curious your experiences. Me- At the time this reorganization was in the works I could have easily scared them into not laying me off if I had known my rights. Also how this company was not in labor and tax compliance. Part of me wants to let karma handle it. But I also wouldn’t mind giving said karma a little nudge


A couple of us got fired after only a couple days of training.

Me and a couple other students at this new boba place in town were fired today because we “were not following instructions”. For context, we had three days of training and then a “soft opening” for friends and family. The three days of training only covered half of the menu, so when the soft opening came, we only knew half of it. The customers were ordering from the half we didn’t know how to make, so we were trying to follow the recipe sheets that were in front of us so we could serve the customers. Except for the fact that the manager wanted us to have her help with every single drink that we didn’t know how to do…which was practically every single drink order. Obviously, being attentive to customer needs, we would attempt to make the drink on our own (and mess up a few times because we…


Here we go +1 day in office (no thanks)

I see on my team meeting agenda for later this week that my boss is telling us next year we’ll be expected in office two days a week, we’re currently required once per week. I realize this could be worse. But I gave up a fully wfh job for this. I truly don’t mind the one day in office. I really enjoy my organization and my job.. But my job involves event planning. I’m often in the office on off days to organize things I need for events, or unpack from past events, or to print, etc. I’m also out of my home for donor meetings and site visits too, neither of which I mind at all over being forced to sit in my uncomfortable office chair and open office. So basically if I have an event planned on a non-office day, I’ll be three days in office. I suppose…


People talking

I’m in a cubicle where the corners are how the everyone is seated at the desk. The people in my cubicle always have visitors over talking about stuff, therapy session or whatever. I always get the feeling of annoyance it feels like these people are always peering over my shoulder. This happens many times a day where a group of three gather in the middle of the cubicle. Should I just relax or does anyone else feel the same?


Unceremoniously laid off today

I got laid off today. 6 months into my new role. Company hired me to develop business in building technology. Said they would give me 12-18 months to build my business because the real estate industry sales cycles are so long. I built 5 million in top line pipeline in 6 months and in that time we took on a series A investment round. I’ve been laid off because they want sales dev kids right out of college making 14 dollars an hour dialing for dollars. They gave me two weeks severance. 6 weeks before Christmas. Fuck them


I just can not get an unemployment-friendly firing!!

I've been trying to get a favorable firing for almost a year and a half now and work is like Queen and they will not let me go (yw for the ear worm.) Finally yesterday I thought my plan had come to fruition. Got hauled in to the conference room. President came across my Linkedin with a “Currently Looking” status. Anticipation building. I made excuses because you have to at least “try” to keep your job. He said he hoped I was telling the truth because he'd hate to let me go for looking elsewhere (which should be sue-able but thank you right to slave I mean work.) Ended with, “Make a list over the next several months of your negatives about the job.” Anticipation gone. And no, they won't do anything with the list except share it with any specific people I complain about…so obviously I won't take this…