
Scared to quit my job because I need a job before Christmas

Hey so I have to pay $1000 a month for my car, $500 each month to slowly pay it off, and $500 for insurance. Everything else is handled by my boyfriends job. I make $14.50 an hour and don’t get too many hours usually, last week they gave me 12 hours, but I told them I was raped and they randomly gave me 21 hours??? I really want to quit my job but I’m scared of not finding one in time for Christmas. But I don’t know if they will give me more hours, because they usually don’t give me much. I’m just hoping they do, so I can get Christmas presents for my family. If not, I’ll start searching now and just leave once I get one. But I’m scared if the same thing happens at the new job, they give me very few hours and I don’t end…


This company called Globe Life suddenly started texting me for their dumb job 2 years after I had asked them to quit contacting me

2 years ago I had tried to find a summer job because my dad forced me to. Then I kept getting job offers from this company. I heard they're a crappy company.


Who else feels they’re living a double life?

In my corporate job I pretend to be the person they hired with a personality fit for the role. It's not hell but there are times I cannot put on this act anymore. I only have this job because I cannot afford to live or even pay off my debt by working in other fields I'm qualified/experienced in. I'm extremely responsible financially but don't come from a rich family and fully support myself. Which I'm proud of. I leverage the WFH flexibility to pursue interests and education I'm passionate about instead throughout the day. Unemployment earlier this year made me realize how much time I could be using in my day doing things I actually care about and want to live my life for instead. Everyone says to pursue your passions. I've tried to work jobs in these areas before but the pay is so bad (even if you're highly…


I would literally rather be dead than have to do this shit till I die

I feel like I’m in some shitty version of the matrix where I force myself to get of bed and drag my ass somewhere I despise being 8 hours a day. What’s the fucking point? Why should I stick around for this shit?


Haven’t gotten paid after quitting

So I got a job early October as a server and quit after a week for various reasons, mainly because it just wasn't for me. I didn't give two weeks or anything. Got a text from my boss saying that she needs my address to send me my check. This was October 8th. It's now the 14th of November and I haven't received my last check yet. I texted her again on the 29th of October and got no reply. What would y'all do??


Was never told about overtime.

I (19F) recently got a job about a month ago. During the hiring process, I made sure to read through all of the paper work which never said overtime was required. It only said overtime is possible if you request it and get it approved. Of course I could've verified there would be no overtime but I was told all of the information I would ever need would be in the paperwork. Well, last week my boss sent out a message saying This Thursday, everybody would be required to do mandatory overtime for an event. I explained to her I was never told there would he mandatory overtime and it wouldn't be possible for me to make it. She claims it's in the paperwork. I read through it again and told her it isn't. She says she's sorry i didn't get the updated paperwork and I still need to attend.…


work related, but this will sound absurd

Um so as the title says it IS work related but will sound absurd. I work in an office on a 10 floor building. One of the toilets in the bathroom on our floor flooded at some point after I started working. One of my coworkers started spreading rumors that it was me but I didn't know about it until some time later when another coworker told me. I stopped going to the bathroom on our floor after that because I don't want to be blamed for something I DID NOT do. And recently, it's been clogging a lot? And I've had to have a talk with my boss twice now because this is pointing to me. I pointed out I have been going to the bathroom on a different floor because I got blamed the first time this happened. Nothing came of it but I honestly feel like I'm…


One meeting and you’ve lost one of your best

I’m a hard worker. I’ll do the overtime if you need help, dedicated, a nice person. I am awkward at socialising, so my brain goes to awful corny jokes or very light banter. Many people banter with each other here. I’m quite shy but will occasionally have a one liner to deliver. It takes a lot for me to speak up in any situation. Been here 20 months. I have many people I get on well with. My manager promoted me with a raise recently and I’ve been lead on the new system and training new hires. Recently at work, a general meeting with my manager and his boss, talking about something else, was used to also bring up things which should have been said at a performance review. They told me that, among other things, while I was very liked across the company and they both like my humour,…


This happens to me way too often.


EA position with an oddly *specific* requirement

One can only start to imagine why.