
Nonprofit just as bad as corporate

Ok all, I have to rant. I'm using a throwaway account to remain as anonymous as possible, but people need to know. I worked the past decade for various non-profits. The most recent one that I left made me realize that no matter how much good intentions I had for being there, it's really just a tax exempt business in the end and they don't give a shit about their employees or the people and partners they serve. It's all a fricken ruse. The culture was so incredibly toxic that I finally left and will never look back. I've regained so much energy, happiness, and feel more like my real self than I have in YEARS! The biggest reason for posting is the insane amount the CEO makes. I got these documents on Pro Publica, because they are public documents. The picture attached is what the CEO made in fiscal…


Overworked, finally messed up and it sucks

I work for a small is business. I am essentially creating and running their entire customer service department. There are some sales people that will pick up some service work, but otherwise, it’s all me. Well, I finally messed up. I pushed off and missed some emails from a client and not I am public enemy #1. I had been getting a lot of praise but now it’s like I’m the worst employee ever. This was never sustainable in the long term, and of course they always talk about hiring someone else. It just feels awful. Anyways, just ranting.


Are they allowed to pay less during “sleep hours”?


Ontario to ban unpaid restaurant trial shifts as part of new labour law coming today | Legislation set to be tabled Tuesday introduces host of new labour laws


I’ve embarrassed to say I’ve been misjudging my employer and I take it all back…

Today I realised that I don't actually work in a toxic, dysfunctional workplace, in fact, my employer is actually operating an instantly recognisable model of an equal opportunities employer… they treat everybody like shit what was your Tuesday workplace epiphany?


So it’s taking advantage one way but not the other?

I work for a steakhouse/roadhouse that is named after a border state that rebelled in 1861. Recently I had a guest add bacon to their side salad; so I did what I was trained to do with loading (adding cheese and bacon) a baked or mashed potato, or steak fries when they want to add bacon and no cheese. I made the salad loaded no cheese and informed the expo person, the GM, about it because I didn't want the salad to go out without the bacon (spoiler alert, it still went out without bacon). The manager then proceeded to berate me saying that I should have just used the button for bacon on the salad toppings screen and that he wouldn't have me taking advantage of the guests and did I have any questions. I said no because I need the job and if I asked this question it…


Republican Sen. Mullin tries to incite Teamsters president to fight during hearing


We need to call these people out

This article is about people working multiple jobs making obscene amount of money. I believe in a 32 hour work week and strive to see it happen in my lifetime. As I currently work 2 customer service type jobs and it’s exhausting to see these people work two jobs with little to no repercussions is annoying.


Facility trying to demote me

I was hired as the activity director for a skilled nursing facility back in June. Wait, no sorry. Let me back up: I interviewed for that position but was told I would be hired as the Social Services assistant. The day of my orientation, the HR woman said I would actually be the Activities Director. Apparently a certification is required but I was told by the administrator that I could work under hers, with zero detail provided to me about how to get my own. Since then, I have been fulfilling all the duties including planning, care plans, care plan meetings, charting, etc. I have raised activity participation levels to about 20% of our census, no matter what the census is. The admin quit about 6 weeks ago and our building was also sold. In that time, I was told they would need to hire a director and effectively demote…


Why are posts complaining about boomers discriminatory

Serious question, why do the mods automatically remove posts that are related to complaints related to boomers/boomer work culture? The official reason is it is treated as discriminatory however can we not have nuance when it comes to generational issues within the workplace?