
Tired of these million/billion dollar companies

Tipping culture in america is a scam (Always tip your service workers tho, respectfully. Iwas a server so lYKYK) just read an article about how doordash a 72BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY that connects more than 500,000 merchants, over 20 million consumers, and more than 3 million drivers has a notication screen that “if you dont tip your driver, your food wont be prioritized” Companies in america are getting away with record profits year after year by keeping wages as low as possible + making the customer pay their employee's wages through tips so they dont have to pay have to pay their employees should be illegal 🙂 If you cant do the cost of business and cant afford to pay them a livable wage, then you shouldnt do buisness. Same thing goes for mom and Pop shops. if you can’t afford to pay an employee a livable wage, You should still…


Why Do They Make It Harder?

I left an extremely toxic job recently. My new job is actually pretty good in terms of pay, work-life balance, benefits, work load. However, I've been at the job for only a month and 4 coworkers have already established themselves as untrustworthy. 1 keeps reporting me for for cellphone use, even though everyone uses their phones on duty and I've spoken to my manager about it. 3 others, I went to an event with and they reported me for “unprofessional behavior” but when I asked my manager what the behavior was, they didn't have an example. I just started, I'm still training. There is very little to do in this position. Why are they causing drama when there is literally no reason? I haven't even interacted with most of these people passed a superficial level. I have a strong feeling it's because I'm autistic because we don't socialize like NTs.…


Ex-Fox News Reporter Says Network Fired Him For Opposing Its Jan. 6 Coverage


Buying a holiday gift for a boss is some capitalistic bullshit.

They already don’t pay us enough and now I have to spend extra money…on a “thoughtful gift” for them? In addition to a gift for a coworker? During the most expensive time of the year? Last year for a gift my boss gave us books that relate to how to make us better in our roles… This truly is a hellscape.


Shout out to all the restaurant workers who have to work on Thanksgiving.

My restaurants one of the only ones open in the area on Thanksgiving, and we always get slammed. This will be my third year working a thanksgiving, and also the third position I’ll be working in on thanksgiving. Started as a busser, moved to a dishwasher, then moved to grill line. Anyways, we’re so far behind on our prep work for the holiday week, and my schedule keeps getting changed because of it. I was originally scheduled 35 hours this week, but between people quitting and us being behind, I’m now up to about 45. And that’s the week before thanksgiving. My managers already told me I’m gonna have 50 + hours spread across all 4 positions that I work (I’m also a waiter) and that I’m doing a 12 hour on the day of. They have assured me that they wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t “strictly necessary,” which…


Coworker was fired for reporting manager’s illicit behavior and I’m concerned for my security?

To make a long story short, and to keep details brief for my own security, I work in sales. A manager of mine greatly scammed a customer, loading them up with products and services he did not know he was purchasing, and was told by said manager a completely different story. That customer came back to complain about the difference between what he was told and what actually haappened, and we discovered my manager had completely screwed this guy. The coworker who discovered this blew the whistle and reported the manager to our integrity hotline and was subsequently terminated for a completely different issue, very definitely in retaliation and to prevent him from taking legal action, because his termination was unrelated to that issue, the state will say it wasn't retaliation, I've seen that movie play out before. Now I'm concerned for my own security, as the same manager has…


HR is racist (Story)

Ha. So, few years back I'm working at this company in Spain and their rules about fancy dress were, shall we say, liberal. Halloween is an opportunity to dress up, and a fair amount of people participate. Mostly aliens, witches, pirates etc. This white Spanish guy comes into work in full black face, big afro wig, as Jules from Pulp Fiction. The vast majority of non-Spanish employees (very diverse business) are appalled, including our black teammates. By afternoon, we have a strongly worded email signed by a dozen employees saying that some outfits are absolutely not acceptable nowadays. And even though Spain has a long track record of black face (as The Three Wise Men in nativity scenes), this is really not enough of an excuse to allow blackface in an international, multicultural business. 1hr later, HR responds saying that the fancy dress with blackface was fine; it wasn't racist…



So I worked for a day & realized it was not for me…. The manager did not have me fill out paperwork. Idc abt getting paid bc it was nothing (only 30)/ will I have to report this income around tax time? (I never collected the check btw)


Manager currently looking at my resume. Employed there for 3 years.

Title says it all. I’ve been working at my firm for about 3 years. Haven’t been performing as well as I should be for a couple of months. Performance reviews are coming up. My manager didn’t ask for my resume explicitly but I think she accidentally forgot to leave it out of her email when she was taking a screenshot of something else work related. Should I start looking for another job now?


Unemployment Benefit?

Just have a question about this since I’m not too familiar with it but say your employer fires you for being a Liability would it qualify for you to collect unemployment? I live in Arizona