
United Kingdom – Zero hour contracts are so dehumanising.

Nothing more to add really. I left permanent employment due to personal circumstances, returned to work and quickly found a job that would pay the bills and signed on to a zero hours contract (which for anyone outside of England, is a contract that ensures exactly what it says on the tin). I've been there for six months now and am treated as nothing more than a money churner. Like all staff there, of which there is a limitless supply: we're ground to the bone, paid by the minute, inspected over the top, micromanaged to the tee and guaranteed exactly… zero hours. There's no procedure for rebuttal that doesn't risk your hours and therefore are forced to sacrifice your own dignity to keep managers sweet and get your next batch of hours, less than 16 hours before the next shift. On the other side of things, uplines are on permeant…


Inflation expected to have ticked down in October amid falling gas prices


“Who’s gonna work for you?”

So I was up all night with stomach cramps and constipation and I decided to call out. My shift is a 6:30pm dishwashing at fucking Olive Garden. Mind you the restaurant closes at 10pm so at most I would've been there 4 hours. I call and with my crap luck the GM answers. I tell him what's going on and that I'm not coming in and the first thing he says is: “Who's gonna work for you? You gotta help me out dude we need to come up with a solution.” In my head: YOU'RE THE FUCKING MANAGER! IT'S LITERALLY YOUR JOB TO FIND A REPLACEMENT! NOT MINE!” My mouth: I don't know? I don't have any other dishwasher's phone number. He rambles on with the same crap and hangs up. Well I told him I wasn't coming in and I'm not. If he's fires me then I'll go to…


Wording for declining after hours Xmas party

As the title says. I have plans already is my usual go to. I want to say – I do not attend after hours work events unless required and compensated. But that would be bitchy, lol.


How often do you get yelled at at work?

In my country (Armenia), it's pretty normal to get yelled at both by your boss and your customers. Customers can really abuse their power and can get away with lots of violence. A worker is actually a punching bag rather than a human being. I wonder what it's like in your country.


Why is it always the lower paying jobs that have the longest list of qualification requirements?

You guys notice that when going through job apps? Whenever I encounter the jobs that offer $11-15 an hour they've got 10 boxes they'd like their hires to check off with relevant years of experience, and once I hit upward of the $18+ jobs they just ask for a few things. This scenario should be reversed in the industry. Why do these companies think they're worth working for when they hardly want to pay up for exceptional workers? Certainly not me applying, if I even could.


Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout


God I’m so sick of these fucking articles


I guess people who job-hop or talk about pay is disloyalty.

In response, I referenced the National Labor Relations Act, emphasizing that discussing wage gaps is not only permissible but also protected by law. I highlighted that job changes can be prompted by companies falling behind in fair compensation, particularly when compared to the pension-centric culture of the '60s. Additionally, I explicitly stated that I wouldn't commit to a workplace for more than 5 years unless it offers regular professional wage increases and excellent health benefits. This, of course, applies differently if I were in a more senior-level position within the company. The reaction I received was akin to being accused of having an extramarital affair. Unexpectedly, my conversation partner labeled individuals who frequently switch jobs and openly discuss pay as disgruntled and disloyal employees, even asserting that discussing compensation is illegal. In response, I referenced the National Labor Relations Act, emphasizing that discussing wage gaps is not only permissible but…


Not having work sucks!

I've been living off of disabilities for 2 years now, and holy sh*t is it boring. Literally all I can do is eat, sleep, and play video games. The video game addiction I've developed stops me from basic self care. Every time I walk away from the computer, there's nothing else I want to do. What the f am I supposed to do? Please help.