
Networking events are broken


Ostracized because I drew my boundaries with the wrong words.

I work in a team environment and we have a lot of downtime between duties. People watch TV, play cards, bring potlucks, and generally spend all day socializing. Not my vibe, but I don’t hate. I think it’s cute they all have their little cliques and clubs. It’s just not for me. I’m not rude about it, but I like to sit outside with headphones on and spend my time drawing on my iPad. The break room is too crowded, everyone’s lunch smells terrible, the TV is always blaring with either sports or war crimes, and everyone is talking about their drama. It’s a bit of a personal hell in there. I’m not unliked at work, and I am friendly with people as we do our jobs. I’ve been invited out for dinner/drinks with the team before, and never found it difficult to decline with a “no thank you” or…


“People being forced to retire is bad for the economy, so we should make everyone work until they die.”

This HORRIBLE article spends it's time talking about how people can't afford retirement, and then says the obvious answer is to just stop retirement all together, then blames ageism for 'forcing' people to retire. ​


Need help ASAP! My job was eliminated, last day Dec 1st. I have two interviews this week and my boss said he won’t approve me leaving to go to them unless I tell him where I am interviewing. Is that legal for him to ask me that?

He has previously told me in the elimination meeting he won’t count PTO against me and can just leave when I want to go to interviews. Note: he is a horrible egotistical person. 75% of our staff quit last year because of him.


Would appreciate if you read this

Excuse the drama in advance. Ive been praying for a long time now to leave my country and go to uae and work and grow and all that shit,now that this wish came true,i kinda dont know anymore. Working 10 hours and commuting for 3 hours and sleeping for barely 4 hours at night just to make 1400$ at the end of the month only to spend half of that on housing and transportation. idk man,i never liked working for people but at the same time there arent many entrepreneurial opportunities in my country. its too early in the journey to quit,but at the same time theres not much light at the end of the tunnel. most people here keep the same relative salary throughout their career and idk if its worth getting burn out for a couple of hunderd dollars at the ene of the month idk


this ridiculous application question i came across today and my answer


I’m scared but I think I’m telling my boss I’m quitting today

I don’t have a backup plan but this job has made me suicidal. Ugh I’m so scared I’m so scared


Tired of Upwork

I've been on Upwork since 5 years ago. I have a top rated profile and some active contracts paying me very well. The thing is that I am tried of logging hours in their time tracker app, but I wouldn't like neither to leave the platform nor have my profile banned. I thought to hire someone to do my job and I would tell the client that I would manage the person. The problem is that I am sure that is against their TOS… Anyways, do you have any suggestion for this?


Just got my wisdom teeth out barely a week ago and I had an extremely stressful day at work that caused a lot of pain in the holes in my mouth

stress is really awful for the recovery process as it can cause u to tense your jaw and out more strain on the wounds as well as stress can cause your blood vessels to constrict and put pressure on the blood clots from below and push them out causing an excruciatingly painful dry socket the lunch rush yesterday had me in agony that lasted hours after my shift ended and now i’m being told if i want another day or 2 to recover in peace i have to find someone to cover me and nobody’s replying to my requests for cover so what the fuck am i supposed to do here just suffer?? i never usually stand up for myself when it comes to how i’m treated at work but this is ridiculous the same day i was in excruciating pain the manager’s daughter took a day of sick without…


Given a choice that isn’t really a choice, probably will lose my job.

So I work at a branch of a very large company. A company that, by the way, just said they had their best quarter ever. Our branch is switching a bunch of us night shift workers to day shift, because we're producing more than we're selling, (was avoidable months ago if they had lowered our required nightly tonnage goals, but they refused), and so they need to, “right size”, us. Here is the issue. I just got a new place like, almost 3 weeks ago, and finally left an extended stay motel. Then, 2 weeks ago, I hit a deer. First accident ever in 19 years of driving, the thing came out of nowhere. I made the big boss aware of this. A lead at work has been giving me rides, I'm saving up for a new vehicle, as this one is totalled and worth less than the deductible, but…