
I work in a dystopian hellhole straight out of Orwells mind

Throwaway acc since I don't wanna get sued. I started working in a law firm about a year ago. At the beginning everything seemed great, my superiors were friendly, the pay was okay and I could only work from my home office, for which I was provided with modern technology. As far as work is concerned, I had an okay time. Then shit started hitting the fan when it was announced in the summer that a performance-based bonus system had been introduced. Of course, it was immediately clear that the necessary monitoring of performance would have massive disadvantages for the employees. A few weeks later, the first long-term employee, a colleague of mine, was suddenly fired without any prior notice because her performance was deemed inadequate. However, she had been assigned to a new subject area a short time before, which is why she was still being trained and was…


Can a company get out of paid lunch breaks

Here is the Colorado law. My employer says because we are short staffed, they are not required by law to give us a 30 minute lunch break. They have written this in to the company handbook. I am ready to report them to the labor board, but I just want to make sure I’m interpreting it properly. Meal Periods Employees shall be entitled to an uninterrupted and duty-free meal period of at least a 30-minute duration when the shift exceeds five consecutive hours of work. Such meal periods, to the extent practical, shall be at least one hour after the start, and one hour before the end, of the shift. Employees must be completely relieved of all duties and permitted to pursue personal activities for a period to qualify as non-work, uncompensated time. When the nature of the business activity or other circumstances make an uninterrupted meal period impractical, the…


Why do recruiters sometimes not show up to the interview?

Ok so why does that happen? That happened to me once. The recruiter never contacted me after that. Do recruiters just accidentally schedule a meeting? Sheesh.


AI Knows how it is


My wife and I’s health is reliant on me maintaining employment and I’m so angry.

I was laid off on 10/30, and my employer informed me that my health insurance coverage would end at the end of the month in which I was laid off. So as of 10/31, I no longer have health insurance, and that goes for my wife as well. I can't imagine why they chose 10/30 to lay me off instead of literally 2 days later… My wife and I are financially responsible, as much as we can be in our current tax bracket. I dutifully saved up 3 months expenses in case of a situation like this, and my ex-employer even was “generous” enough to give me a whopping 2 weeks of severance, which I can stretch out to cover another month of expenses by cutting out all our non-essential spending. Oh, that two weeks of severance came after I signed away my rights to file any EEOC or other…


Working for 2 years in a role above my pay grade- asked for a promotion a month ago which was agreed it should happen and today I asked if there was any progress- there is not.

The title says it all but I’m fed up and wondering what to do. I’m 45 and work at a UK Uni and am doing the role of a lecturer but on a grade 7 salary. I work like a dog and it is “verbally” recognised but I’m skint and in a lot of debt and it’s just not fair. If I walk then I will lose my home and my wife and I don’t want that. I’m fed up with everyone around me being lazy bastards and skanking off us. Why should I work like this for less than anyone else and live in a house where only me and my wife work so hard and look after it all. I can’t be bothered anymore. Do I run away? I don’t want to leave her with the debt. I’m fed up of trying.


I just quit the job and am feeling peace for the first time in a while



Do part-time hours even exist anymore?

(for context, this is within the Early Years childcare industry) I find a job that seems great, the place seems nice, the people seem nice. Due to my disabilities I can only work certain amounts of hours so obviously I'm looking for part-time hours, I say this, and she says yes that's fine, we support all kinds of flexible workdays etc etc, the only caveat being obviously the less you work the less you get paid but I'm expecting that, so it's all gravy! I had an interview that went really great, shared values, really personable people (I know you can never really trust your bosses but still, better than being outright psychopaths at the first hurdle lol), she asks about what hours I'd be wanting, I explain (again, this is the same lady who said it was fine before) and then she says: “Oh no, our part-time hours and…


My boss called me a “fucking idiot”… is it worth going to HR or should I just try to find a different job?

Basically what the title says. I performed a task the way a coworker showed me how to do, because my supervisor hadn’t given me any instruction. My supervisor then came into my office, clearly mad, and asked why I did it that way. I began to say “because that’s how coworker’s name showed me how to”, but as soon as I said their name he cut me off and loudly said “coworker is a fucking idiot.” I was really shocked and just said “ok” and he then went on a rant about how stupid I am for listening to the “fucking idiot”, how I am just as dumb as my coworker, and I made myself look like an idiot for the project manager I did the task for. He then started laughing and went to the guy in the office next to me to laugh about the “two fucking idiots.”…


Got 5k extra in sales … commission structure is a joke

I sold 5k more in sales than last year in the same month… and only got $100 on my paycheck. I took this sales job because I was told I would be making commissions in sales. But the sales Commission for this company fucking sucks. I don’t understand why they have a base salary then a “guaranteed” commission. Someone please help me understand that. I sold 5k more and I only get $100 extra dollars? Not even a full $100 because taxes will eat that up. Why do I even try anymore? I worked so hard for those sales and I’m only getting enough commission to buy a tank of gas. Fuck this. Not busting my ass to be paid Pennies anymore.