
Can 401Ks really be depended upon for retirement in the U.S.?

I feel like the reasons behind my fears are still based in generalizations. Please help me understand if I can ever have a comfortable retirement from work: I'm earlyish in my career, but I've been contributing to 401K plans since I started a handful of years ago. The accounts are supposed to grow quickly in your early career and get more conservative with investments toward the end. But my accounts have gained NOTHING in interest. I keep putting money in and they keep running slightly negative, meaning there is always a little less money than I put in. Only a month ago did it surface into a positive growth of $150. So when I retire, I can now afford one extra trip to the grocery store. Everyone says, “Be patient. They always grow.” But I feel like that 'wisdom' comes from people who have enjoyed the benefits of predictable economy.…


An update since my last post

Since handing in my notice at the church, the head pastor at the church asked for a meeting, expressing unhappiness about my sudden decision. I justified my choice, but he criticized my work hours. Saying I work the least hours of anyone in the building. I defended my efforts, but he insisted I stay, dismissing my reasons. Standing firm, I repeated my decision. When questioned about not discussing my interests in leaving with him, I mentioned a past incident where he aggressively criticized me for wanting to leave. I explained that I chose to inform my direct supervisor this time to avoid a repeat. He denied the past aggression and suggested I shouldn't hold onto it. The manipulation here is truly bewildering. As he realized he couldn't control me, he acted childishly, telling me to leave. I asserted my right to depart without justification and called out his gaslighting. Ready…


It finally happened. Assaulted at work.

I work in the disability sector. My company has a problematic client, who commonly escalates and assaults his male support workers, on occasion with a weapon. The company's response when this happens is more or less “that's terrible… you're right to keep working with him though, right? He normally loves you, please don't let rhis affect your relationship…”. For various reasons that basically boil down to “it's a decent pating job and no one wants to risk unemployment” most staff continue to work with him. For 6 months, although we've has some escalated incidents,we've generally worked pretty well together and he happily tells everyone I'm one of his favourites. Tonight it finally happened, though, I made a comment that he misinterpreted and his response was to hit me in the back of the head. I'm angry at myself and upset with the client and dreading the fallout tomorrow when I…


How do I tell upper management that it’s not my job to find and hire a private contractor to do my job?

Have a meeting today to discuss getting a contractor to do some work and it's not in my job description to hunt down a private contractor along with getting them parking passes and making sure they get paid.


How would you feel about a pay rise that’s below inflation?


On a positive note, I would personally like to thank my manager for not giving into the corporate machine for Christmas.

It is now midways through November and my store still hasn't played a single Christmas song until the radio station dictates otherwise. No 24/7 Christmas radio stations for us. In my old job they played subtle ones in the last week of September, all the way up until December 31st.


Montenegro work ethics


Feel like rage quitting my job (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I actually have a pretty chill job as a software engineer and a pretty chill employer. (It’s in Belgium so it doesn’t pay much more than the average office job) I’ve done enough shit jobs to know I’m in a pretty good situation. But… I do suffer from stress and the occasional burnout. It’s not that my job is that stressful but I’m just always trying to escape the rat race. I want to side hustle my way out of it to become a full-time indie game developer. I can’t just quit and go all in on it. Indie game development is brutal and the chances of success are very low. Besides I only have enough buffer the survive little over a year. The doctor prescribed me 2 weeks off for my stress, high blood pressure and pain (recovering from bone fracture) related issues. I get along pretty well with…


Got any Advice for these Guys?


Job Interviewers ghosting me

This is the 3rd time I've applied somewhere, scheduled an interview, and then the day of get ghosted. Today really stung because it was for a decent position with good pay and a complete change of field for me, which I desperately need. If I don't get out of my current job soon I'm considering checking myself into a psych ward somewhere, but even that's not an option because the insurance my job offers is awful and the extended stay would bankrupt me. I'm just so tired of getting my hopes up and having them crushed when companies decide I'm not worth the 5 minutes of your day to send an email. I feel stuck in this dead end job and like every attempt I make to leave for something better is swiftly and cosmically dealt with. I'm so tired of this goddamn grind, and I really just wish it…