
Customer knocks alleged thief to ground at T.J. Maxx store



Boss sent rude email

My boss sent me a rude email about something I did wrong but she’s so friendly with everyone else in the office. Idk why she doesn’t like me – maybe bc I keep to myself – but she’s so nice to the laziest employees but I do my best to do a good job and she jumps on any mistake I make. I feel burned out and every job I’m at I don’t fit in and can’t conform and wonder why do I even try?


Customer knocks alleged thief to ground at T.J. Maxx store, why do y’all care so much about a system that doesn’t care about you??

the comments lol I would've beat tf out that guy, mind your fucking business


Tesla Facing Strikes in Sweden Over Collective Bargaining | Transport Topics

Dockworkers, service and transportation workers, painters, maintainence workers, electricians and electricians stikes in solidarity with the mechanics strike against Tesla. They refuse to transport any cars or deliveries to Tesla, do any paint jobs on Tesla cars, clean the facilities, or do any repairs on Teslas loading stations. When Tesla tried to circumvent the dockworkers strike by shipping the cars to Norway instead and then drive them over the boarder the Norwegian dockworkers joined the strike too.


Cult Manager wanted


How to ask for a raise and what to do if denied?

I work at a place where (it’s common) the schedule, raises, bonuses etc ONLY go by the number of hours worked (seniority). I’m constantly being told I’m one of the best at what I do, that they would struggle without me etc. Getting paid extra in compliments basically Well after a few years I’m ready to ask for a raise, company makes millions and I take home less than $40k. It will take me several more years until I’m topped out. HCOL area so it’s a joke. What do I do if denied? I know the go to answer is just get a better job but man, if it were that easy we’d all go right to the best jobs. Do you guys think strictly going by seniority is fair? No recognition for the best workers if it only goes by hours worked, the best workers get the same raises…


Thought it was supposed to be an online call?

Every year we have a Black Friday meeting online (retail). Any time there is a mandatory meeting like this, employees on their off day must clock in and attend the meeting from home. Boss A texted the store. I don't mind this, but this time apparently we were doing an in-person meeting beforehand…? Was i supposed to pick that up from just this text message? I didn't know they were implying I needed to be present in person until Boss B texted me. I went to work anyway. When I got there, Boss A asked me why I looked upset and I said I wanted to be home. That was enough for her apparently and she raised her voice (I am an adult) and told me “Then leave. Leave. Leave. Leave. Leave.” It honestly kind of freaked me out, she started talking about how we need better communication, right after…


FMLA Really Means F**k My Life and Get a Second Job

I'm out in FMLA leave to treat Major Depressive Disorder and fortunate enough I have enough sick days to get two more paychecks until the unpaid leave kicks in. There's a $0 balance in my savings and I hope I'll be able to save $500 between now and December 1st. Credit cards have gone into default so there's no back up; credit is shit so can't get a loan to consolidate either (thanks HR for dragging your feet on paperwork). I do have short term disability, but it's a crap shoot if they'll cover MDD. I'm trying not to stress but with impending medical bills looming and more prescriptions to take (even with great health insurance), inflation and lack of pay, how can I not? I will have to get a second job when my leave it up so I can catch up on my bills. It's only been since…


My employer illegally deducted $200 from my paycheck.

My final paycheck was sent over 2 weeks late. Then, when I finally get it in the mail, I see that it is short $200 — over half of my paycheck — and they left a sticky note saying it was deducted for “lock change” costs. I mailed them back the key. There was no reason to even have the locks changed. This was done maliciously. I filed a wage claim with the California Dept. of Industrial Relations (state labor dept). I left an Indeed review. Is there anything else I can do? It makes me sick they are still in business and no one knows how scummy they are.


Manager does 10-20% of the work and takes credit for the majority of the work.

I work in a big company and earn decently (probably why I haven’t left yet), and I am in a mid-senior level role. My recent manager does the bare minimum and clearly prioritizes time with his family more than caring about the job needs(nothing wrong with that). He stops working at 3 pm, whereas I work till 7 pm every day. I am naturally ambitious and like to always learn and put my best foot forward. However, I never get the chance to present my work in big meetings, and even though my manager doesn’t like to put in the hard work, he loves the praise and glory that comes with presenting in these meetings. Heck, I am not even invited to these meetings sometimes! I am a polite person and have tried to subtly put the point across that I am displeased with this situation. However, it seems like…