
Upper managment is so stingy

This is mostly just a rant, but if anyone has advice I will gladly hear it. I work the closing shift in a slow fast food restaurant. Typically, we just have 2 people on shift except for the lunch and (sometimes) dinner rushes. Because we need at least 2 people at all times to man the store (a cook and a cashier), we are unable to take uninterrupted breaks. Up until now, I have been compensating for this by sitting down and being on my phone whenever I want (within reason). But upper management has cracked down, probably because they got sued. They said we cannot take lunch breaks and leave only one person on the clock. I agree with this much. They will not, however, give us enough labor to pay for the extra person. I know what percentage goes to food/supplies and labor, and they take about 50%…


Why can’t I just join a fucking union like I can join the NRA?

The NRA, you may have noticed, is pretty powerful. They do not control a workplace. They cannot strike. They do: Lobby effectively at all levels of government. Give face to and promote gun rights on TV and in the media, eg whenever children are massacred. Coordinate and cultivate all sorts of action in support of their cause. Provide various meaningful direct services to their members, eg certain sorts of legal services, training opportunities, conferences, benefits and discounts, etc. For reference, they have fewer than 5,000,000 members (a generous estimate) and the price of a membership is currently $75 for two years. Both very small numbers considering the dramatic results they achieve. I'd love to join the Fuck This Economy union along with 5,000,000 of my fellow Americans and see that organization become the most feared lobbyist in Washington, pushing for real solutions for workers and the working class. I'd love…


How to go about job hiring me and putting me into a different job and department?

About two months ago I got a job through a job fair for a local business opening a large operation here in my area. Having some prior experience in the industry (4-4.5) years, spread across various ‘departments’. I had previously already applied for positions I felt qualified for with my work experience but was not able to get them due to positions being filled. But was able to still get a position that at the end of the day had a fair wage and promising work that made me feel like I’d enjoy it. Orientation and background takes forever and it finally comes around to me being told to show up for the first day of work and mind you I’ve missed soft openings and training days and have no idea what to expect. But I’m a good sport I like adventure. There is no clear communication chain I can…


5 Years working at a healthcare company, Steller Annual Reviews, Requested Letter of Rec From Manager. Declined due to “policy”. I’m Seething.

As the title says, I currently work at one of the larger healthcare groups in the country(US). Close to two years I've been working FTE +OT for this employer, while also taking evening Community College classes, while working to apply to PA school. This manger has know my aspirations for +3 years, as well as my recent Acing of my classes this year. This manager also helped me get a bonus once some corporates benefit restructure went through earlier this year. I asked my manager via private email for a letter of recommendation, if possible. They declined after several days of me sending a request, stating that someone from corporate cited official policy that no managers can give recommendations to 3rd parties from current and former employees. They forwarded me the link and highlighted a screen shot of the policy. ​ Dicks. I only need 2 letters of Rec and…


Got a new job and almost immediately I want to walk out.

Obligatory mobile apology So I got fired from a great job where i was just making friends because apparently HR didnt want to accept the fact that a doctor's office was unable to give me a note since i wasnt the patient. My old work (3rds) has a thing where if its before 10am i think, you can leave 2 hours early to get sleep. I took it since my appointment was at 9. I drive there, the doctor's office is closed and when i call on monday about it, the supervisor says i cant get a note cuz i wasnt the patient… i had to drive him but sure. So i sent HR the number of that supervisor and and explanation along with a screenshot of my drive safe thing where it shows where I went and what time. Heard nothing back and the next day I was walked…


Longest stretch of not working….at work.

Just curious. What's the longest stretch anyone has gone without doing any actual work at work.


NE governor forces thousands of workers back into the office full-time via executive order.

Super frustrating because multiple state agencies already constantly struggle to fill openings. Here is the copied text of the EO: “WHEREAS, the Office of the Governor examined the status of the State of Nebraska's public servant workforce and concluded thata significant portion ofthat workforce remains in hybrid or remote work arrangements which were implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic; ‘WHEREAS, Neb. Rev. Stat. § 81-113 requires each executive department to be open to transact business from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. cach day, except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays; ‘WHEREAS, executive departments ofthe State of Nebraska have an obligation to deliver their services to the public in an efficient and reliable manner that utilizes tax dollars responsibly; WHEREAS, the citizens of Nebraska have the common sense expectation that people are most productive when they are working together in the office and not remotely; and “WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic is over, and the…


The Fed is terrified Americans could get used to high inflation. It may already be happening.


Circle K



Retail Workers, how do y’all “get over” rude customers?

I work at one of the big three cell phone companies. A lot of my (notably straight male) coworkers don’t have this issue, but I pretty frequently get rude customers. Customers want to argue, be combative, demanding, and question me, constantly. I don’t know if its because I talk fast, or if its because I’m direct, or if its because I’m visibly queer (truly, I hate to blame it on this), but a lot of (mostly old male) customers just… square up with me? If there’s friction, they puff their chests out, stare, and for what? Example. Today a customer asked for my manager by name. I press for more info but he just says to get her. I went to the back, asked manager if she could help customer, she said no. I could see she was busy and was supposed to be hone an hour and a half…