
Are these signs of a layoff happening?

I’m getting the feeling something might happen soon. It’s my first job out of college so I’m not sure if I’m overthinking this or not. Here’s the things that have happened recently: -new ceo as of around a year ago -big changes to insurance -someone got promoted on my team and it was confirmed they aren’t replacing his role -my boss that’s been working here forever since he’s been in college (I think like 30 yrs or something) is leaving the company suddenly -my boyfriends mom asked if my company was hiring for her friends daughter two weeks ago, there was several job listings when I checked and I noticed today there’s only one. I also check it here and there in case I notice any other position I would be interested in and there’s never been that little listings before. Am I overthinking or should I start brushing my…


Can I ask for a raise since I’m dropping my benefits?

My companies family insurance that I have had for many years has gotten ridiculously high priced and doesn’t cover anything. Thankfully we are able to switch to my husbands work plan this year which will save us quite a bit and allow me to keep my doctors. The thing is that my company pays over 9K a year for my insurance so by dropping it, I’m effectively giving up what I consider part of my compensation. Is it acceptable to ask for a raise based on that (not even all of it, just part of it) or is that a faux pas?


Workplace is planning to not pay people for holidays if they miss another shift

My workplace just posted an updated team member handbook, with a new section saying that employees won't be paid for their shift on holidays if they miss either their scheduled shifts before or after the holiday they worked… There's no way that's legal right? How can they plan to not pay people for hours worked just because they miss a separate shift? I'm in Pennsylvania if that makes a difference. I'm planning to ask for a physical copy so I can send it to the Department of Labor but I just wanted to inquire the revolutionary minds of Reddit to make sure I'm not crazy and that's not super illegal.


Getting passed up

I work at a big box store I have forklift experience from previous jobs and management experience as well and have worked my ass off for the 8 months I've been here already and a kid they hired 5 months ago is being talked about training for the job I've openly stated I want. The kicker his dad is friends with the store manager… I'm just going to “quiet quit” from now on if it actually happens.


Why is my supervisor printing off my leave request emails?

I am so freaking tired and done with my job being stupidly inflexible. I have a cushy office job but it's low-level and I have a boomer supervisor who believes that you should come to work worthlessly sick and eat lunch at your desk every day while working (we get an hour of paid lunch and you have to take it- you don't get out an hour early for working through lunch). I've had a lot of appointments lately, a lot of them have been every week but I have to go to them. I've given as much notice as is humanely possible and my supervisor had been OK about it. But now she's getting really ridged. She's taking issue with me taking my two 15 min breaks every day (the idea that I'd just leave my desk for this blows her stupid little mind) and is just generally becoming…


Working else where now but still in contact with last job…

Till she fires me, just said hey how is work going to get her vibe to ask when I'll be on schedule again, not that I plan to but I do want to just get a day then not show up and say “sorry found better their ur shitty place” or whatever. BUT!! I ask and she gives me a absolute load of bullshit about how suddenly to get back on the schedule I would need to bring in clients so I can work?!!! No where was I ever told that this company had their employees come in and have to bring in some imaginary clients that we somehow have hidden in our back pockets to get hours?!!! This is such absolute bullshit, like ya Im planning to just leave anyways since they haven't given me hours at all but this is just a brand new low and probably lies…


My Odyssey of Ignominy: A Trilogy of OCI Failures and the Unforgiving Grind of a Ruinous Job Market

I'm about take you on a riveting journey through the twists and turns of my career saga imho —a tale woven with threads of rejection, unexpected detours, and moments of unexpected respite. From the highs of dream jobs to the lows of mysterious departures, each act unfolds as a unique chapter in the book of my Ruinous, Ignominious professional life imho. Act 1: Legal Limbo – Document Review in the Shadows of the Global Financial Crisis Amidst the turbulent job market of the 2000s in the waning years of the Bush Administration, I found refuge in the realm of law, securing a position as an attorney specializing in document review. The allure of legal work briefly shielded me from the chaos that had characterized my earlier endeavors. I may have bombed OCI but I secured a foothold in the legal field. Alas, it wouldn't last. Alas, the global financial crisis,…


Manager deducted almost 2 hours from my time card for system issue

Hi everyone, I’m reaching out about an issue with my time card that requires some guidance. After submitting my time card for approval on Friday, I reviewed it today and noticed significant edits by my manager. Nearly two hours were deducted, citing non-logins to the telephone system. Having started this job just three weeks ago, I’m currently in a training session that involves a substantial curriculum. Occasionally, I’ve overlooked logging into the phone system, promptly correcting it when realized. I’ve also documented instances, such as when the phone system was down, and I informed my manager. Despite this, deductions persist. It’s crucial to highlight that this is a remote job, and we’re on camera throughout the day. I’m considering reaching out to HR to report my managers actions.


Endress+Hauser in Greenwood, Indiana fired a relative of mine because of his mental health.

For context – The time of his firing was in June. He had gone through a divorce a month prior with someone that was truly the love of his life and she cheated on him with her former step brother (mother's ex-husband's son). As you can imagine, this took quite a toll on him and was life altering in a million ways. He informed his work of what was going on and his co-workers offered him support, 2 of his bosses offered him support, 1 of his bosses (an ex-military guy who wants you to know) was adamant that he needed to just move on and get over it because worse things can happen. At the beginning of June, he put in for time off and it was granted. The part of the building he worked in he was the supervisor of and had 4 people working for him in…


Fired for chemotherapy/cancer & looking for a new job ASAP…how should I explain my recent departure after relocating and working there less than a year??

Relocated for my last position from MI to OK, after losing my previous job for health reasons & going thro a shitty divorce. One month after I moved I was in the hospital for a month – found out I have incurable stage 4 lymphoma. Worked thro first attempt at chemo but it stopped working then I found out it spread to my bone marrow and had to try harder chemo. Work encouraged me to take STD ( no FMLA since I wasn't at one year mark) then they fired me over email a week later. ​ Soo… now that I've lost everything and live back in MI with my gram, I'm searching for jobs like mad but idk how to explain why I was at the company for less than a year after completely rearranging my life for it. I don't dare disclose my health issues now, I do…