
Job approved promotion, but not salary increase

TLDR: “clerical error” made by my manager costs me a higher paying position Hey guys, looking to vent/get advice on how to proceed here. Background: I’ve been with this company since 2018. I was laid off for some time during the pandemic, starting March of 2020, but was hired back in May 2022. My position has level 1, 2, and 3 which of course increase in responsibility/salary respectively. That being said, when I was hired back in 2022, I was then bumped from a level 1 to a level 2. Fast forward 1.5 years and I have found an open position as a level 3. The salary is just about 20k more per year than my current salary, as per the job listing. I interviewed for the position, and the hiring manager confirmed the salary range during the interview. A few days later I was offered the position, however I…


It still boggles my mind that minimum wage is 7.25$

At my job we recently hired someone and they’re starting out at 19$ an hour, which I’ll give my job credit for raising the starting salary cause a few years back I started at 17$, and at face value I’m like that’s good money. But when you do the math that’s only 39k BEFORE taxes! 39k is nothing; the living wage for my city is 43k, which I feel is too low still. I know it’s bad out here and I believe 15$ should be minimum but idk seeing it laid out again was like wtf. Like they’re trying to kill us at this point cause that whole “you need low paid workers” thing doesn’t even apply anymore cause they’re aren’t even paying the “well” paid people enough. I honestly believe anyone paid under 15$ an hour is going into debt just to LIVE. But they want us to spend…


mrbeast going wild


(North Carolina) Need insight regarding PTO mess with contracting agency

(Reposting as my previous post was locked due to including screenshots of conversation- I’m sorry!!!) Hello! I apologize in advance if there is any important rule I am missing and for the slurry of texts (I'm in bit of a tizzy). To keep things as brief as possible: I'm currently working a contract position. I was told I was beginning with 80 hours PTO and would accrue; however, that they were also “flexible” with PTO (no clue what that means/meant, but just providing context). No information was given to me at that time about the accrual rate. Just that I would accrue. This was later confirmed when going through my onboarding materials (which l've had trouble accessing since signing them since they're in an online portal of sorts). I reached out to my recruiter and payroll (as they were the only sources of contacts I had) multiple times trying to…


Weirdest job interview of my life

Ok so I applied for a job that I am pretty uniquely suited for in two fields and maybe overqualified for. I applied at 3pm Thursday, they emailed me Friday asking if I could interview with the person who would be my supervisor if I got the role today. Interview was supposed to be 30 minutes – it went 14. I am a good interviewer and particularly for a role where I have to work with people I am warm and funny, not to toot my own horn. Interviewer was rushed, only asked about basic items on my resume. I did a ton of research and tried to ask questions and she brushed them off and said those were questions for a subsequent interview. She then told me the position I applied for was closed and there were two positions at the same level. But I applied for the other…


Young people who work remotely are ‘probably not’ going to become corporate CEOs, an NYU business professor says

Yea, so this genius forgot that most of us regardless of generation label aren't going to be CEOs. I might think twice about sending my kid to NYU if this is the brain trust in the business department.


This video does a really good job of explaining why america is in decline.


Unhappy with having to work to live

There's a million posts like this, I know. You don't have to read this, I am sure you got a lot on your plate too. I am a university student in Germany and still live with my parents at 26. I'm doing okay, not bad, not fantastic, just getting by and trying to pass. It's really stressful but its honestly still better than anything else I've tried. I worked in a courthouse last year and it was full of bullies and old people making fun of me. I worked at a kindergarten once and my advisors told me I was unfit to deal with children because I myself am not enough of an authoritative figure and they would see me more as a playmate than a teacher. I worked with disabled people in a workshop as a volunteer worker because I genuinely didn't know what else to do and it…


How do you provide 3 references when you don’t have any?

I'm trying to get a new job since my current one sucks. We're understaffed so I have to do a bunch of extra work and I'm not even getting paid extra. Friday, I got stuck at my job till 12 at night worried af the entire time because my cat was going to get his insulin extremely late, and I had no idea how it was going to affect him. My manager kept nagging at things she wanted me to do before I clocked out, even after I told her I needed to head home asap. So long story short, I'm resigning. I'm trying to apply to some student jobs on my campus, I’ll be closer to my home that way too. The thing is, I need 3 references,(one of them being some sort of supervisor ), and I have zero. My manager sucks and knows I don’t like her,…


I just want to be done

Just quit my job. I gave them a doctors note with ADA accommodations for my joint pain, instead of understanding they tried to switch me to overnights in a worse position for $4 less an hour. I specifically explained that the accommodations pertainted to one aspect of the job one day a week but no. This is why disabled people don't want to tell employers. I can't stop crying.