
Saw this in a SPACES office I delivered to today


Holly wants a word..


Saw a CNN article about self-checkout

It said stores are rethinking it and reverting to manual, employee based checkout. I don't like this. Having worked those jobs at busy supermarkets, they're miserable, at least for me. I'd rather do food service, because at least that feels like providing some customer value in handmade foods. Getting someone to scan your fucking groceries all the time is nuts, Victorian area reversion. We should automate all we can, as much as we can. Then we'll have room for more fun things rather than scanning Janet's full shopping cart with three other customers in the line, one of which also has near a full cart. This includes many food service jobs btw! But I think there'll always be room for a nice, handmade meal.


“Excused” Absence or PTO

My workplace recently had someone pass from Covid. Now they are testing people and there are many coming up positive. Work is giving us the “choice” for those who test positive to either take unpaid excused time off or to take PTO out if you would like to be paid. Is there any alternative to talk using PTO to be paid or do I have any other legs to stand on? We don’t have a sick time bank, we only have PTO. I work in Arizona if that matters.


Hired onto a new role and got let go the first Friday because I used the flex time

So I started at a new engineering firm that let me know they had flex time. Normally this means you can go to appointments midday as long as you work your hours in the day and that for example, if you ran a few minutes late in the morning you could work a few minutes after to make your time for the day. This also means there isn't a strict start or end time. I got there my first day around 8 and subsequent days I was aiming for 9 since my husband starts around that time and the office is a good half an hour away from my apartment. I got two texts at 8:30 two days that week asking if I was coming in which I reassured I was dropping my daughter off and heading over. Midweek my daughter came down with something and I texted around 8:30…


Would it be based to scab during a general strike organized by right-wing parties to seize power?

I'm about to start working in Spain and the right wing parties are suggesting organizing a general strike to prevent the social democrats from getting into office again. If this sounds ridiculous it's because it is, as the strike would not benefit (and in fact would hurt) workers. There is therefore a very small chance of it happening. It's also not clear if the strike would involve only union workplaces or all of them. Hypothetically though, would the moral thing to do be to scab?


I snapped at a manager of the store I used to work at

I just saw something that triggered this memory in me from years ago when I used to work in a store in the UK. It was a department store that had clothing for men, women, kids and then the home section. I worked in the Home section, and it was nearing Christmas. Every year on December 27th, was one of the biggest sales where people would line up for hours to get inside and get the good deals. Think black Friday in the US, only full of rude British people. In the build up to the sale a week or so before, we had to start prepping the home section to remove things that will not be sale and take them to the large staff break room, making room for the actual sale items. Initially it was me and three other people that were moving all the heavy household items.…


Job Post Says $52-$78/Hour, But Description Says Up To $15.58/Hour


$8 from a small business

Looking for jobs and they're all shit pay. How clueless do people have to be to realize that single digits dont cut it anywhere? No I shouldnt need to work 80 hours to stay alive insanity.


Wow!! Getting to wear jeans makes it the BEST DAY EVER!