
Inside the strange, secretive rise of the ‘overemployed’ — aka barely able to survive.


can’t find an entry level part time job that will take me

i have applied to 10 jobs in my small town alone, and 5 more in the surrounding towns. about to submit my applications for 5 more. they're the only entry level ones, the only ones that might hire an 18 year old with no work experience….. 8 of them simply didn't answer the phone even though i called them 2 or 3 times, the rest have either told me i am not qualified or that they are no longer hiring. what the hell am i supposed to do. just ranting and venting i guess but my god. this is so stressful i just want to live in a hole in the ground.


Should I attend thanksgiving lunch?

Tomorrow is my company’s thanksgiving potluck, during regular working hours, but we work hybrid and my in-office work days are Mondays and Thursdays. I hadn’t planned on coming due to it not being my scheduled office day, but I’m sure people assume I’ll make an exception and coming in on a Tuesday for this. Would you stick to your schedule or come in tomorrow?



I started a seasonal job today that pays $18.50/hr. Not bad at all for what it is. While in my car I got a call from a hospital for a patient care rep. It started at $15.36/hr. How is anyone who isn't married supposed to live on that? I got paid $18 at a grocery store (admittedly after a few years). Great. Now I'm nauseated again.


Michigan – New Employee Handbook, required signature, and not allowed to read at work?

Is it legal for my employer of 5 years to require me to sign acknowledgement and approval of the new employee handbook, but be told we are not actually allowed to read it at work due to it being “lengthy”?


I feel like I ought to be grateful for my job given the circumstances. And yet I hate it. Or perhaps more accurately; I hate having to work in the first place.

I've been unemployed since I graduated several years ago, and now I work in a primary school. I don't particularly want to give away more than that, as I certainly don't want this being traced back to me if at all avoidable. The hours are decent, only 6 a day, the pay is above average for my role, the boss is a wonderful human being who genuinely cares for and goes above and beyond for the staff. And yet, despite all this, I feel a deep sense of dread whenever I wake up in the morning, and whenever I get home from work. I have a vague idea for why I hate the principle of work, and it's down to a lack of agency. I don't like being under the thumb of other people. Having when I eat, wake up, sleep, what I wear, and what I say be dictated…


Wife “voluntarily resigned” – now can’t get a new job

My wife worked for a medical group and was recently let go. In a nutshell, the work environment was toxic to her and her supervisor did not like her at all. When she got to work last week, one of her co-workers told her she needed to see her supervisor in the conference room. At that point, she knew what was up. Her supervisor and her supervisor's supervisor was in the room. She was going to be fired, but the higher-up said that she talked with HR and was given the option to voluntarily resign, user her last 2 weeks of vacation, then have 2 weeks of no pay so she could keep her benefits for this month. They also said they would work on trying to get her transferred to another department in the location where she was working. When she got home, she immediately started applying for jobs.…


So I guess employees that job hop every 2 to 3 years or discuss their pay are disgruntled employees?

In a recent job chat, I spilled my frustration about the pay gap, even with all my degrees and experience. I brought up the idea of switching jobs every 2 to 4 years for better pay and perks. Strangely, my chat buddy labeled job hoppers and pay talkers as disgruntled. I pulled out the National Labor Relations Act card, reminding them it's okay to discuss wage gaps. I also mentioned that sometimes job changes happen because companies aren't keeping up with fair pay nowadays, unlike the good old pension days of the '60s. Oh, and I made it clear – I won't stick around for more than 5 years unless they toss in yearly pro wages and top-notch health benefits. The look I got? It was like I'd cheated on my spouse or something. So, do folks even in this day and age seriously still think switching jobs often or…


My Boss took advantage of me and Blames me for my problems

Hello, I’ve never posted here before thinking myself the lucky few with a trustworthy boss who treated me like family. Now I see it’s all a bunch of bullshit set up to make you work hard for basically nothing. ​ I was a collage student when I first got recruited to this job, my friend and I worked there until my friend got sick of it and left, I should have left with her but I was desperate because I come from an abusive household and my mom was basically pushing me out since I was sixteen. He seemed nice enough, a bit mean when you didn’t follow his insane instructions. Ex: redo the entire filing system because he can’t find one document and it’s quote “chaos”. ​ We would regularly have bitch meetings just to complain about how insane he was. Eventually both people quit besides me. Then he…


anti-work fiction – catharsis

I've just finished reading this and thought this subreddit would like it. It was so relatable and funny (and a little bit depressing because – office culture). The whole thing is this woman who works out there is a crime going on at her work and the managers and coworkers ignore and gaslight her. I swear I've had some of these meetings irl and after working in a call centre for years, some of the conversations are a little too real!! The end (no spoiler) is pure anti-work catharsis anyway, thought I'd share it here.