
Avaya agent experience? Yay? Nay?

Anybody ever use avaya? The current job I am at is switching to it and it is the same exact reason why I left my last job. It is one of the worst systems ever used in customer service when it comes to actually needing to get work done versus being hounded by customers. I feel like I’m going to snap tomorrow as it is the first day that we are using it and I specifically remember hating every second of it at my last job. I just applied to around 20 places but I know this is about to get bad. The fuck do I do, this job was almost perfect before, but now, the dream is over.


I work in Healthcare and regret it every day

I am so beyond burnt out of watching people die. I'm a respiratory Therapist. We are fucking swamped because there are 3 of us for the whole hospital I'm at. Nurses give you tons of attitude and disrespect, doctors barely work with the patients and ask for things that are borderline impossible, and management micromanage like crazy and actively work to make you hate your job. We are 21 lines short of a full staff and more and more people leave my department all the time because everyone feels the same. It's taking everything I have to not quit with no notice. I got into this career because I want to help people but even patients treat us with such disrespect after covid that it's borderline unsafe sometimes. Crying at work today lol.


Unfulfilling Work..

I’m 24F and I’ve worked at the same company as a data analyst for 3 years out of college (started during COVID). I work from home, which I feel very privileged to be able to do… but the work is not something I’m interested in at all. People ask me what I do for a living and I can barely answer. I just have no drive to do better in this position other than not letting the rest of my team down. My passion is way far off from my current position and I’m scared if I don’t do something to chase it now that I never will. I want to become a film produce… with my job-the time it takes to network has been minimal to none to do any passion projects. I haven’t made enough money to save for me to feel financially secure and to stop what…


You’re not meant for this


Quiting a job after 10 days

I wont go into much details, but the point is how do i quit a job after such short period of time? Its not a fit for me, there is no training like they said it will be and bunch of Others stresuful stuff, and i just know i wont find my place there. My probation is 3 months so idk if that means anything. Any advice on how do do it?


Came across this gem while searching for a job

is requiring you to attend church and tithing 10% of your income even legal?


Why nobody is talking about the cost of learning at home to get a raise? We talk about commute or overtime but almost nobody talks about how we need to constantly get certifications and new skills to get raises or promotions to just keep up with inflation and COL.

This has been my pet peeve for some time now and I don't understand why nobody talks about it. I read how we are not working “40 hours” but if we account for a commute of 2 hours a day we are “at work” for at least 50 hours. On top of that add some OT during the weekend or in the evening and you have to work for 55-60 hours for a pay of 40 hours. BUT there is also this thing called Goals, certifications, qualifications, exams and new skills that nobody talks about. Let's say your employer is “graciously” paying for your new certification. This certification requires 150 hours to study. With all the sick leaves, bank holidays and holidays you have 230 working days in a year. 150 hours/230 working days = 0.65 hour every working day to update your skills. So on top of the 55-60…


I know i’m Getting Fired

Just like the title says. Been at this company since April 2023 and it is in a helping profession. The families I have served have absolutely loved having me in their lives (based on what they tell me) and have not complained about anything, despite all the drama i’m dealing with at work. This all started when my boss told me i was going to have to move from my stable salaried position to an hourly role (where cancellations are frequent and the pay is not nearly as consistent). I spoke up about how this felt unfair, as I had agreed to the job based on knowing I would be working at the salaried level. My boss then proceeded to “offer me some gentle feedback” which entailed her telling me that she is not going to change her mind just because i am “emotionally manipulating her”. Still not sure what…


I’m tired of doing my best when my best isn’t good enough.

This is a vent post so sorry in advance. I work in a liquor store and I've been here longer than both my manager and assistant manager, so I know a lot about the department than they think even if I'm only a part-timer. My duties mostly consist of filling coolers and shelves (obviously), cleaning, ringing up customers, all the basics. My manager was off all weekend so my assistant and I worked mostly. But I especially like to do things like make notes about how certain alcohols are, pricing, suggestions, and I like to condense notes in our special request book by rewriting them so it's easier for our managers to read, and make single beers (little things, I know). It's a pretty laid-back, easy job. I make sure to ask every day if there's any SPECIFIC things that need done during the night and I'm almost always told…


Sick call backfires on boss

This is an older story, but I only just found this sub and realized this was the perfect place to share it. So back in the height of Covid (sometime in 2021) I called in sick to work as I had a pretty bad headache and some issues with my sinuses (I have sinusitis, and I took a rapid covid test and it was neg). My boss called me after I put in the sick request demanding to know what was wrong (illegal!!) I told him anyway, and let him know that I would be back to work ASAP. Up until this point I was an incredibly reliable worker so he had no reason to doubt me. Apparently, me “self diagnosing” with a sinus issue and taking Tylenol wasn't good enough for him. He demanded I go to the hospital and get a covid test (despite me taking a rapid…