
Since too many people are testing positive, we will not be testing for 90 days.

A friend of mine works at a nursing home. They have to test for COVID twice a week. The day depends on their schedule. They are super low staffed because people have been testing positive. Since they cannot afford anyone else to be absent, they implemented a pause in testing for 90 days. Not just a pause, but they are even refusing to test anyone who is feeling bad. The director of nursing even said in a meeting that everyone is discouraged from getting tested outside of work also. Edit: As if it could not get any crazier, they are also not testing the residents anymore either.


What’s up with the surveys before you get hired?

I'll do all the surveys you want after I get hired. I shouldn't have to fill out a 100 question survey while applying, I already gave them my resume, I shouldn't have to slut myself out when I'm applying, what's going on with these employers? I know they don't want to do interviews, but hell, idk what to say, I just wish it was better. And these damn 100 question surveys are stupid as shit.


Not sure I have options

I've been at this company for 2 years as my first management job after working construction for almost a decade. We have 3 offices that run different divisions but no division is substantially larger than any of the others. Office A is where the partners in the company work out of and this location has a half dozen admin employees. Office B is the one I work out of and I am the sole admin here managing everything for this division. The single admin person in Office C was terminated earlier this year for reasons I very much disagreed with on a deep level. I have absorbed 90% of that former employees work load for almost 6 months now. Every time I bring up the fact that we should seriously consider filling that position it's nothing but stall tactics and promises that we will eventually but not right now. The…


How many of you have work potlucks?

And chili making competitions at lunch in the office? I feel like I’m the curmudgeon at work because I don’t believe in participating in work related activities, during work hours, that are not sponsored (paid for) by the company.


I’m sick as heck today, but at work because we don’t have paid sick time and I can’t afford to miss any hours. Boss said to continue to come into work if it turns out to be covid because “I’m too important to be away for long”.

But obviously not important enough to offer paid sick time or a living fucking wage. wE'rE a SmAlL bUsInEsS wE CaN't AfFoRd It!!” I'm actively looking for another job, but until I find one, I'm stuck in this stupid place.


After nearly a year after being laid off I find I’m still being screwed by my employer

I finally landed a new job after being laid off last year and went to roll over my 401k to find out I'm not eligible for any of the employer's contribution since I wasn't there long enough (not by choice) when I was there almost 2 years. And 2 years would have only afforded me 20%. Seems crazy they can gatekeep a basic benifit for so long.


[Videos] Entire team laid off through Zoom with unmuted mics


Working moms in situation unprecedented on evolutionary history


If employers were honest.


Managing working two jobs

Hellooooo (21F) I have a full time job m-f. Basic 9-5. And I also am a full time college student. Of course, I don’t make enough to have money to save afterwards. So before this second position, it was paycheck to paycheck living. (Still is really) but I’ve got bills and tuition to pay. So I picked up a seasonal weekend retail position right across the street from my current job. I’ll start by saying I forgot how much I hated working retail. Jesus Christ it is just fucking awful. Even for just two days a week. Anyway, not to complain because I’m well aware of what I signed up for, but to people that have been in a two job situation, how did you manage? I’ve realized that I’m saying goodbye to any social life I had and accepted that, but the fatigue…. The constant work days without days…