
What is the worst job offer you’ve ever received?

For me I was offered $11 an hour at a metalworking shop. It was a permanent-temp position meaning they let you go and rehire you every 3 months to avoid giving benefits. At the time in my state fast food and retail were starting new hires at $13 an hour. I expected to at least make at least $15. So to be offered below fast food wages was shocking to say the least.


Should I have gone to work today? Probably. But I’m pissed

After 10 years of working in food service, I decided to start over in a new industry and got a job with a big financial institution in my area. I'd heard nothing but great things before I applied, and up until today, this largely rang true with me; I'm being compensated well, the work environment is pretty healthy, and our group plan is incredible, even for my first employer-provided insurance plan. Couple weeks ago, there was an announcement that there was a mandatory Zoom meeting with an exec at 7am, about 3 hours before my scheduled shift. Cool, I thought, must be pretty important if I have to be in early. They gave us notice, so I was well prepared to be there. Today was the meeting, and god was I disappointed. Nothing but an hour of listening to this guy talk about…well nothing really. The executive didn't seem like…


Why aren’t we name-dropping more companies?

The title. Why are people scared to name-drop companies that literally abuse and exploit workers? Let’s use capitalism to our advantage (e.g. make companies look less attractive) and NAMEDROP every company that has a ridiculous job listing, that lays you off, that has terrible management, that underpays you, etc. I know it won’t solve an issue. Hell, it might not even make a dent. But why purposely omit this info and keep it a secret?? It won’t hurt and with social media DRIVING the upcoming labor force, it will only help the future. It doesn’t take much effort, just drop names — any and all.


A manufacturer tried the 4-day workweek for 5 days’ pay and won’t go back

Love this! I know this would mean so much to me and perhaps, make me considerably less antiwork. Wdyt?


Husband suspended from his job after he was drugged

My husband works the night shift at a factory job. We live in Alabama. While at work a (then) close friend offered him candy, not disclosing it was loaded with THC, knowing that my husband doesn't do any type of drugs. My husband got sick and was high off of his ass. The company caught everything on camera. The ex-friend and another person (who took it knowing what it was) got fired immediately, but they only suspended my husband. He told them over and over that he was never told it was a THC gummy. This was on Halloween night, and he has not been contacted since except by a doctor who just told him his test was positive, but he already knew that ofc. He has tried to contact HR but isn't getting an answer. He isn't getting paid for any of this and is set to get a…


It’s been proven that CEOs are interchangeable at large companies and don’t bring much in so I for one am for this.


Should you value time over money?

I am dealing with a situation for quite some time and I don't know what to make of it. Six years ago I applied to a job for which I was under-qualified, however during the interview I was redirected to another position at a different team, for which I've got hired. For some reason, in the first years I've been doing exactly what I wanted. No stress what soever. I worked when I wanted, I did not have a fixed time for coming to work or leaving. I could WFH long before the global pandemic. And for the past 3 years I've been doing nothing “officially”. The job is full-time. The pay suits my lifestyle, but is generally under my colleagues with about 10%, but they are actually working (and hard for that). The thing is, I actually enjoy it. I can never be bored since I fill my time…


I’m fortunate enough to be in a situation where I won’t have to work for at least a month or two and I’m suddenly losing tons of weight.

It’s been less than 2 weeks that I haven’t been working and I’ve lost about 10 pounds with no effort (not on a diet & getting less exercise than usual). The only difference is that I’m completely stress free.. and I’m a stress eater. Ever since I became a working adult, I’ve been steadily gaining weight. I don’t have to dread going to work on Monday, I don’t have to worry about being fired, I don’t have to destress at the end of every day, and I don’t have to worry about money. I am healthy and have decent living conditions. I don’t even necessarily have to worry about going back to another crappy job because now I have room to be a lot more selective with the next one. I have the luxury of not having to jump at the first opportunity. It’s just so sad that working, or…


Had to quit job to move closer to family.

Job wasn’t the best but it paid decent and I had to leave. Saved up enough money to move home 8 hours away and looks like I’m totally up shits creek. My resume is strong I have lots of experience in multiple high demand fields and I cannot even get an interview lol I can’t get any response at all. Applied to 10+ different companies all within my skill level and not a word but yet everyone is so desperately hiring lmfao. I don’t know what the hell anymore, literally every single place I go there’s a sign saying they’re hiring and come join our team what a joke.


Tmobile taking away WFH?