
Exhausted with corporate B.S

I’m 26 working at good corporate organisation and climbing up the ladder pretty quick. I’m really good at what I do but the corporate world seems very plastic and exhausting. I feel like I cannot do this for the next 10-25 years, 40 hour work weeks trying to impress your boss and hope you feel appreciated. Any advice ???


Ultra related.


Experienced a heart attack on the job.

Hello, I don't know if I should quit my job and look at a different career path, but I drive motorcoach busses. And these past two weeks have been stressful. I had to go to court and testify as a witness to a murder trial. I ended up taking a short trip to a tropical island to get away from everything. I returned to work and immediately my job puts me on a 16 hour roundtrip. 8 hours to New York and back. On the way back I started feeling my right arm go numb, and my chest feeling tight. I should mention that I don't get employment benefits until being with the company for one year. Ive been there for 10 months now. But I wasn't ready for this long trip and its taking a toll on my body. I am in a lot of medical debt so I…


After being unemployed for 7 months I finally got a job… and I’m in hell

I work for one of the worst and most unorganized organizations I’ve ever come across. Holy shit. And everyone tells me to be grateful because I finally have money to pay my bills and I’m not on the street. This shouldn’t even be a thing. I shouldn’t have to suffer every single day just to survive. I feel like I’m losing it. And no I can’t find another job. I applied to 50-150 jobs every week I was unemployed and this was 1/3 places that even gave me an interview. I work 10+ hours a day and have no time to do that shit again.


Science based companies have totally unrealistic expectations.

4 years undergrad, ~6 years PhD, 2 years of postdoc, all for $60k


My manager leaves bags of salads in carts all day and night most of them with dressing inside. They are not refrigerated. He told me that it’s okay and no big deal and that the health department wouldn’t think it’s a big deal. He’s wrong right?

What would they do? My girlfriend said ecoli will grow on the lettuce and potentially kill someone. He also pours bleach into the sink of water full of tomatoes before they are chopped for salsa What are my steps for turning this in? Should I go to the owners? This is a small business that was recently bought by two brothers. Should I just skip that and go to osha/health department?


My union has completely stopped caring

When I started the job 6 years ago, the union was trying for change or at least keeping people active in union activities. The place I work at is very political and no department likes to talk to each other so getting any change done is near impossible but the union used to at least try their best when an employee needed help with something. Since the pandemic they seem to have completely checked out, for example Doug Ford (Premier of Ontario) introduced a bill to limit wage increases to 1% a year. Everyone was upset by this and allot of people wanted to protest, make a statement, or something and they went to the union for help and every time they were told “its against the law to protest this”. At the same time people were starting to come back to the office and people wanted a 4 day…


And they say no one wants to work anymore…

My company is actively restructuring and doing layoffs. My teammate told me about another company that is hiring for a similar position. I applied on Monday, and heard back from the recruiter the following day. She scheduled a phone interview for Thursday. Another teammate also applied for the same position and had a phone interview with the same recruiter for the same day. Thursday morning came, and I had a family emergency, but it didn't matter because the recruiter never called. I emailed her that day to follow up, but she never responded. On the other hand, my teammate was able to do his phone interview with her on Thursday, had an official interview on Friday with the hiring manager, and then got an email from her this morning saying she might have good news for him later today. I'm fine with them not picking me, but why schedule an…


Im so tired of working

I have to work to survive. What little time I have on this planet and in this plane of existence I’m wasting doing shit that doesn’t fucking matter for Pennies on the dollar. Im so fucking tired of this shit, it’s a cycle, never ends.


Employers that outsource, and claim they “can’t do WFH” are full of shit!