
Need advice on unfair treatment from Uber – $180 earnings withheld, accused of GPS manipulation

Hey, I hope you're all doing well. I'm reaching out because I've found myself in a frustrating situation with Uber, and I'm hoping to get some advice or insights. A few months ago, I worked briefly for Uber and earned $180 over two days. Unfortunately, my account was permanently banned due to accusations of GPS manipulation. I want to clarify that I did not intentionally manipulate GPS; rather, my older phone's GPS inaccuracies and delayed updates led to issues. I've tried appealing multiple times, but Uber has maintained the ban and is withholding my earnings. I'm at a loss on how to proceed. I've contacted Uber support, provided evidence of my phone's limitations, and explored other options, but with no success so far. If anyone has faced a similar situation or has any advice on dealing with Uber or navigating small claims court, I would greatly appreciate your insights. Is…


Boomer work culture is insane

I just can’t stand working with boomers anymore. They completely disregard any concept of personal life or life outside work, forcing 4-5 hours long meetings with only one 15 min break or demanding important things at 4:59pm on a Friday. They also don’t make an effort to keep up with the times and even to this day any simple piece of technology like slideshows are alien concepts to them. I understand that they started off at a different time and during peak hustler culture but young people nowadays generally don’t give a shit about their companies or work that much, given that we are not compensated for our work accordingly. Let us work our 8-9 hours with minimal interruptions and no contact past working hours and I promise we’ll be less stressed and demotivated.


Open offices suck

I hate working in Open offices. When i sit there, i have no privacy. Everyone can see everything i do, and hear everything i say. It feels like i am being survailanced by everyone. And then there is the noise and activity. Having to listen to many talk, breathe, eat. The sounds of multiple keyboards and Nice thunking and clicking loudly drives me up the wall. And the constant activity paired with all the noise wears me down after each day, and i collapse exhausted at home. (Getting upgraded to noise cancelling has helped here, But not solved it) anyone Else feel the same? I Allso cannot find any other Office job here that is not Open Office, or any job that is at least flexible home Office. 100% home Office i haven’t found. I work in IT service/Operations btw Anyways, rant over


Something to consider


Cyprus slave work conditions

Any journalists who wants to expose the cyprus slave like working conditions pm me


Companies are desperate for workers .. Why Aren’t They Doing the One Thing That Will Attract Them?


Best idea this week


Found in my hometown. ESSENTIAL MY ASS



Found in my hometown. ESSENTIAL MY ASS



$9/hour added to wage