
The Most Dangerous Brand of Leftist

Alt Title: My Ex & Those Like Him, Accountability & Understanding Risks I am writing this because I think we need to have this talk. I am so sure I am not the only one with this story. I look forward to people engaging, sharing, understanding and maybe learning 🙂 So picture this:You're branded as a soft, feminine, but amab person. We click because I can connect and empathize with people. It's so fun, meeting another leftist in this leftist-heavy city. I am just making friends, so I ignore everything else. I am leaving out the red flags this early – this will build. He mopes, he complains about the end of the world, you feel bad, you empathize because you have so much in common. In my case, Inseguire* (name changed because he's here) had me SO FOOLED. Soft leftist, preaches radical kindness, how he wishes he could do…


Here’s a list of anti-work/ work reform movies. If you have any suggestions or thoughts on the films listed or even video games sharing the same themes, please say so.

F.I.S.T (1978), Hoffa (1992), Antz (1998), Day of the Dead (1985), They Live (1988), In Time (2011), One that Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975), Metropolis (1927).


If the checkout person politely asks to use self check out, maybe you should

I live in the Midwest. Our gas stations sell pizza. This happened while waiting for food. Lady working is stocking some merchandise. Guy walks up to cash register. “Sir, would you mind using self checkout? I’m the only one working.” “I refuse to use that” Gives her a bit of a lecture as if she installed the machine herself. Lady is a little older. She starts to drag this box towards the back. It’s obvious it’s not easy for her, says “it would be quicker if you would, Sir.” Again, “I don’t use those.” Four minutes. She’s at the cash register. He lectures her more a bit. Something about service. Then this, he claims he’s saving her job by refusing to use self check out. I kinda wanted to kick him. Almost seven minutes of her time for this guy to buy a slice of pizza and a energy drink.…


Not Allowed to Call the Police on a Stalker

4 years ago I was harassed and bullied at a job. I switched to a different store and never went back. My Mom insisted we go back into that location last year and told me those people probably don't work there anymore. We saw the person I didn't want to see the most. Last October 2022 he shows up at my current work place. I keep pretending I don't know him until he says I know you remember, I come here to shame you. So I started hiding when he came and didn't think about it too much. I was promoted and a few weeks ago I overheard an employee telling him she hears you coming and hides. The next day he comes back and another employee refused to wait on him. They also had to point out that the general manager thought he was cute. I get really freaked…


Supermarket chain Booths is axing almost all self-service tills in its stores in what it says is a response to customer demand.


Bipartisan bill introduced to guarantee truck drivers overtime pay


I finally got one

Mellow greetings, all. I’ve become another casualty. Albeit, this was a hard lesson learned at Fourty, but information assimilated! But this time, the lesson I’ve learned is gonna stick. I was the GM of a small, local business. 9 employees, revenue in the $500k-$1Mil range annually. I have quite literally put my own sweat equity into someone else’s business for almost the last year. All the while, having to deal with all of the mistakes and fuck ups that had been made before I arrived. We took a 2.1 star review on Google to 4.5 stars in less than a year. The local community loved us, business was rocking and rolling, but all the while the owner is dropping the ball. Making, what I would consider pretty stupid mistakes, for someone that claims to have “been in the business for 25 years.” In some aspects, I believe him. I really…


Just had a worse interview ever in my life.

First of all pardon my English. So I (25M) am a freelancer(I film and edit videos make 3D renders and do vfx and stuff). I have few long term clients and it's not much yet I am making good money compared to my age. My clients are pretty satisfied with the work I do and I have some things planned ahead to scale things up, make a team and establish an agency and stuff. But my wife thinks that what I do is unstable. And I should rely on something with more stable income. I can't blame her. Cause I do have couple days every week where I don't have any work scheduled. So I decided, to give it a shot. I saw a job requirement. I called them, and they appointed an interview. So when I arrived at the interview. First they kept me waiting for 1:30hrs. Finally they…


How to explain 3 years of DoorDash work on my résumé/LinkedIn profile?

I worked in local government for almost 12 years when my dad (who lived alone) fell ill and needed a caregiver. He couldn’t afford to hire one, and I’m an only child. I felt it was my duty to care for him, so I moved out of state to do so and was forced to resign from my job as they do not allow out-of-state employees and could not accommodate my request for sabbatical. While caring for my father, I started driving for DoorDash as I needed the autonomy and flexibility such gig work provided so I could prioritize taking care of him. It’s been three years now, and my caregiving role has come to an end. I’m revamping my rĂ©sumĂ© and am struggling with how to explain my situation. My previous position paid $80k a year in a legal support role. I’ve been living off of savings, minimal pay…


Monday Check In

How is everyone? What time are y'all having to check/sign in? I clock in at 7:30 for my first job.