
Employer cut my flag tech pay 8,000 per year without notice

Flag tech. I work in the used car department of a dealership. The Repair orders all start with the same base lines (tasks). Line A pays 1, 1.5 or 2 hours (varies depending on type of car) line B pay .5 hour, C .3 hour, D .5 hour. Line B cut to .4 and D cut to .2. Industry standard is 3 cars a day (repair orders). If I do 3 cars a day this .4 reduction each car is a 160$ pay cut per week. A dollar per hour for an hourly employee is 2,000 a year. My flag hour dollar rate has not changed but this cut is equivalent to $4 an hour pay cut. I get mad about being surprised about my flag hours being less than expected and no notice being given. Manager says I’m disrespectful and he’s not required to give notice for changes to…


Why do people say “just don’t live there” or “move then” when people complain about the cost of living in their area?

How are you supposed to move hundreds of miles away potentially when you're broke? Why should people have to leave all of their friends and family and the only place they've ever known? Who would work there then? I'm thinking of LA County specifically. Ok, let's say everyone who doesn't make like $35 an hour (basically what it takes to scrape by in LA County) moves. Who's going to provide services? No restaurants or retail of any kind or cleaners or childcare workers. They all moved to another state. Sorry.


5 year non-compete?

Canadian small business wants to hire me, but requires a 5 year non-compete with any competitors. How out of touch is both this duration and scope?


to fight low wages, does anyone think I should increase my skill set so I can earn a higher wage?


I work for a startup that has really low ARR and I think I’m about to get put on a PIP or get fired. What should I do?

I'm (34m) a single dad and I've been struggling with my MH with the start up stress and the stress of being a single dad to a 11f & 9m has been getting to me. I have dropped a few balls and despite my reddit generated username, I'm actually a positive person my MH not withstanding. Recently we've been losing some of the few customers we do have due to the product not meeting expectations and our Series A hasn't been going well. Our ARR is barely enough to cover the salaries of just the team managing the clients. I recently was called out for missing a deadline, and my manager has expressed concerns about my demeanor. I have an in person meeting later this week with her. I checked in with my family and friends, and they've been really concerned about me for months. I realized that I've been…


Even Volunteer Positions Are Getting Ridiculous

First off I (like everyone else) am having trouble getting a job so I wanted to put some more experience on my resume.. hence volunteering (with flexible hours since I am a busy student). Had 2 different organizations contact me – First one was totally normal, just helping them write some stuff to help fund the organization with very light/flexible hours and the people in charge gave me a good/normal vibe, cool. (If I decide to take any opportunity I am DEFINITELY taking this one and the cause is really great being a non-profit that is helping kids, veterans, etc. receive free bicycles and spreading some positivity which I can get down with). Second organization I was super excited at first…until I read the FULL print lol. Motherfucker has a volunteer position for a “Quality Assurance Manager”, literally fucking unpaid, no benefits.. NOTHING. (I get you have to reap what…


Medical Scribe Toxicity

I have been working as an ED scribe for 6 months now; it's AWFUL. For 15 an hour, we are expected to kiss the docs/midlevels butts, and pretty much document every single thing the physical does for a patient in regards to exams, calls, medications, and so on; for 15 an hour! It gets very stressful at times since its a ED. I am scheduled to work on Christmas Eve and new years eve for no extra holiday pay! We work the weirdest hours like working till midnight one night then in the morning of the same day! We even have what's called a “On Call” scribe? Hm, we are expected to travel to hospitals up to an hour away! But hey, it's a privilege to have this job no?


Is being passive aggressive work more or direct communication

I tried communication with my boss before but just got gaslit to oblivion Whats your advice on playing mind game to let your boss know you are doing work above your paygrade


Moved cross country for a job that hasn’t kept their promises. Do they deserve a 2-week notice?

I feel so stupid for trusting them, but here I am. Took a significant pay cut ($20k) for this job under the agreement they would make me a manager and give me a raise, but I had to move first for them to do this. Been with them for 11 months, and moved to the home office 6 months ago. There’s been no movement on the position, even after having multiple discussions with them on my concerns and frustrations on this. They also still owe me about $4k in moving bonus money that they said was approved, but are now backpedaling and saying they still need approval on. The company has been “bleeding money,” so I imagine that’s why there’s been no movement on my bonus, promotion, and raise, but they won’t give me any details or just straight up ignore me. I was SUPER fortunate to land a new…


Anybody else worked heavy manual labour as a teen and young adult and now you are chronically injured?

I started working manual jobs at 17 through to 24, I'm 25 now. Years of full-time work, work without breaks, night shifts, 12 hours shifts, 55 hour weeks etc. Never even earning a living wage either for all m6 hard work. I had some general chronic pain from this and last year it all came to a halt with me badly injuring my back and neck at a job that pushed me too far. I've been unemployed for a year and basically am disabled until my back gets better. I have got chronic pain and joint instability over my entire body and nerve damage from my neck which creates all sorts of pain in my limbs and face. I literally feel like a 80 year old man and I don't know how long it will take to get better if I do at all. Sad to think how many people…