
Hi! Can we discuss how expensive it is to start a new job? Feeling IRKED as fuck right now

Hi, I'll keep it short. So I recently got a new job thats mainly outdoors. I work in the midwest, so naturally it gets freezing in the winter. My company gave me two t shirts and two pullovers, both of which are very light for free. However, they impose the rule that you MUST wear company “merch.” So in order to be warm all day, I need to spend $50 on a hoodie and a beanie, and the jackets are $80 each. Oh I also have to go purchase $60 work boots. They dont allow you to wear your own clothing, and will send you home to change (my second day I got told to go home and change because my pants had the rivets near the pockets). So now NONE of my khaki pants can be worn at work, so guess who has to scramble to buy pants before…


Bosses removed the rest of my team and leaves me with all the work

So when I joined this company, it was small with about 13-14 people. I had never worked for a small company before, but I quickly came to love it. Everyone was focused on working as a team and offered support, that it reflected on the work we did, and the clients and their vendors loved it. Well, that company got acquired a couple years ago, and part of that sale was half the team, including me. Over the next few months the team diminished until it was just me remaining. At this point I was stressed out and begging to get more people to join the team so that I could train them up and get the support that i needed. It was not until 2 months go by that I start getting support, and eventually things get back to normal, however the team members that I had also had…


Honoring Veterans

So, don't get me wrong, I believe military members are an important part of society, current or former, but where does the appreciation end? Our company gives Veterans an extra day of PTO since they don't want to let everyone have Veterans day off. I get it, it's a business and obviously they don't view Veterans day as being as important as other holidays. They could give everyone the day off. Perhaps they have a spouse who served or another family member who served they would like to spend the day with. Now, they are giving them gifts as well. Where does it end? There are already several veterans benefits. I almost think, at least my company, they view them as better people or more important employees than the rest of us. Military service is a choice (at least without a draft and in this country), but I feel less…


I made a Tee around this issue

And I only found this subreddit today


my job cut my hours drastically after i got sick

a week ago i texted my job and told them i couldn’t work the weekend since i had a medical emergency. i’ve been having a lot of health problems lately, likely in part due to my extreme work environment. i offered them a drs note and they never wanted one, so i didn’t bother. i had to let them know going forward i couldn’t work monday’s since i now need an open day for appointments while i try to determine what exactly is wrong. they said it was fine, and then proceeded to cut my hours to two shifts for the entire month. i thought it was a mistake and texted my manager, only to find out it’s not. it’s going to cost me more to go into work than i’ll even be making, so undoubtedly they did this to make me quit. my income is drastically reduced and because…


Mandatory potluck “meeting” for a fast food joint.

I work in fast food and just need to rant about this a bit. My boos decided that next weekend we’re doing a potluck/meeting that all employees are required to attend. The actual ‘meeting’ part of it is only going to be from 8-9 but the potluck is set for 8-2. We’re only required to be at the meeting and the rest of it is optional but they’ve been hinting for us to stay the whole time and even put a list up of all the food people are bringing. I told one of the managers that I don’t like eating food at potlucks because I don’t know what’s in them (which is true) and that I won’t be bringing anything but I’ll skip eating the food too to make it fair. They’re still giving me shit for this though. Apparently I’m not being a “team player” because I don’t…


Serving Minneapolis’ unhoused should not mean risking homelessness


Georgia (US) – Being forced to attend and provide food for a thanksgiving potluck or else I don’t get holiday pay, is this illegal or just really bad practice?


Me in Zoom roomz


Whoopi Goldberg tells Gen Z and Millennials that the reason they can’t get on the housing ladder is because they “only want to work four hours” a day | Fortune
