
I survived many rounds of laid offs and what I felt

Secure jobs are often achieved by speciality that are hard to replace or depth of knowledge that takes a lot of money to replace the position. Ironically, position like this suffer from going up in ladder to upper management level as they are highly sophisticated. Company will only let this happens given there is replacement for his position. Because of exceptional performance and profit to company, I was considered a danger to my manager, but there was no such thing as laid off. I think this is a bs reason if people think they were laid off for. Because manager's request to lay off someone significant requires senior manager or general manager's approval and prepared by HR, IT, and security. If their senior or general manager knows, which they would if you are a great deal, does not let it happen. Most ironic thing I have seen and felt is…


Sharing Salary Increase

I wasn't sure where to seek advice on this: I recently had an annual review with my company. I'm at (almost) the bottom of the food chain and have an entry level job. I got a decent raise compared to most I hear of. It's normally between $0.30-$0.50 for exceeding expectations, but I received $0.80. I want people to know it's possible to get more, and to also talk more about what we're actually getting. I live in Florida. Would my company come after me if I publicly posted my wages? Would it benefit others? TIA.


My budget silenced my mom and her husband about bootstrapping.

A few weeks ago my family invited me to my brother’s 21st birthday at the local casino and I told them I couldn’t afford it. I could pay for gas to be there but I don’t have money in my budget for pocket money fordrinks, gambling etc. I told my mom that I could be present but I didn’t have money to spend. He husband was saying I needed to make a budget so I did. I make 52k in a HCOL city, live alone and here is my budget Rent – 1200 Credit Card 700 Best Buy – 100 Car Insurance – 57 Tuition 140 on the 5th of the month until 12/5 Electricity 100 during summer 50 during fall-spring 1200+600+100+57+140+100= 2,197 Medications – 35 Apple Music – 20 Apple Care – 11 ChatGPT – 22 Disney+ – 15 Prime – 16 ICloud – 2 Hulu – 9 35+20+11+22+15+16+2+9=130…


Are random drug tests actually random?

I have a theory that random drug tests are not actually random. I think that someone gets “random'd” for either: 1) Someone is trying to fire them. 2) There is a quota to meet, and the person they choose is not likely to fail a drug test. 3 Bonus) It is actually random. Is anyone here in charge of who gets random'd?


What is it with retail managers and unrealisitc time standards

First time poster. For some background I work at a large department store but for an independent company (think of Mac beauty cosmetics at a Macy's or for where I'm from Myer or David Jones. As I walk in to start my shift I notice the dock has placed 30+ boxes in the fire escape hallway (I don't blame them, there's never any actual space for delivieries to be placed). For my entire shift the manager of the store I work in has constantly lectured me about the boxes even though it is all I have been doing and have told her repeatedly that I am working as fast as I can. The boxes hold multiple large items which when you consider unpacking relocating and cutting up cardboard can take a while. She has also lectured me about being fined 5k from the fire department for leaving the fire walkway…


Can I negotiate severance if I want to be released from my PIP?

I was unexpectedly placed on a performance improvement plan about a month and a half ago. This came just a couple months after I had expressed grievances about my boss gossiping about associates In the workplace and also brought up to their boss the fact that I was forced to go back in the office five days a week right after I started last year despite my offer letter saying I would be remote, really bothered me and felt like a bait and switch. My Pip was full of mistakes I made starting around June, which is when I expressed the grievances. Basically, I’m starting to feel like this pip was planned. I’m meeting with HR on Friday and I’m not sure if I should be honest about the fact that I am feeling this way. The PIP is causing me a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety. I’ve been…


so… what’s the realest thing you’ve said in an interview lately?

No lies plz. Help give a fellow searcher genuine courage. Thank you


job reduced all labor hours after a raise

we went from 8 hours to 6 for every single employee, practically making the same amount of pay from before the raise but doing more work per hour. is there anything i can do? are there any parallels i can draw to for this in face of making a change?


Quitting job of 15 years for a new opportunity and was asked “if that’s what you wanted to do, why didn’t you tell me sooner”

I gave two weeks notice yesterday for a company I've been at for 15 years. I moved though the ranks and have been well compensated, but have felt stretched thin and unfulfilled. I found a new career offer in my field that is effectively a different job function than my old job. When I gave my notice, my manager was in disbelief, telling me that I'm a major loss to the organization and that I should have told him what I wanted to do with my career that my current employer could have created the position. Why do managers and employers think that this is okay? Like if I'm leaving what is the point in telling me that they've been trying to create the position that I'm leaving for, for years. I know the goal is to convince me to stay, but if you've been trying to make a position…


What to do when boss installs camera with audio?

I work in California. I’ve been here for two and a half years and there was never a camera until 5 days ago. He also has been checking on me through the window and his blind was stuck from how often he opens it. I have photos of both.