
I need advice on where to go from my current job…I’m absolutely miserable where I am now…

Hi all, I’ve been a client services manager for the past year and 4 months. Before that I was a social media strategist / content creator for a solar company. I was also in charge of the company's brand image and making sure all ads followed the proper colors and such. At my current job I communicate between the client, the sales rep, the creative team, and the advertising vendors. A sales rep sells digital advertising campaign to a client, I call the rep and the client to go over which tactics they bought, their targeting goals, and so on. I then collect creative materials from the client to submit to the internal creative team along with some notes and previous creatives to help shape the look and feel fo the ad. Once the ad is complete I send the proof to the client and either send in their edits…


The fight over return-to-office is getting dirty


Out of the loop: what happened at the end of august?


Want to know I am not alone. What was the worst job you ever had?

Hey, I'm really going through a tough time at work, and I still have three months left on my contract. Out of curiosity (and the need to not feel alone), what are the worst jobs you had and why?


(UK) Company is rolling out redundancies, but I have a new job offer. How can I fully make the most out of this situation?

My company will most likely offer voluntary redundancy to 1/2 members of my department in the next few weeks. The problem is, I have already found a new job and got the offer today. Should I make my current job aware or hold off slightly to see what the situation is with redundancy? It would delay my notice period which may cause issues but if they're not honouring our contract why should I?


Reference obtained without my permission

So I walked out of my previous job (dm) back in September as the working enviroment and my boss was toxic. I have just got a new job through an agency. They asked for reference so I gave them 3 one was a guy that worked previously for (dm) but he left before I did. However I never gave any contact details for (dm) and at no time gave permission to contact them as I knew that the boss would never give me a good review. So you can imagine my surprise when the agency came back to me and said I'd had a reference back from(dm). Luckily it had been picked up by a work colleague of mine that I worked well with and she emailed them back with a reference. But if the boss had seen it, I would have lost this job. I am really peeved that…


I guess the feeling is mutual between me and work

…because they're not hiring nor do I want to work anyway. No hyperbole but it is alarmingly bad out there, like Great Depression bad. Companies are so fucking red-taped nowadays that grandma's suggestion of applying in-person is futile as they just give you a website or corporate number to apply at–and this is supposedly the hiring manager I'm talking to as well. So much for autonomy, am I right, corporate slaves? We used to bitch about communist Russia yet here is late-stage capitalism imitating its behavior. But I have to work because society hasn't had its paradigm shift yet and I need to eat and pay bills. Indeed, LinkedIn, even SnagAJob are worthless. I guess see how many hours I can last as a Bezos slave at the local Amazon DC? God, kill me now. Woo-hoo! Amerika! Leave no corporation behind (and there's some validity to that phrase; it's not…


Fun book for that manager on your holiday list


Might be getting scammed and I need some advice

A few months ago, I was approached via text about a job offer that was remote, paid well, and had good hours. I went through this whole verification process through a program with the IRS, and then didn’t hear back from the employer for several months. I also couldn’t access the account they set up for me on, so I froze my credit accounts to prevent any theft. Today, I got another text from the same person saying they were interested in hiring me for the position. However, they want me to set up a new direct deposit account with their company, rather than directly depositing into my personal account. Something about it being safer. This person was kind enough to send me a photo of their ID and business license, which looked legit, and they’re willing to speak over the phone, but I don’t know. This has been…


Getting sick from RTO has made me realize that RTO has ruined my life and personality

I wrote out an entire dramatic post about my experience of being a remote worker who was then forced to return to office for 4 days a week in person and how that has taken away my safety, my security, my ability to have a life outside of work, my health, and even my love for what I do. However I deleted it because the main thing I want to say is that in late August, a co-worker who continually makes fun of me for wearing masks (they know I am high risk and that Covid in 2020 put me into a coma as well as two flu infections in the last 4 years has landed me in the ER for several weeks) came into the office sick. They were coughing a lot, not covering their mouth, coughing into their hands and touching things and specifically coming to my cubicle…