
As we experienced in COVID19


Considering learning a trade, but don’t know what exactly

I'm considering becoming an electronics technician, but I would like to know how stressful it is and how much interaction with customers it requires? I'm looking for a job with the least amount of interaction. I'm also considering becoming a software technician, it might open doors for a tech job, but I'm afraid I'm not actually going to even get my first job because they only look for university graduates. Where should I go? Electronics or software?


Daylight savings time sucks for night shift workers

They need to abolish daylight savings time, us night shift workers get screwed over every year having to work an extra hour (we do get paid for it though)


How much do you make in a day?

I know how this sounds, but I don't wanna know your salary. I wanna know how much you create. For example, at my job, I make shocks for vehicles. They sell for about $50-$80 or even much higher depending on the model, and I make about 1100 of these a day, so I make about $55,000.00 a day, at the lowest. Wanna guess what I bring home per day? What do you make?


How much do you make in a day?

I know how this sounds, but I don't wanna know your salary. I wanna know how much you create. For example, at my job, I make shocks for vehicles. They sell for about $50-$80 or even much higher depending on the model, and I make about 1100 of these a day, so I make about $55,000.00 a day, at the lowest. Wanna guess what I bring home per day? What do you make?


I just realised becoming ‘top-brass’ is the absolute worst

Several reasons: The traditional 9-to-5 goes out the window, people start expecting you to stay late in the weekdays and still be available on the weekends. You can almost hear upper management saying “That's why we pay you so much for”, and unless you own the company there will always be someone higher than you putting that implied pressure. You can't explore entrepreneurship outside work and left to fend for yourself after retirement. Usually contracts for big companies prohibit you from basically doing anything while employed, some goes as far as to have intellectual rights to things you do while employed even if you do it outside office hours. So essentially, after you retire you are on your own as you wont earn anything from the decades of work you've done for a company, that's all theirs. In certain countries, you are taxed more for a threshold you reach, for…


What would you do in this situation? (A very immature and obnoxious co-worker turned supervisor)

I have this co-worker. this man is the most obnoxious person I have ever met. To the point it is driving me crazy. But first, a little background: – I used to like my job. A relatively cushy night shift job at 12.5 hour shifts 3-4 days a week, with a long stretch on every 4 weeks of 6 days in a row. – this individual has been with the company for 22 years, lives alone, and is in his mid-40s. -Until recently, the shifts would switch of positions, and we'd work with opposite personnel every few weeks. This man is one of the most annoying people i have ever met. His entire personality revolves around 3 things: Disney, the Beatles, and Wrestling (a fake sport). he cannot shut up and will talk my ear off about these topics (of which i do not care for at all) all night…


Should I go to store party even though I feel slated?

I didn't get employee of the year AGAIN and tbh although my coworker who I found out has won is a great worker, it feels like a slap in the face. I found out also I wasn't even in the top three choices yet I'm the sole reason my department gets stocked and finished. Literally, I'm solo. There's a small store party tomorrow where we'll get paid and also a $65 gift card and tbh i don't want to go just to look stupid and feel like I'm never enough. Am I being petty? Should I go? Sidenote: my coworkers are cool and the bosses aren't terrible, bit pedantic and whiny but the environment is decent. I just feel like being the only poc (BF) there plays a part because we are scrutinized more for little things (research it if you don't believe me) and also the verbal thanks aren't…


Was I in the wrong? I’m so mad at my former employer

My boss was constantly monitoring my clock in time and making others watch me my first weeks of work. When I logged in late on a remote day, an HR vice president immediately started calling me and started acting very aggressive with me. I felt very distraught and quit because I realized I was in a hostile work environment and could not deal with it anymore. I can’t believe my manager gave my phone number to HR. I wish I could curse out my manager. I didn’t get chances to say anything, I quietly quit and left


Don’t want to waste ~75% of your lifetime for the next 50 years on a shitty job? Duh-hurr, that’s how the world works!