
I bought some lip balm and a bag telling me to get to work

The Body Shop is owned by at least one conglomerate. They hold assets and provide no services. Just hoard. Next i predict we're going have a campaign lodged at us with the other 3 corporate conglomerates who own everything. We'll be offered similar messages at first indirectly and in politics and the media but at the end we will all be singing hymns about how virtuous we are and blessed we will be in the afterlife if we get to work. But they're on the path if not successful right now in making us feel wanted for the expense of our labor. Let's Get To Work! This is what we do and on our deathbed we will rest knowing our hard work will noted when we are finally dead.


So over this job but freedom isn’t here fast enough

Been at job for 9 months. Knew it was crappy but I enjoyed some of the people. Then I started to struggle with tasks and deadlines. Finally led me to see a psychiatrist who is 91% sure I have ADHD, especially since I burn out so easily. Even if I did get put on medication, I'm over it. I'm over the fake politeness. The stupid kissing of ass and only respecting each other once we have achieved “great” things. I'm so burnt out. Why the heckk do we have to work??? Why do we have to be considered successful by juggling 7 projects with no end in sight? Sick of this system and the feelings it brings when you just don't want to do that… I put in notice at my job and will be finished November 22nd. It cannot come fast enough.


India debate on 70-hour workweek: most absurd part is that this was proposed by a billionaire.


Been a Sr level exec now for > 10 years under multiple CEOs. What I’ve learned is most CEOs do not earn their exorbitant pay.

CEOs are not the brightest or the hardest workers. What they lack in ability they make up for in ability to bullshit, sell themselves and take credit when other’s pick up the slack. They crave to be the decision maker, but usually lack the tools to make the best decisions. We really need to cap CEO pay, they do not earn it.


Feeling Targeted By My Supervisor

TL;DR: MY supervisor is passive aggressive and makes me feel targeted, but I'm hesitant to reach out to HR because I look like a bad employee on paper. Hi everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm looking for advice if I should reach out to HR, or if I'm a lost cause. I've been with my current employer for 3 years, and I've moved up 3 times to different positions, and had 5 total supervisors (some were due to staffing changes and one was a training supervisor). I currently work from home and have worked from home since I've started with the company. Up until now, my supervisors have been amazing. I felt supported and eager to do my best. I started in my most recent position a year ago, and obtained my supervisor in January of this year. I have my faults. I dug myself into a whole…


has anyone ever been fired for time theft at a remote job?

was recently fired for time theft after a 3-week-long investigation and interrogation into previous “unavailable” time at work at a call center that was framed as a performance issue. During the interrogation, the manager pulled up my unavailable/unaccounted for time and went through day-by-day and asked me about certain blocks of “unavailable” time which I couldn't account for. The investigation at first led to a PIP, which I met all of the expectations for, before I was fired. I asked why, since I met all of my expectations, and was then told that “any evidence of time theft is grounds for immediate termination – we were getting our papers in order.” During all of this, the manager leading the investigation was extremely serious, cold, rude, and put nothing besides the PIP in writing. I had never heard of time theft before and the unavailable time has been about the same…


Boss yells at me for being late even though I was on time

For background, I work for a small plumbing company thats about a 30-40 minute commute from where I live. Work starts at 7:30 and I show up usually 5 minutes before then. Sometimes due to traffic, I’ll arrive at 7:32 latest and I’ll text my boss telling him whats going on and he still yells at me for being late. Today, I walked in the door at exactly 7:30 and he yelled at me and said “where the hell were you, you’re late again” to that I responded with “no im not I’m on time its 7:30” and he told me to “drop my attitude you’re still late”. I can understand if I was like 15-30 minutes late every day. Mind you, there were three other employees that walked in after me after 7:35 and none of them got reprimanded at all. Does he just not like me or something?…


I left work at my clock out time without helping to ease up the workload that will rollover for tomorrow, and I have no regrets.

So, I (29) female, work in the health industry. Not going to specify for obvious reasons. I've been working in this branch for little over a year, and I am tired of it. I decided to leave at my clock out time rather than staying late to help because it is so not worth it. We are, more times than none understaffed and slammed because of that. My “yearly” raise? Was only .58 cents. If that's not a slap on the face, IDK what is. I digress, I left because overtime is not worth it in my eyes anymore. Besides, there were 3 other workers there when I left so I'm pretty sure they can handle it. If not, well then I and whoever is at work tomorrow will deal with it. I'm not about to stress myself over what wasn't done today.


HR is the biggest bully at work

I've been working for my company for some time. As an experienced corporate slave, I've interacted with various HR professionals from different companies in the past, and I knew they are not trustworthy. So the best part of my current company was that they didn't have an HR department, until now. This HR person is quite assertive, to the point where I question why she sees herself as important. She openly expresses her dislike for specific employees and even suggests replacing them with AI. She also publicly mocks individuals and occasionally threatens to write them up for not attending company events. I've dealt with different HR professionals before, and they typically maintain professionalism and don't cross boundaries. However, this HR professional is making some senior employees contemplate quitting.


Burning bridges

I’m quitting my job without notice soon. I don’t need a reference and I have other work lined up. Short version I do 90% of my employers job, she is lazy, unethical ( lying to and over charging clients) and grossly incompetent has also blame me for her mistakes on multiple occasions. She would throw me under the bus anytime she has a chance, but claim to be on my side. Once I was told I by compliance I would get fired if it happened again for something she directed me to do. Then she acted as though she had no idea and said I had made a mistake and wouldn’t do it again. ( I have those emails saved showing she explicitly told to me what to do and will be sending them to compliance on my last day) My spouse joking calls me her pit pony, super depressing…