
Beginning industrial work at 6:00 or 7:00 a.m.

Hey, I get it, those of you who drive prefer to start at 7:00 a.m., because you can get up at 6:00, shower, have a leisurely breakfast, and still make it to work on time. Then, you get to leave work early, at 3:00 or 4:00 p.m., and you get just ahead of the traffic Rush so that you can make it home without spending two or more hours in traffic. That's fantastic. But a lot of those businesses depend on temporary labor. As a temp worker myself, I can attest to that. As a temp worker, I make b******* an hour, and I can't afford a car. This means I'm reliant on the transit system of my city. When I lived in Calgary, it was horrible. When I lived in not calgary, it was better, then I lived in vancouver, and it was horrible again, then I lived in…


Why do people do office jobs?

Not trying to be mean but why? It seems terrible. And I also feel like If you aren’t feeling the best emotionally, why put yourself in a box for 8 hours if the day? Delete if not allowed


Work punishing me for going to the doctor

Honestly don’t know where to start, since this has been bothering me for the past week or so. So basically, I’ve been suffering with injuries on both of my feet which has been hindering me from walking when I work. I work at a retail job (TJ Maxx), so standing around and walking around the store to clean up areas is required of course. So naturally, an injury that affects my two feet prevents me from working to the best of my abilities. I was denied my state insurance earlier in the year, which is why I was putting off going to the doctor and getting a procedure done to fix my injuries- I was hoping to push through till November to get insurance so the price of the procedure wouldn’t be so bad. However, of course I couldn’t make it till then as my injuries got worse, and I…


WFH staying “alive” online

Do you ever just lay in bed for hours and just keep remembering to tap your laptop so your Teams status stays active? Do you wonder if your company tracks keystrokes?


Is there a name for this type of Con Job? We need to categorize this multi-level marketing career hoax.


For people in Canada I need your help

Can a employer sign a work related papers with your signature without consent?


I am an 18 year old corporate girl in training. It is pure dystopian capitalist hell.

The only reason I do this everyday is because I need a living wage. My mom works as a cashier at a gas station and my dad works as a janitor at a motel. I joined this internship program thinking I'd be able to turn my life around completely. And while I have been seeing some good results for the work I've been putting in, there are some definite downsides that they did not tell me about as a young adult entering the corporate workforce for the first time. Right off the bat, I have had other girls in my field (tech) try to knock me out of the picture since week 3. And they try HARD. Excluding me from things, throwing shade at me in group chats, giggles and glares from across the room, etc. But because it is a more subtle form of “corporate bullying”, I have no…


Current manager laid me off for budget cuts, now actively lying about me to the founder & CEO

I work for a startup and my department's budget shrank so I was told these are my last couple of weeks. I said sure that's fine (I was planning on leaving anyway) and executed my remaining deliverables. My manager is a nightmare with constant micromanaging and undercutting everyone in the department, even going as far as to stunt their growth because they want to be the only ones the founders like. All in all I was happy for a clean break. Fast forward to today (weekend) and I get inundated with Slack messages between my manager and the founder & CEO where my manager is actively telling them that I didn't execute any deliverables properly for this project or the last project and that they've been chasing me up and I've dropped the ball. The thread ended with my manager saying that I should forward all materials over and they'll…


Manager keeps agreeing days off and scheduling me anyway.

I’m not sure if this is the right place for this post but here goes. As the title says, my manager keeps agreeing to give me days off but still schedules me, and I’ve had enough. For example: Manager: do you have any plans for your week off next month? Me: yeah I’m going to X place for the week (town 70 miles away) Manager: how lovely, I won’t schedule you for work on the day before if you want to start your holiday a day early? Me: that would be lovely, thanks so much! gets scheduled anyway Example 2: Me: my grandmother’s funeral is on X date, can I please not be scheduled on this day so that I can attend it? shows proof (I’m actually entitled to paid bereavement leave but I was being nice by offering it to be given to me unpaid) Manager: of course! I’m…


Pearson offers below market rate for in-demand job field