
Written up for discussing pay.

My friends just got all written up for discussing pay and I thought you were allowed to. Just wondering because I was in the group when we were talking about it they just haven’t called me to the office yet. Wondering what should I do? They still wrote them up after they denied doing it.


My pay is insulting, what should I do?

So, sorry for the long post but hoping for some helpful outside opinions. I have been at my current company for over 3 years. When I started, I was in an office specific role, but after COVID hit and my only 2 team members under me left, I was given all of their job responsibilities as a temporary fix. This meant I was now temporarily office management, executive admin, and IT coordinator. I had told my boss that with the growth our company was seeing, I wasn’t able to keep up with the workload. At first, they were understanding and reassured me that it was temporary and that someone else would be taking over when they could find someone to fill the role, but slowly, the conversation became “stop complaining, it’s your job, and if you can’t handle it, it’s because you’re inefficient.” This boss and I had a lot…


No it does not make me feel better.


Looking for a story

I think i saw it here. Guy is remote in NYC. Moves out of state doesn’t tell management. When management finds out, tries to force him to move back. He quits. Manager then flies to his house to negotiate pay. Sound familiar ?


Smart & Final closing two warehouses after workers unionized – Sign Petition!


HR posts everyone’s private info in work group chat

Original post removed for having work chat screenshots. I work in an international Kindergarten in China, where we occasionally have school trips (planned last minute and usually interrupts my lessons) School plans to go to Disney (Yay!) so HR wanted to make sure everyone's credentials were correct by posting literally all the teacher's full names, ID numbers/passport numbers and exact birthdays, plus gender, IN A WORK GROUP CHAT. Confirming individually would be just too much for them apparently. l've spoken to 7 of the more than 20 teachers about this, and they too denounced it, but only I and one additional teacher spoke out at all in the chat. Chat summary: HR: [Posts Excel spreadsheet screenshot] Dear all, please check your if your full name, passport No. and birthday are correct. Let me know if there is mistake before 14:30. Please remind each other about this message. Me: Uh, shouldn't…


Seeking advice Meeting with CEO/CFO/VP of Finance regarding promotion

Hello Everybody, Before I begin, the full situation is described here I am very nervous about this meeting, and honestly not sure what is going to happen. I do know though that this job has given me the mental stability to study and pass the cpa exams. I am pretty sure the company just expects me to take on the work, and be a good little bee but I don't want to be sure I stand up for my self in this meeting. I can't get a good read on any of the higher ups as they all interacted mostly with my previous tax manager. If I did give notice I can most likely get by financially for 6 months before I found a new job, but this is an absolute last resort option. Everybody in the company is just telling me to keep my head down, just keep…


“Up to” Key words.


The remote work job market is too competitive. Is remote work now a distant dream?

It sure seems like it to me. Everywhere I look, there's too much competition. Does this mean that the only way to make money from home is thru cybercrime? Is cybercrime the only illegitimate option left? Probably because I have difficulty developing hard software programming skills and only have soft skills.


Irritated after 10 years

Been working at a company for 10 years and been sitting at home waiting for my next role. The company I work for outsource/pimp me for specialist skills. I've enjoyed the role as I stay to companies for 3 months to a year and move on to the next role. So my boss whom I've not heard from for 3 months emails me and says there is a role for 6 months and it pains me when he says central large city. I know this role will last a year or more which is not the best as it takes more than 1 hour to get into central city. He knows I will botch the interview with the client on purpose to get out of the job so he is joining the call. Its a long story as 2 years ago I went for an interview and suffered discrimination which…