
The company I work for are disgusting sadists.

“Oh hi, you are on a 10 hour flexi time contract, but we withhold hours and decide on a whim what is extra, also, we want you to be supervisor and if you deny it we just call you senior staff anyway which means authority without the “€1 raise”. By the way we will work you to the brink for 6 days in a row with makey uppy hours on top and then give you a day off which you can't enjoy because the one time they want you in very early is the immediate day after, followed by another day off. Illogical. Just give me two days and stick me on a midday shift, why the early morning shit?


My daughter’s job is setting her up to be fired.

My daughter has held this job for 3 years. It is an office position and it has bleh pay and benefits but she mostly enjoys it. Her company has had 3 layoffs in the last year, however, and there have been a lot of transitions and changes as a result. In this latest layoff, her supervisor got let go. Now she has another supervisor who is buddies with management and her supervisor knows nothing about the job itself. All the new supervisor cares about is numbers. She (the supervisor) has now put my daughter on a performance review plan for the first time and they are setting her up to fire her. The company has always had a ridiculous expectation numbers-wise (no one on the team meets them – ever) but this has never been truly enforced. I suspect that paying 3 months severance was too expensive, plus unemployment, plus…


Is The Golden Age Of Remote Work Over? (November 10, 2023)


We are doing it all wrong

No idea if this is the right place to post…just feel like this is the “things wrong with society on a systematic level” in my head. So much in this post…sum: everything is connected. So much of what we react to is not what we should be reacting to. We are treating “mental diseases” all wrong. There isn't anything to “fix”. The question we should be asking is “what do you see?” And ADHD, autistic, schizophrenic people might not be able to answer you “normally”. Normally being our shitty words…which for me personally, take my mental images, convert to words with my own connotations, listener hears, applies their connotations, and interpret to their own mind model (visual, word, idk how many other versions… probably millions). All of this to say words are often the most effective means of communication…but they fucking suck. How many words to describe a picture? A…


does salary = required to be available to work at all times?

i’ve been at my first salary job for about 5 months, it’s a small business but makes a good amount of revenue. most employees are hourly, i don’t know why exactly but i got in my head that salary was better so i asked for that when interviewing. it is nice knowing the same amount of money is coming each paycheck but i’m still on my parents insurance so not really getting benefits beyond that. this week i’m working 7 days straight, i’ve worked 15 days in a row during our fourth of july sale. i also typically work 9/10+ hours a day. is this normal for salary? i know it wouldn’t be allowed if i was hourly. my manger is cool, we’re both in our early/mid twenties and she always chalks it up to “yeah that’s the salary life sometimes” do any of you working salary jobs have similar…


HR member posts everyone’s private info in group chat

Me: Red Blue: HR Yellow: Coworker I work in an international Kindergarten in China, where we occasionally have school trips (planned last minute and usually interrupts my lessons). School plans to go to Disney (Yay!) so HR wanted to make sure everyone's info was correct by posting literally all the teacher's full names, ID numbers/passport numbers and exact birthdays, plus gender, IN A WORK GROUP CHAT. Confirming individually would be just too much for them huh? I've spoken to 7 of the more than 20 teachers about this, and they too denounced it, but only I and one additional teacher spoke out directly in the chat.


Left to workforce for 7 years, only to come back and get royally screwed.

So I have around 13 years of experience as a certified pharmacy tech. I left for a while due to health issues with my child and during that time let my certification lapse, as I didn’t think I’d actually be able to work again. Fast forward 7 years and I decided to test the waters with going back to work. I created a resume and profile on indeed and low and behold a couple days after I uploaded I got an interview with the local pharmacy. The manager seemed really cool and was super understanding of my situation. They offered me the job, starting at 18 dollars an hour, with the manger telling the pay rate would increase to 23-25 hour for certification. Additionally they wanted me to work in a remote dispensing pharmacy and the rate of pay for that job was 27-28 an hour. I was super excited.…


How the fuck am I suppose to go to college and work 40+ hrs

Im a Welding student and production welder for that one company that invented the jet ski… Soon I'll have school at 8am then have to work tell 11 for 4 out of the 5 working days all so I can go to school and survive….thank fuck I found roommates or else it would suck paying over 1k for a rental that I'm never at any fucking way how the hell do I do this and not kms mentally and physically


Boss thinks I’m under-performing

My boss used to be pretty chill. After a recent messy project where he thinks I'm under-performing, he's been sending me emails. And I respond with facts to correct where he may be misunderstanding. The latest email he sent me is about another project he thought I was working on for weeks. I responded I haven't started, and reminded him that he should already know this from a different conversation him and I had. Then he replied to say that this week there wasn't much done. I want to reply and list to him task A, B, C that I did. But I'm sure he will say these tasks could be done in two days rather than a week. I would ignore this and just do the work he wants. But since he's been emailing me with a papertrail, I feel forced to argue this to the end, otherwise I'm…


Boss has been underpaying me from the beginning

I was offered $17 dollars to work at a well known chicken joint and have been there a few months. I was offered 4 raised since being there. Today I was able to log into my adp for the first time to see I was being underpaid by $2 with no raises from the beginning. When confronted they offered me $18 with no apology or excuse where my other raises went, I refused, quit(tbh they’ve been spreading me thing so idc) but now there sending me text cease and desist and im not allowed to talk to any employees anymore. Lol The past week was like being bitch slapped with red flags every day. Send positive vibes and help make me not so sad to be gone from such a shit show