
I’m sick of incompetent bosses

Kinda long rant and trying to keep it somewhat vague to avoid being identified. We had a process already set in stone but I foresaw an issue that might make things difficult. I raised the issue during a meeting to my boss and some other colleagues and my boss said something along the lines of “well if it crops up, just ignore it and do x”. Well, low and behold the issue did crop up and the client is upset about us not following the set in stone process. I shot the customers chat to my work groupchat and asked for a resolution. Boss now claims he never said to ignore it and do x but thankfully the colleagues who were in the meeting backed me up and said that our boss did say it. I pointed out the exact date and time the meeting occured and even said that…


“Take my scraps, Bitch”


Typical Corporate BS

Mainly coming here to vent, because I can’t on the job. For some context, since I have been at the company, they have done some rebranding efforts to try and help our culture. So far as now our HR department is deemed the “people and culture team.” I live in an area where there aren’t many options for my chosen field. Probably 10 companies in total actually have positions for what we do in the area. However they are anything but. Their policies remind me of what corporate America was probably like before I was born.The first step was increasing the amount of PTO we earn. Cool, I am all for more time off, however because of the nature of what we do only so many people can be off at once., otherwise we can’t operate. So now, essentially we have more PTO than we could possibly use. Nice little…


Former employer messed up payroll and refuses to treat me like a human. Any suggestions?

Picture for context, no I don't care to disclose this person. Here's the story: Recently terminated for performance reasons (failed to hit sales quota) former employer failed to submit my time for the week of the 30th, as you all can see, I was professional not offensive or hostile in any means. I'm in Charlotte, NC the company is based in NC as well (I think) the person in context is a “HR professional III” our “HR dept” is literally an operator who transfers you to other specific groups VMs. What do I even do, they will refuse to answer my question, give an ETA, or even call me by my first name. Called NCDOR, Useless. Any suggestions? Sorry if I come off short, I've never been treated like this from any employer.


I’m amazed by how much a bad supervisor can mess up the whole job for everyone

My supervisor is out on a leave, and the department has never been happier and more productive. He's a bossy micromanager with a short temper who's been with the company for years. He stirs up trouble over nothing, even though the job is easy, and the customers are satisfied, keep returning and keep leaving positive reviews. But there's always a problem with him. Almost all the people in the company openly dislike him for being a jerk, but since he's related to the owner, he's not going anywhere. During his leave, the work environment has changed dramatically. It feels like I have a completely new job. Suddenly, my coworkers are smiling and working together. There is no tention. The work days are flying by. Everything is getting done on time, people are giving each other compliments, and problems are being fixed without any yelling, guilt trips or threats. Noone is…


Questions about non work related injury

Hello everyone! Just had questions regarding injury if it isnt work related. Context: I work at a clothing warehouse and haul heavy carts with box’s of clothing everyday and they do weigh a lot, I’ll be a year in December and for the last few months my health has been in decline due to a injury I sustained years ago when I was younger. I’m 23. I’m suspecting it’s a spinal injury of some sort and it’s been hurting more than usual and has been making me quite slow so my job is in jeopardy at the moment as I’m not performing well like I used to. The weight of the box’s cause strain on my lower and mid section on my back. I’ve been wanting to change positions that doesn’t involve picking up heavy box’s but I enjoy my 6am shift and don’t want to change. Do you think…


Fired for looking for new job

My husband’s supervisor was let go because the new manager has a big ego and didn’t like being told to talk to them with respect. The new manager is close with the head of HR. That made my husband worry so he put on LinkedIn that he’s open to new opportunities. This resulted in a morning meeting the next day without notice. They offered him two choices, keep his job or take the severance package. They gave him 24 hours. He decided to keep his job while job searching. They said that’s not good enough and fired him without severance package. They told him they won’t fight him on unemployment.


I just got laid off due to business closure. Wtf man.

I became and assistant manager at this fruit bowl place in August (not playa) It was a dump when I got there and I really did all I could to try and improve what I could. The manager had horrible communication with me, never replenished stock properly, never communicated about anything and oh! Checks were always bouncing. The owner never mentioned the possibility of closing down anytime soon. Although I had a feeling it would happen eventually, I didn’t think it was going to happen like this. I worked Monday, called out Tuesday and Tuesday night the owner finally answers me and tells me moving forward they have to close down the store for good. So now I’m jobless again I hate this cycle.


HR wants to “talk” for 10 minutes- how screwed am I?

Like a scale of one to ten.


Boss is being extremely controlling after putting in my notice. Seeking advice

I put in notice at my job and my boss isnt taking it well. There was recently a mass exodus from my job after a long string of management fuck ups and bad treatment of employees. It culmanated with a single mother being fired after she requested additional medical leave becuase of complications with an intensive surgical procedure, causing half the staff to walk out. This has left us very short staffed. I put in a 3 week notice to give them time to find a suitable replacement and give my coworkers support. My boss has always been a micromanager and has significant control issues, and since I've put my notice in these qualities have been showing up even more profoundly. I called in one day this week since my kid was sick and I had no one to watch them. The next day I clocked in 4 minutes late.…