
Working in an “At-will” state is killing my soul.

I don't know what to do anymore. I am 22m, I have ASD, and I have been struggling to keep up with the bullshit that jobs expect from me in a state where I can literally be fired for anything. I've become so locked in a repetitive cycle of people pleasing and racking my brain with unnecessary stress even while I'm OFF THE CLOCK because I am constantly terrified any little mistake or wrong move I might make (because, yknow I'm only fucking human after all) only to cause me to make MORE mistakes because the more I get stressed out and try to keep things going smoothly the more likely I am to mess things up on accident. It's not because I'm incompetent or incapable, but I struggle with a lot more things than neurotypical people do. I get very easily overwhelmed and 90% of the time it feels…


Leaving a dead end job

Hey hey people, I came seeking wisdom. I'm currently working in a shop (for reasons only personal can't tell) which i constantly work for 11 hours per day, working weekends, working 6 days, working on holidays. I'm feeling beyond burnt out, I haven't had the time to go anywhere with my girlfriend, haven't done much personal things and hobbies, sometimes contemplating is life worth living. I started working in factories, but a friend of mine helped me this current job because I couldn't handle the backbreaking work. It was great for a couple of months but now that I moved to a new city it is getting difficult. The pay is unknown, 545€ per month and bonuses, the bonuses can be deducted anytime they wish for also unknown reasons since they don't tell it. I can't afford to buy something for christmas. I finished high school like 2 years ago,…


Fired for… working too much and after being praised for my work?

This is a fun one. Usually when I see posts here, good and effective employees complain about getting more work and not being able to keep up as a result. Well, it is the opposite for me. I have been working a lot, improving this place and even getting rewarded for all this at the last work party. However, towards to the end of this year, my bosses suddenly changed their views. They began cutting my hours, claiming that I work too much. Okay, fair enough, they have hired lots of new people and of course those need to work too. Then I suddenly had barely any shifts. That is when I asked for a few more. Afterwards, I was asked to meet up with my superiors and they fired me on spot. Their reasons were beyond ridiculous. They accused me of not following certain rules, but repeatedly refused to…


When you’re called in every fcking week on your days off

i actually do still feel high (weed hangover?) from last night so it’s not really a lie


My job is threatening holiday pay

My job pays holidays. I worked all week until we shut down for thanksgiving Thursday and Friday which both days were supposed to be paid. Over the weekend I got a cold and by Monday I was so bad I had to call in my manager then told me I won’t be receiving holiday pay because I called in Monday. I’m in Mississippi btw.


Companies should expire (Rant)

These companies are just a construct of our imaginations, yet they have the rights of a human being. In this system, you are directly competing against an immortal construct that can accumulate resources on an infinite timescale, or however long the system continues to operate. This allows them to play a much longer game that is inaccessible to us real humans that must abide by our own expiration dates. (a company can have a 100yr plan, you cannot) Now I'm quite familiar with IP law in general and it upsets me that it has been bastardized and extended way past it's original intention of giving an inventor a 15 yr or whatever head start when they invent something new. This got me thinking though: These companies have so many resources, not only in money but also patents and copyright and it becomes an unstoppable snowballing effect that means you will…


Companies should expire (Rant)

These companies are just a construct of our imaginations, yet they have the rights of a human being. In this system, you are directly competing against an immortal construct that can accumulate resources on an infinite timescale, or however long the system continues to operate. This allows them to play a much longer game that is inaccessible to us real humans that must abide by our own expiration dates. (a company can have a 100yr plan, you cannot) Now I'm quite familiar with IP law in general and it upsets me that it has been bastardized and extended way past it's original intention of giving an inventor a 15 yr or whatever head start when they invent something new. This got me thinking though: These companies have so many resources, not only in money but also patents and copyright and it becomes an unstoppable snowballing effect that means you will…


The exodus of the money people – Escape to Mars, upload to the cloud or retreat to the fallout shelter? How the super-rich are preparing for the apocalypse


The exodus of the money people – Escape to Mars, upload to the cloud or retreat to the fallout shelter? How the super-rich are preparing for the apocalypse


Left Interview After Waiting 30 minutes

I’ve had the same job for a few years and don’t desperately need a new one. So when this company had me re fill out another application and sit and wait for 30 mins, I just went up to them and told them I didn’t expect to start so late and I have another interview to go to. It’s a really trafficky town so they believed me but really I was just annoyed by how they handled it. I could have waited another 15 mins… but I kept thinking of this sub lol. I rescheduled for next Monday, hopefully that was just a fluke… What would you have done?