
Nowhere in my severance materials is it stated that there is a COBRA payment processing lag of 5-10 BUSINESS DAYS from the administrator to the insurance co.

Everything is like “oh, if you make the payment on time, you'll be covered retroactive to the 1st of the month!” without stating anywhere that it can take WEEKS for the enrollment coverage status to be reflected at the insurance and doctors' POV. F*ck America fr


Managers rant

Ugh, I have always had great managers who appreciated my work, motivateded me. I am a workaholic, thats who I am and Idk if I can change that, which translates into getting work done and giving my best. I am also super motivated myself, but I recently started at a new job and bro, my manager, his manager and the manager above him are total assholes, it feels so frustrating. I wanna quit but every interview the first question always is, you are barely 8 months in, why do you want to. And its annoying. These guys walk past you and have a bitch face on, they dont care and just wanna use everyone as a tool. I havent seen anyone with experience last more than a couple years here, its all people who started straight from college. This is mostly my team and its tough to see other teams…


Punished for taking Vacation

I am a chemist who a year ago was laid off with my entire team of 4 people. However, they realized they still needed someone to actually do the work. I got rehired and aside from sick days, haven't used pto at all. In fact, one of the small perks was as long as my work didn't falter, my sick days didn't use my pto as long as the work was done. Simple no? Well, I just got back from my first ever actual vacation (been working for 8 years as a chemist) and a customer sends in enough samples that just to prep them will take over 24 hours of active work. My boss now tells me that I will need to work overtime to get it done on time. I push back and say it feels like a punishment for going on vacation only to return to essentially…


When asked for travel expenses I am denied by the boss.

So I am a field tech support guy, so while in interview i was promised i will be payed travel allowance in advance, a vary reason i even accepted the field job. starting 1st month got advance, then i started using the money i had and just send that expenses and get money and another month passed like that. So i have a bike i made sure that boss is ok that can he pay for my bike travels fuels, boss is like great yeah. I am made literally work overtime sundays, I don't feel like i have personal life that's how much i am being used and used my money for travelling since i was getting low and was hesitant to buy food to eat out. so i sent expenses to boss, got no reply. so today i asked yeah i sent expenses, checked yet? i asked. he said…


Antiwork – NBA style


New member of antiwork

Fed up, Fed up is what I am with this modern day slave trade that is the work world. I have been for a while now but alas like the majority of the population I have to do it to support my family. I am a self proclaimed job hopper for this very reason. I start a job with high hope, each and every time. A mental attitude of clocking in handling business and minding mine while slaving away at whatever mediocre establishment it is this time. I have done everything from food service to healthcare in my last 15 plus years in the work world. Not one of these jobs that I have had have lasted more than 2 years. Some would say that’s irresponsible and not a smart way to live. I call it survival. First it was due to having a child and wanting to do better,…


“How to hire the best for less” Financial Times


Lunch “deals” for manditory office days

My company is requiring that we come back into the office this week. Here is the menu for Tuesday’s lunch.. insane. Didn’t want to even go back and now they pull this. No free snacks or drinks at this company either. Will miss my WFH deal. This is absolutely insane.


Accidentally a Whistleblower


Employers using dishonest job titles

I've noticed in my job search that many employers are using job titles that don't match the actual job, most notably, sales jobs tend to be listed as customer service. I've had a few phone interviews now where I've had to stop the recruiter and tell them that they're describing a sales position, which is not what I applied for. Another interview I went to was for a warehouse forklift driver, only to find out during the interview that there is no warehouse and they're looking for someone to manage their rebar lot I've started to lie on applications because of this. If they're not going to be honest, why should I?