
When you work construction and everything you do is wrong


We’re finally allowed to wear jeans on Fridays

I just can't express how free I feel that we're finally allowed to wear jeans on Fridays at our office job. It makes that Friday feeling 10x better.


Vacation seems to have been revoked

Hey all. I know this isn't the best place to ask a legal question but I'm wondering if you guys had an idea about my situation In March I requested Thanksgiving week off because I'm going on a trip. I showed HR my flight information and they were very kind in helping me submit it and told me I should have my manager at the time sign off on it. So I did I have pictures of the signed paperwork. And a screen shot of the approved time off via their official app Today I wake up to see I'm scheduled to work that week and my vacation isn't on the app anymore. I know their systems underwent went maintenance and I feel like the update perhaps didn't save the request. I'm a little upset because that's a notorious weekend for everyone wanting and requesting off and everyone getting denied…


HR got in their heads they need to re-educate me

I work in tech, i will be direct, im a communist, and a fierce anticapitalist, but im not an idiot, i love eating, having a roof over me and income, so dont talk about it in work with anyone, i fulfill all the tasks given to me like a monkey, no complaints, but i dont perform that i love doing it, i do it as stoically as possible, never missed a dead line in two years, never got a complaint from my technical peers But even this wasnt enough, HR sniffedi that i didnt dig this whole corporate stuff that much and is harassing me with reducation training, and im doing it, no complaints, but i cant do it anymore, this shit is SO cynical, im watching a lecture called “Protagonizing a sucessfull career”, and the lecturer referenced a data from an “white paper report” called the “science of hapiness”,…


What is it with companys and time off vs vacation and ageism?

Am I crazy does this happen to other people.or does it feel like companys loose their minds if you take time off in small chunks every month but if you took a whole week for a vacation they don't care. Does anyone else see this? Like you take one day every month for seven months for personal reasons and they get so upset but if you took a week off for vacation they don't care. And God forbid if you are under the age of 50. If any “young people” take time off it's fuckin awful but if an older person takes time off it's fine. (I'm not saying they don't deserve it) and who cares if the younger people have been at the company longer than the older people. Am I crazy


What is it with companys and time off vs vacation and ageism?

Am I crazy does this happen to other people.or does it feel like companys loose their minds if you take time off in small chunks every month but if you took a whole week for a vacation they don't care. Does anyone else see this? Like you take one day every month for seven months for personal reasons and they get so upset but if you took a week off for vacation they don't care. And God forbid if you are under the age of 50. If any “young people” take time off it's fuckin awful but if an older person takes time off it's fine. (I'm not saying they don't deserve it) and who cares if the younger people have been at the company longer than the older people. Am I crazy


Is there something like a layoff insurance?

I got hit with two big layoffs in the past 6 years and I'm wondering if there's any insurance or support that can help out when those unexpected mass layoffs come around. (Apart from local government job protection policies). Anyone familiar with such a thing in the US?


Is there something like a layoff insurance?

I got hit with two big layoffs in the past 6 years and I'm wondering if there's any insurance or support that can help out when those unexpected mass layoffs come around. (Apart from local government job protection policies). Anyone familiar with such a thing in the US?


Is there something like a layoff insurance?

I got hit with two big layoffs in the past 6 years and I'm wondering if there's any insurance or support that can help out when those unexpected mass layoffs come around. (Apart from local government job protection policies). Anyone familiar with such a thing in the US?


Tired of Pointless Overtime

I’m so tired of and angry at having to work unnecessary overtime everyday. I work at a job where overtime is mandatory and I need permission to go home. I’m told, that’s just how the work culture is in my country (Japan). I always get my work done on time but I have to frequently wait half an hour or so waiting on permission to leave because for some reason my manager decides to tell me things the last minute. I’ve found ways to work around this but it still happens pretty frequently and it stresses me out not knowing what time I can go home that day, and I can’t make ANY plans for after work. I don’t think I’ve ever felt angry and sad so consistently, every single day.