
This majestic image appeared the week I resigned, I’m now using all my sick + personal days for the remaining hybrid 2 weeks, and they better pay out my accrued Vaca, +12 hours now that it’s November 1


The Arrogance of interviewers

So I recently actively started looking for employment again after being with the same company for 14 years and the one thing that has taken me by surprise is the arrogance and invasive questioning of interviewers. One asked me if I had any mental health problems within 5 minutes of the interview with all the attitude as if he was asking me my shoe size. Another said, and I quote “I hope you have the sense to have been fully covid vaccinated” Is this line of questioning normal in this day and age ? Are they allowed to ask such personal questions ? I also had one possible employee get very annoyed when I had the audacity to decline his job offer after accepting an offer at a different company. It’s kind of thrown me a bit. I get the impression that employers think I should be grateful for their…


Who else didn’t get paid today?

I didn’t. I bank at Wells Fargo. Can we charge them fees like they charge us? After all, they failed to get our money to us. Note- I realize that the issue is with the ACH system and really has nothing to do with employers, but I feel like this is an appropriate topic in this sub. Feel free to delete if not!


HR wants me to sign this salary policy. Thoughts?

I'm a salary employee at this company. Normal schedule is 7am-530pm, Monday-Thursday. Fridays have only been for if we are behind schedule. Having a three say weekend was a big factor in taking this job. Even if we work our 40 hours, if we are not there on Friday, we have to use a vacation day. I only receive 40 hours a year for vacation. This policy is nothing new, but always been unspoken and everyone always looked the other way on it. I'm assuming it's legal, but is there anyway around it? I'm in NC


Company Posted “Engagement Survey” Results on Company Forum – Chaos Ensued

The company I work for recently put out an “engagement survey” to gauge employee satisfaction. At first I was happy for the chance to give feedback, but the questions asked were super disappointing, and not ONE of them touched on compensation. It was all about pretty much every other possible subject – teambuilding activities, growth opportunities, insurance “benefits” (they are atrocious), how connected you feel to your team, how you like to be recognized (not with a paycheck, but, you know, pats on the back), etc. They just posted the results of the survey on the company's forum yesterday. No one seemed to notice then, but boy oh boy there have been 50+ comments today alone from people saying they done messed up. Other types of posts on this forum get MAYBE 5-10 comments on the high side. Story after story of loyal, competent people, many with 5+ years of…


Cleaning at my job

Is it normal to not have housekeeping in the behavioral health/ medical field? I mean we have housekeeping but they only clean the public hallways and patient rooms. I work in an office and often meet with the patients. I have to take out my own trash and sweep, well do any kind of cleaning. I think like “the big boss” gets their office done. Not that I’m entitled and not capable but is that normal in healthcare? On another tangent my job can be shitty in other aspects. They often have other departments stepping in for jobs. They will have the techs do house keeping and kitchen work as well. Always short staffed but never hiring.


red flags I missed

I was hired by a small company that had just been bought out, and I thought my job would include helping the two teams communicate and establish new processes. During the interview I was told I was a good candidate because I seemed aggressive* and it turned out the smaller company hired me to be a spy for them and push back against their new corporate overlords (the people who were actually paying me). After hiring me they told me to report back privately after every meeting. Another time I was hired to support a manager, but it turned out he wanted me to secretly replace him and do his entire job while he tried to convince the company he wasn't needed there so he could transition to lead a different department. Once he got set up where he wanted to be I was let go. I didn't even realize…


Working for Non Profit

Well, im reaching 10 months with this Non Profit . And I’m starting to have burn out. It’s social work where i help immigrants get access to public benefits. And honestly I don’t like how illiterate they are in their own language.. also of course their unwillingness to help themselves when I ask them to call different departments. I just wish they were more self sufficient. I am only speaking on behalf of 40% of clients that I come across. My boss expects me to go above and beyond , well . I don’t want to, I’ll just do the bare minimum and turn away clients who refuse to communicate and try to help them selves.


Received a inappropriate text from a shop foreman, what should I do?

I 27m work at a repair facility in a very Religious, republican, and traditional part of West Texas. I am a gay man. LGBT communities struggle here. I messaged the shope foreman if he had an update on a claim he submitted to a manufacturer to which he replied “One minute let me check” about 4 hours pass and I message him back “long minute”. He then proceeds to say “N****, we work back here, Go back under (Managers name)s desk” followed by a gif/meme of someone doing a Oral act motion. Ice been working here for two months, I don't have established friendships with my coworkers to this degree where saying something like that isn't going to bother me. I need your opinions please on how I should act or if I should act at all.


Burn the entire HR process down

Took 2 phone interviews and a zoom call. Just for them to email me 15 minutes after the zoom call that they will no longer be going forward with the position at all.. WTF. This was a two week process.. fucking joke.