
UAW Tells Other Unions to Align Contracts to Set Up Possible National General Strike in 2028


This shouldn’t be a controversial idea, and yet…

What is the point of work if you work full-time but still need public assistance for basic survival? Likewise, what is the point of work if the taxes you pay go (in part) to fund a form of public assistance that benefits corporations claiming record-breaking profits? Allowing this dysfunctional reality of work to continue is, IMHO, the equivalent of Walmart and other corporations receiving “worker stamps” while their employees receive “food stamps”. (To be clear, I’m in favor of people receiving public assistance when needed, obvs. I’m not in favor of corporations and their overlords being able to rake in megaprofits at the expense of American taxpayers and American workers.)


How do I escape the 9-5 rat race?

I am 24(M) who has been in full time work since I was 18. I have worked as a retail worker, electricians mate, assembly operative and labourer, I am now currently a maintenance technician. Despite me learning a lot from each job and gaining numerous amount of skills, none of them ever gave me passion to really want to do it. The money that I got from all these jobs were decent but I have never believed in working just because a job pays well. I have believed do something that you enjoy doing to the point that you are not thinking about the money. I have a passion for music, entertainment, movies and sports. To anyone who has escaped the 9-5 rat race can you please tell me how you managed to do it also what you are currently doing now. Also what do you suggest I do to…


3yrs Content Moderation

I work for a company that has a contract with a social media company for moderation. I’ve been doing it for 3yrs, it was mainly WFH and they made us go onsite. The job itself is easy but man the mental exhaustion is too much. The company let go of a lot of people and because of that we are always “all hands on deck”. They removed our Spanish language incentive and switched me to just English moderation. The job itself is easy, we just check for any violations in the content. However the high school drama in this call center setting is just too much. The support is bad. They just hit you with “do your best”. On top of that they removed our Spanish pay which sucks. I know I shouldn’t quit without another job lined up but I’ve just had it with this place. Every morning I…


I am quitting my job soon. The manager said doesn’t think it will happen. Happily ignorant of what I need. It would be a surprise when I am gone.

I am quitting my job soon. The manager is in his own bubble. He is very ignorant of staff. He is in his own happy bubble. He ignores all my requests. I will be gone soon.


Seems like my boss sees me as a threat

It was supposed to be a regional role. I was honest about my coverage during the interview (I basically have near 0 coverage regionally but I did have exposure and very minute contacts in how things should be run) Since the 2nd week of my job, there has been signs that my boss wants to retain certain parts of the portfolio. Remarks of trust etc came out. Always very vague reasoning behind it. I know higher up doesn't agree but the “newbie” card was played so nothing changed. Today after my local contact produced a regional contact, I casually tested that theory of “when I finally move on to cover that country”. Smile disappeared instantly. How do I get it across I don't want to be a leader and I just need to know if my JD has changed so I can focus on what my responsibilities are?


Employer changed call off policy

My gm recently (beginning of October) changed the call off policy to now require us to have a medical excuse/doctor’s note for EVERY SINGLE call off. I’m just wondering if i should bother reporting this or if it’s against some sort of law or if something in general should be done about it, as I feel it’s extremely unfair and not right? The policy used to be a doctor’s note after 3 days in a row. Just wondering everyone’s thoughts.


my company allows me to “buy” pto

i brought this up in the comments of a random post recently and a few people seemed to be mindblown by it so i thought I'd bring it up here. as the title says, my company allows us to purchase pto. it's expensive as hell, basically an hour for however much you make an hour. 40 hours total purchasable so in the end, you're paying out your own pto for that week you take off. i haven't seen it often in my 10+ years of working so i thought I'd see how yall feel about it. imo it seems cool at first but the more you think about it, the more predatory it feels. even so, i sure did buy 40 hours this year because time away from work is worth it.


Company negging people for wanting to leave

Our company was bought out by a competitor. Some people were let go and others were made offers. Everyone who came over immediately saw how shitty it was going to be. There was a culture of arrogance there from day 1. People who were managers with supervisory authority lost all their direct reports and were made understudies to the new company's existing staff. There were not given official job titles or descriptions. Projects were put on hold. Policies that have been in place for years were being audited by people who knew nothing about our software. They were kept out of important meetings. The meetings they were invited to seemed to serve no purpose and mostly consisted of the new company's staff bragging about what a great play it was to buy us out. It was obvious that they were only keeping us on to train their employees how to…


Yesterday it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

I work in hospitality (not a hotel, but I'm keeping details vague) and I have a laundry list of complaints. Unsafe working space, long extra hours with no compensation, no meal breaks (mandated by law), poor training, added unwanted responsibilities with no higher pay… Then yesterday. Yesterday. My manager had the fucking gall of of scolding me because I refused to provide free labour. I had this sudden realisation that I deserve better than this. I deserve better than a place where I get constantly made to feel like I am not as good as everybody else because I don't provide free labour and make mistakes when information and training come in bits and pieces and I am constantly asked to perform above and beyond. I'm fed up and I have a (perfectly legal) plan in place to make them regret their behaviour.